
Droidcon India 2013

What's your thinking on Android this year?

Accepting submissions

Not accepting submissions


An overview of "Libhybris" library -Use bionic based HW adaptations in glibc system

This session will be an overview of OpenSource Library “Libhybris” - To utilise the GPU and other drivers in Linux System, which is written only for Android and is not compatible with Linux. more
  • 1 comment
  • Submitted
  • 29 Jul 2013
Section: Systems Technical level: Intermediate

varun krishnan

The Android Device Market Demystified

There are too many Android devices out in the open market from phones,tablets,phablets , I have had the chance to witness this growth from the first Android phone - T-Mobile G1 running Android 1.5 to the latest Nexus 4 running Android 4.3. I would like to share some insights about how the market has has evolved and discuss from future trends. more
  • Submitted
  • 31 Jul 2013
Section: Business Technical level: Beginner

Shyamala Prayaga

Futuristic Android Design - Thinking beyond the Present

Getting to know Android Design and where it came from more
  • 1 comment
  • Submitted
  • 02 Aug 2013
Section: Design Technical level: Intermediate

Anshul Singhle

Reverse Engineering Android Apps for fun and profit

Understand what the guts of an android app look like. Learn some differences between the Dalvik VM and a JVM. See some reverse engineering in action (which is a great way to learn stuff), and watch me inject my monitoring code into an arbitrary android app. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 04 Aug 2013
Section: Systems Technical level: Intermediate

Shreyas B

Smartphones sensors enable telematics solutions

To highlight how sensors available in commercial smartphones can be leveraged for applications in telematics and related areas, and give an interesting demo of a prototype developed for insurance industry more
  • Submitted
  • 09 Aug 2013
Section: Systems Technical level: Beginner


Building Cross Platform Apps in C# & Visual Studio

Demonstrate how to architect a cross-platform application to maximize code re-use and deliver a high-quality native experience on all of the main mobile platforms: iOS, Android and Windows Phone. See how Xamarin makes the cross platform development possible natively! more
  • Submitted
  • 10 Aug 2013
Section: Systems Technical level: Beginner

Priyanka Jain

Biometric authentication with Android devices

How to build biometrics based android application like biometric authentication, using fingerprint or face or voice more
  • Submitted
  • 12 Aug 2013
Section: Systems Technical level: Intermediate

Adethya Sudarsanan

Quality, Cost & Customer - A Testing time for Mobile Applications

Exposure to a robust android application testing framework that can be ported for iOS as well more
  • Submitted
  • 15 Aug 2013
Section: Systems Technical level: Intermediate

Amrit Sanjeev

Writing secure Android applications - Dos and Donts

This talk will give developers an overview of the some the principles and best practices that can be used to write secure android applications. more
  • Submitted
  • 20 Aug 2013
Section: Systems Technical level: Advanced

Garima Sharma

Loading, Downloading, Rendering and Performance Bottlenecks - The Other Side of Usability

To demonstrate various aspects of usability, and how a developer can achieve high-usability without studying the theory, just by removing the major bottlenecks. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 21 Aug 2013
Section: Design Technical level: Intermediate

Ashish Mathur

Mobile Application Automated Testing with IBM Rational Test Workbench

This presentation and demo will describe how mobile test automation is done with IBM Rational Test Workbench in a considerably effortless manner and how regression testing can be performed in a consistent, reliable and robust way without the conventional hassles of coding and constant upkeep of test cases. more
  • 1 comment
  • Submitted
  • 29 Aug 2013
Section: Systems Technical level: Intermediate

Christopher Neugebauer

Portable Logic/Native UI

This talk shows how to design apps whose complex internal logic runs on many mobile operating systems, but with native UI on those platforms. This ensures that the best possible user experience on each platform. more
  • Confirmed
  • 31 Aug 2013
Section: Systems Technical level: Intermediate

Christopher Neugebauer

Making Mobile Web Services that Don’t Suck

This talk looks designing web service APIs that embrace the restrictions and limitations of mobile networks: how mobile networks differ from fixed networks, how to take advantage of these differences, and how to make your API useful to developers of mobile apps. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 31 Aug 2013
Section: Systems Technical level: Intermediate

Girish Kumar Gupta

Building efficient Android apps (very helpful session for beginners and intermediate level app developers)

The objective of this session is demonstration of techniques which help to buid efficient and non-breaking apps. more
  • Submitted
  • 07 Sep 2013
Section: Systems Technical level: Intermediate

Gautam Gupta

Workshop: Making a Simple App to Read Printed Text using Tesseract (OCR)

To add the capability of reading some printed text into your application for further use! more
  • Confirmed
  • 10 Sep 2013
Section: Workshops Technical level: Intermediate

Ramprasad Rajendran

Building Native Android Games with Javascript using Game Closure

Learn how to use Game Closure to build native performing mobile(iOS & Android) games just by using javascript and web technologies. more
  • Submitted
  • 16 Sep 2013
Section: Games Technical level: Beginner


Automated UI Testing using Xamarin Test Cloud & Calabash

This talk serves as an introduction to the automated UI-testing technology Calabash and to Xamarin Test Cloud, a service that provides cloud-based access to hundreds of mobile devices for automated testing purposes. You’ll learn about the benefits of automated UI testing on mobile apps, and see how easy it is to get started with UI testing using Calabash. Calabash is free, open-source and support… more
  • 1 comment
  • Submitted
  • 17 Sep 2013
Section: Systems Technical level: Beginner

Shyamala Prayaga

UX challenges for Augmented Reality Gaming App

Augmented Reality is a hot cake these days with people wanting to try them in every industry from online shopping to gaming. Mapping the virtual world to real world is not a very simple solution and with smartphones trying to integrate them it becomes much more difficult. more
  • 1 comment
  • Submitted
  • 18 Sep 2013
Section: Games Technical level: Beginner

Deepak Jharodia

India Against Spam - Social change through Android app

Creating an app is easy. Getting it to masses is difficult. Especially if you are a single-developer outfit. Moreover, this is an app for social change, you don’t plan to make money out of it. So, there are no marketing dollars you can spend. Hoow do you promote this app then? How do you meet user expectations? Find the app here: Be… more
  • 1 comment
  • Confirmed
  • 23 Sep 2013
Section: App Demos Technical level: Beginner

Samarth Shah

Developing Augmented Reality Android Application

Understanding Unity3d game engine Understanding Vuforia SDK more
  • Confirmed
  • 25 Sep 2013
Section: Games Technical level: Beginner

Jonas Hellström

Building apps for the SmartWatch 2

Learn how to develop for SmartWatch 2 Outline This session is about how you can make use of the Smart Extension API to create your own SmartWatch 2 compatible apps. We will cover the SmartWatch 2’s specs and capabilities. You will be guided through the required steps for registering your own extension, get it running on the watch and how to publish it properly on Google Play for easier discoverab… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 25 Sep 2013
Section: Systems Technical level: Intermediate

Shree Kumar

App-centric Android Implementation

Understand how Android is being used in devices intended to run only a specific application. This talk will cover the details w.r.t a specific device - Intellego3 from APX labs more
  • Submitted
  • 25 Sep 2013
Section: Systems Technical level: Beginner

Shubham Goyal

Android Build Process Using Robolectic, Maven/Gradle And Travis CI

This session aims to give a complete in depth knowledge of the android build Process. Attendees will get to know about how they could unit test their android applications using Robolectric, how to write build scripts for automizing their build process using maven & gradle, how to setup Travis CI for the Android projects and and how to automatically deploy your application to amazon S3 buckets on … more
  • Submitted
  • 25 Sep 2013
Section: Systems Technical level: Intermediate


OpenGLES Graphics Programming in Android

The objective of this workshop is to get hands on experience in developing Graphics programs in Android. OpenGL is a 3D graphics API for rendering. Knowing the basics of openGLES will help to create better graphics programs . Also you can improve performance of the programs by utilizing the GPU more
  • Confirmed
  • 26 Sep 2013
Section: Workshops Technical level: Intermediate

Hrishik Mishra

Immersive control of Music performances using smart devices

Musical performances, especially in electronic forms, have progressed over the years to more intrusive and immersive forms. Using standard protocols like MIDI ( Musical Instrument Digital Interface ), musicians have been able to manipulate, improvise, record and process their performances because every possible event like a note, note off, knob rotation, velocity of hit etc. is a digital value in… more
  • Submitted
  • 26 Sep 2013
Section: App Demos Technical level: Beginner

Pranay Airan

App Store optimization, increase your apps play store ratings

With nearly 1 million apps in google play store and thousands of new apps being added daily, it became very difficult to get your app discovered. With large companies spending thousands of $$$ on marketing, there are very few options left for small or indie developers to make there applications visible. more
  • Submitted
  • 27 Sep 2013
Section: Business Technical level: Intermediate

Androcid Media Pvt. Ltd.

Bootstrapping Android Custom Views

Life is simple, when App is simple. But as you step on the complex UI, customization comes to the rescue. In this talk, focus will be on pushing the Android UI framework onto the next scale allowing users to improve exisitng widgets, compound controls and craft the completely new views. more
  • Confirmed
  • 27 Sep 2013
Section: Workshops Technical level: Beginner

Aravind Krishnaswamy

[Panel] Android & The Elephant in the Room - Monetization Models

This topic is a moderated panel discussion. Lets discuss the elephant in the room - the challenges with monetizing Android apps. Lets discuss monetization strategies that are working, and gain insights from the panel on new approaches that could open up in the future. more
  • Confirmed
  • 28 Sep 2013
Section: Business Technical level: Intermediate

Aravind Krishnaswamy

Panel: How can I get wider distribution for my app?

Note: This is a moderated panel discussion. So, you’ve built this killer Android app. more
  • Submitted
  • 28 Sep 2013
Section: Business Technical level: Beginner

Aravind Krishnaswamy

[Panel] How should I prep for my app launch?

Note: This is a moderated panel discussion. How important is your app launch? What are the different things you need to ensure you check off on your list during the build up to your app launch to ensure that things go well? more
  • Confirmed
  • 28 Sep 2013
Section: Business Technical level: Beginner

Aravind Krishnaswamy

[Panel] Move fast, break things or Polish the back of the chest of drawers?

This topic is a moderated panel discussion. “Move fast and break things. Unless you are breaking stuff, you are not moving fast enough.” more
  • Confirmed
  • 28 Sep 2013
Section: Business Technical level: Beginner

Ravindra Kumar

Android Build, Test and Deploy with Gradle

The following topics are included in this workshop: more
  • Confirmed
  • 28 Sep 2013
Section: Workshops Technical level: Intermediate

Hiemanshu Sharma

Building your own ROMs

This is a workshop that will help you with building ROMs for the devices that are currently supported by CyanogenMod. more
  • Confirmed
  • 28 Sep 2013
Section: Workshops Technical level: Intermediate

Soham Mondal

Android UX design secrets Part II

The objective of this talk is to get designers and developers familiar with the latest tools, libraires and design patterns that can help them in making android apps with great user experience. more
  • Submitted
  • 29 Sep 2013
Section: Design Technical level: Intermediate

Wingston Sharon

Workshop on OpenCV based app development on Android Devices

This workshop would focus on introducing basic image processing with the openCV image processing framework in Android. Participants can leatn how to set up a complete environment for OpenCV development in Eclipse and practically try out some image processing examples during the practical workshop on their android device. Participants can learn how to Integrate openCV for image processing real tim… more
  • Confirmed
  • 30 Sep 2013
Section: Workshops Technical level: Intermediate

Amulmeet Singh

Getting the UX of your app right

Design is all about common sense but that is what makes it hard and fun. This session will be focused on developing a Design Cycle which will help you create amazing Android experiences and bringing more visibility to the whole process of shipping your apps to the market. more
  • Submitted
  • 30 Sep 2013
Section: Design Technical level: Intermediate
Leena S N

Leena S N

Unit Test your Android application using Robolectric

This workshop is for giving an overview on how to write faster, maintainable and behavioural tests using Robolectric, an Android Unit Testing Framework. At the end of the session, the attendees should be able to: more
  • Confirmed
  • 30 Sep 2013
Section: Workshops Technical level: Intermediate

Jaydip Parikh

How to Promote your App

Being a Developer promoting an App looks like BIG Task for many techies, I would like to make it simplified during this talk. more
  • Submitted
  • 02 Oct 2013
Section: Business Technical level: Intermediate

Hiemanshu Sharma

User Interactions : What makes users click

In this talk we will go over apps that manage to retain a lot of their users with good UI/UX and how the small things count a lot. more
  • Submitted
  • 05 Oct 2013
Section: Design Technical level: Beginner

Kumar Sukhani

LXC on Android (Running ICS and Jellybean simultaneously on same hardware)

Running ICS and Jellybean simultaneously on same hardware using light weight virtualization called Linux Containers. Using same technique we can run any Linux based OS (Android, Ubuntu, Firefox OS, etc) on phone simultaneously. more
  • Confirmed
  • 07 Oct 2013
Section: Systems Technical level: Advanced

Anusha Jayanti

Designing the User Experience for complex layered apps

A layered approach to making information heavy apps consumable. This session will be about building an app which is functionally rich, by bringing the right features to the forefront. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 07 Oct 2013
Section: Design Technical level: Intermediate

Narayan Babu

From zero to million in months

How can you get your app reach a million users in a short span. Tricks and tips on how to get the right word-of-mouth and media attention to help get more users. more
  • Submitted
  • 07 Oct 2013
Section: Business Technical level: Intermediate

Kumar Rangarajan Proposing

[Panel] State of Android Development In India. Is it at par, above par or below par compared to others?

This panel discussion is to talk about the state of Android development in India. How ahead or behind the rest of the world are we in India? What is working and not working? What can be done to maintain/improve the situation? more
  • 1 comment
  • Confirmed
  • 08 Oct 2013
Section: Systems Technical level: Intermediate

Kumar Rangarajan Proposing

[Panel] 64 bit Android? Should Android also provide 64 bit support to take on the iPhone?

This panel discussion is to talk about how Android should react to the 64 bit annoucement from the iOS world. Apple has taken the mobile world by surprise by introducing a 64 bit version of iOS and thus enabling apps to potentially become more powerful. more
  • 1 comment
  • Submitted
  • 08 Oct 2013
Section: Systems Technical level: Intermediate

Akshay BD

Uber - Do you LOVE your transport?

A comprehensive demonstration of the diruptive Uber app more
  • 1 comment
  • Confirmed
  • 08 Oct 2013
Section: App Demos Technical level: Beginner

Suprabha Mysore

Step-by-Step Walkthrough of NDK App Porting to Intel Architecture

To share kmowledge of building Android NDK Applications with fellow developers more
  • Submitted
  • 09 Oct 2013
Section: Systems Technical level: Intermediate

Nalina Nk

Game Engines for Android

To help developers make aware of available android game engine options and help them select best suited enigne for their specific app. more
  • Submitted
  • 09 Oct 2013
Section: Systems Technical level: Intermediate

Suprabha Mysore

Building Android applications on Intel Architecture

To provide an overview of Android on Intel Architecture and infrastructure availabe for developers to develop apps on Intel Architecture more
  • Submitted
  • 09 Oct 2013
Section: Systems Technical level: Intermediate

Nalina Nk

Develop, Optimize, Debug and Tune your Android Apps

To help developers make aware of available tools for developing, debugging and optimizing android apps. more
  • Submitted
  • 09 Oct 2013
Section: Systems Technical level: Intermediate

Balasubrahmanyam Pillalamarri

Delighting customers with better “performing” apps

With this increased versatility, as a mobile application tester, it is becoming necessary to keep in mind not only the mobile functional elements at play, but more importantly the mobile nonfunctional elements when determining the test scope. Processing power and resources on a mobile device are typically lower compared to PCs and Mac computers; however, mobile device usage numbers have been soar… more
  • Submitted
  • 09 Oct 2013
Section: Systems Technical level: Intermediate

Raghavendra Ural

Write once and deploy to multiple platforms using Intel XDK

Educate developers on need of cross platform applications in today’s world. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 09 Oct 2013
Section: Design Technical level: Beginner

Srinivasan Selvaraj

Android Powered Device for Physically challenged peoples

A innovative solution using existing technology. Smart Device Plays in smart ways but needs a trigger thats done here. more
  • Confirmed
  • 09 Oct 2013
Section: App Demos Technical level: Beginner

Anenth Guru - for Android Apps

Discovering great Android apps is a pain. It’s even more painful to suggest a list of great apps to your friends. Appfolio, developed during Droidcon 2013 hackday, tries to solve it. more
  • Submitted
  • 09 Oct 2013
Section: App Demos Technical level: Beginner

Nitin Gupta

AirGol - Capture and share your moments LIVE! as they happen using Android phone

Demonstrate an innovative way of using an Android powered smartphone to enable LIVE video broadcasting and sharing of events/moments as they happen or later anytime! more
  • Confirmed
  • 10 Oct 2013
Section: App Demos Technical level: Intermediate

Pragati Ogal Rai

Tighten Up Your Android Application Security

Do not underestimate the importance of properly securing your applications. more
  • Submitted
  • 11 Oct 2013
Section: App Demos Technical level: Beginner

Filip Vucetic

Idea - Should I make it alive or just leave it? Market research is your starting point!

Core benefit of this session will be understending potential of your idea. It will show you how to do Market Research, how to measure value of your idea and how to calculate potential benefits from it. Also session will help you understand situation on the market before launching your app and help you understand potential customers and how to approach them. Main point of Market Research is to sav… more
  • Submitted
  • 11 Oct 2013
Section: Business Technical level: Intermediate

Soham Mondal

Sky Recorder

Give an overview of our audio recording app: Sky Recorder and where it is headed. more
  • Submitted
  • 11 Oct 2013
Section: App Demos Technical level: Intermediate

Bhaskar Gupta

Volley with OkHttp: A Deadly Ultrafast Network Application

Volley, is an excellent library that implements best practices, design patterns and framework to build fast, async and cachable Android applications. OkHttp is the android client of SPYDY. There is very less documentation around Volley, hence the objective is to become aware of how to use Volley and customize it along with OkHttp. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 12 Oct 2013
Section: Systems Technical level: Intermediate

Manish Mathai

Lessons learnt by porting our game engine from iOS to Android

Talk about lessons learned while porting our proprietary game engine - roloengine to android. Rolocule’s Award winning game Flick Tennis would be used as a case study. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 12 Oct 2013
Section: Games Technical level: Intermediate

Nischal Shetty

Hit A Million Downloads And Keep Growing - Revealing The ETC Strategy

To share how Android developers can grow their app’s popularity and downloads by using the best resource they have - their app itself. more
  • Submitted
  • 14 Oct 2013
Section: Business Technical level: Intermediate

Rajiv Chandel

Android Game Development with Unity3D

My main agenda of speaking will be, Introducing power of the unity3d engine for the android game development, how we can cover various Android smartphones, Amazon kindles and android micro consoles(like Ouya) and talking other game engines available for android. more
  • Submitted
  • 14 Oct 2013
Section: Games Technical level: Intermediate

Satyam Kandula

Dalvik VM - Deep dive into what makes the Android apps run

Understand the basics of Android’s DalvikVM architecture from the perspective of an App developer. Understand how it can influence your application and learn about possible tips and tricks that might help your app perform better more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 15 Oct 2013
Section: Systems Technical level: Intermediate

Nilesh Jahagirdar

Freemium Game Design

Introduce the audience to key strategies required in building a successful freemium game. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 17 Oct 2013
Section: Games Technical level: Beginner

Sriram Ramasubramanian

Optimize Performance in Android Apps

Developing Android apps is easy. Making them perform better is a bit hard. The idea of this session is to showcase the lessons learnt from making the Firefox for Android run faster. From custom views to shaders to overdraws, the session will be filled with tips and tricks to make apps run at 60fps. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 17 Oct 2013
Section: Systems Technical level: Intermediate

sanju rapheal

WooMe App Demo

Problems with the current Tv viewing Non targetted and Non engaging No interactive shows, Movie trailers or Ads No additional and exclusive content for engaging the Audience more
  • Confirmed
  • 17 Oct 2013
Section: App Demos Technical level: Intermediate

Rama Krishna Sreepada

Context Aware Applications

Introduce and talk about the shift globally in user perception of technology advancements and its impact on their daily lives, what are context-aware platforms and how they work. more
  • Submitted
  • 17 Oct 2013
Section: Systems Technical level: Intermediate

Manohar Mahapatra

Monetize your app with Google Subscriptions V3 services: Benefits and best practices

Monetize your app with Google Subscriptions V3 services: Benefits and best practices more
  • Submitted
  • 17 Oct 2013
Section: Business Technical level: Intermediate

Katta Santosh

Offline support for business apps - WHY & HOW

Offline support for a mobile app nowadays has become an implicit expectaion. With lot of apps allowing users to do things, without thinking whether they are connected to the network, have intermittent or no network connection. This happens to most of us while traveling or in some areas which have sparse connectivity. Users would still expect the app to not throw them out completely, instead allow… more
  • Submitted
  • 17 Oct 2013
Section: Design Technical level: Intermediate

Pranay Airan

Code less Do more, lets create great app with other's code

With thousands of application developers out there, there is a chance that some one has already done things which you are looking for, don’t reinvent the wheel. In this talk we will see different libraries which are available freely with us to rapidly develop an twitter/G+ clone. more
  • Submitted
  • 17 Oct 2013
Section: Business Technical level: Intermediate

Ravi Vyas

Being an AppEntrepreneur: Building successful apps by thinking like an entrepreneur

To be successful in the App Economy you need to be more than just an app developer. Right from the stage of ideation to distribution we need to start wearing different hats to make sure our App becomes a great and successful product. more
  • 1 comment
  • Submitted
  • 18 Oct 2013
Section: Business Technical level: Beginner

Aneesh Chandran

Phone Away, an android app which help you to access your mobile remotely

Phone Away helps you to access your mobile phone remotely. more
  • Submitted
  • 18 Oct 2013
Section: App Demos Technical level: Advanced

Pooja Saxena

Design by Understanding

To introduce the audience to the process of looking at the core content of their apps structurally and semantically as a stepping stone towards a consistent and easy-to-navigate design. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 18 Oct 2013
Section: Design Technical level: Beginner

Sunil Alachi

Life after development - Application deployment and monitoring

Deployment and monitoring of the app is as important as development to the success of the product. This session will educate the audience on different deployment options in Google play and different techniques to monitor the health of the application. more
  • Submitted
  • 18 Oct 2013
Section: Systems Technical level: Intermediate

Ramesh Sundararaman

The Enterprise is Personnel again

“Well-designed enterprise mobility apps empower employees to personify the enterprise” and in that sense, “The enterprise is personnel again”. more
  • Submitted
  • 18 Oct 2013
Section: Design Technical level: Beginner

Ramprakash R

To Android, with Love

To help developers, entrepreneurs and designers feel emotionally connected to the creative process — and care for details that could help them create meaningful products and services for today and the future. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 18 Oct 2013
Section: Design Technical level: Intermediate

Anjan Dash Proposing

Increasing Speed To Market In Mobile Development Through Continuous Integration : Virtual Device Lab

Increasing Speed To Market In Mobile Development Through Continuous Integration : Virtual Device Lab more
  • Submitted
  • 18 Oct 2013
Section: Systems Technical level: Intermediate

Sangharsh Boudhh

Ola amigos, here comes the Droid on Wheels

Share the experience and technical challenges we at Olacabs had while developing our fleet tracking and dispatch system with affordable and scalable hardware like Android devices. more
  • Confirmed
  • 18 Oct 2013
Section: App Demos Technical level: Intermediate

Anshul Rai

HAPPAY - India's first social mobile payment platform

How is mobile changing the way people transact, be it among friends or paying merchants ? Will talk about, in what payment scenarios, mobile can actually solve a real pain point and in what scenarios its just adding the luxury factor. more
  • Confirmed
  • 18 Oct 2013
Section: App Demos Technical level: Intermediate

Atul Goyal

MobiKwik Wallet SDK : Accepting payments in your Android App

The objective of this session would be to share knowledge about: more
  • Submitted
  • 18 Oct 2013
Section: App Demos Technical level: Intermediate

Arun Joseph

Android Platform Security - Concepts, Attacks, Guidelines

The session will focus at exploring the security architecture and features of Android( JellyBean 4.3) from a platfrom builders perspective. more
  • 1 comment
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 18 Oct 2013
Section: Systems Technical level: Intermediate

Aditya Kulkarni

Making casual 2d games with LUA script

We talk about building a 2d game together using lua from scratch and deploy it on an android device. more
  • 1 comment
  • Submitted
  • 19 Oct 2013
Section: Games Technical level: Intermediate

Raveesh Bhalla

Haptik, an app that makes conversing with companies not suck

Haptik was born out of a personal need when we realized we were using text communication more than any other application on our phones, but still had to use voice for brands and services we use. We also realized that it’s generally a pain to find any information related to such companies, and would like to be more in the loop on their products. We asked a few friends and advisers, and they agreed… more
  • Confirmed
  • 25 Oct 2013
Section: App Demos Technical level: Beginner

Kush Sharma

Using ContentProvider to develop Android SDKs

At the end of the session an Android Developer should be able to understand when, why and how to use ContentProvider in Android. Finally, the developer should be able to understand how they can use ContentProvider to build an Android SDK for an existing backend. more
  • Submitted
  • 25 Oct 2013
Section: Systems Technical level: Intermediate

Anenth Guru

How we built 3 apps in 3 days

As a beginner, getting a full picture of App ideation/development cycle is very important. I hope to throw some light on this entire process, with help of an app that was developed by us in a short span of time. more
  • Submitted
  • 28 Oct 2013
Section: App Demos Technical level: Beginner

Anenth Guru

Beginner Android dev workshop

Interested in learning how to create Android apps? This Android training course is designed to quickly get you up to speed on how to build Android apps for Android devices. more
  • Confirmed
  • 05 Nov 2013
Section: Workshops Technical level: Beginner

Rohit Bhat

What we are learning on mobile strategy

Share our learnings and thoughts on mobile strategy. Helpful for attendees looking to build mobile focussed businesses. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 11 Nov 2013
Section: Business Technical level: Intermediate

Anshumani Ruddra Proposing

Creating an Offers Based X-Promo Framework

Creating an offers based X-Promo framework across multiple apps (all on android but made using native and other engines) is a challenge, especially if it allows offers based on multiple currency types - talk time, in-game currency, coupons, etc. How can this be achieved in house? more
  • 1 comment
  • Submitted
  • 22 Nov 2013
Section: Games Technical level: Intermediate

Amit Shukla

Creating an Offers Based X-Promo Framework

Creating an offers based X-Promo framework across multiple apps (all on android but made using native and other engines) is a challenge, especially if it allows offers based on multiple currency types - talk time, in-game currency, coupons, etc. How can this be achieved in house? more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 22 Nov 2013
Section: Games Technical level: Intermediate

Jadeja Dushyantsinh Proposing

Differentiations for Developers on Android Ecosystem

To share global perspective on what is happening around Android Ecosystem more
  • Confirmed
  • 25 Nov 2013
Section: Business Technical level: Intermediate

Parag Gupta

Launching your app on the Amazon Appstore (sponsored)

At Amazon we offer an end-to-end value proposition for developers including means to create (Amazon Web Services), distribute, market (AppStore for Android) and optimize (A/B testing) mobile apps apps along with user engagement and monetiziation (GameCircle). more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 25 Nov 2013
Section: Business Technical level: Intermediate

Hosted by

droidconIN is an annual conference on Android, part of the worldwide series of events. more