Droidcon India 2013

What's your thinking on Android this year?

Soham Mondal


Android UX design secrets Part II

Submitted Sep 29, 2013

The objective of this talk is to get designers and developers familiar with the latest tools, libraires and design patterns that can help them in making android apps with great user experience.


In a follow up to my Droidcon India 2011 talk on “Android UI design secrets”, I plan to follow up on the new tools, libraires and design patterns that can help designers and developers make really compelling modern android applications.

I plan to cover the following

  • What are the new libraries and tools on android that help your app’s user experience and why you need them
  • Interaction and visual design: the new tools and templates to help you get started on android design
  • Modern android UI patterns: SlidingDrawer, Fading action bar, Crouton based toasts/notifications, Nested ViewPagers, actionbar compat, card layouts, polaris and MapFragments etc. and their equivalent libraries
  • Specific focus on Image loading and caching, why does it make a world of difference
  • A detailed look at Android Query and other image loading and caching libraries
  • An overview of the tools that you can use to profile and identify issues with user experience, TraceView, Systrace, Hierarchy Viewer, Droidinspector, Little eye labs

Speaker bio

Soham has been part of the android ecosystem in Bangalore for some time now and he’s also an organiser of the Bangalore Android User Group.

He is also the founder of Triveous and the creator of Sky Recorder.


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