Droidcon India 2013

What's your thinking on Android this year?

Ramesh Sundararaman


The Enterprise is Personnel again

Submitted Oct 18, 2013

“Well-designed enterprise mobility apps empower employees to personify the enterprise” and in that sense, “The enterprise is personnel again”.

In this talk, I intend to introduce an alternate design approach - “employee first” - which could potentially help mobile app developers and enterprise IT staff achieve success in the development, deployment of enterprise mobility applications.


With increasing adoption of cloud by enterprises, employees have access to not just emails but all of the enterprise data and apps from outside the 4 walls of the enterprise. Now with the widespread availability of Android devices across different
form-factors and price-points, enterprise mobility can soon become a reality even at SMBs.

However, care should be exercised while designing mobility applications for employees. Poor mobility experience has the potential to break not just the individual employee’s usage, but also of all employees & systems involved in the
process flow. Given the limited audience within enterprise for each app, it is essential to have 100% employee adoption to realize returns.

Quoting real-world examples, I will share how it helps to rethink our design approach - from a “mobile first” to an “employee first”.

Speaker bio

During my 16+ years of experience working in the wireless industry, I have been involved with UX research, design and launch of mobility solutions targeted at both consumers and enterprises - key among them being MotoFone F3 mobile phone, FR6X mobile computer and associated field-mobility applications.

I have worked with leading Indian and international enterprises on their mobility strategy, conducted mobility design studies and successfully deployed native, mobile-web apps on their WinMob/Android platforms.

Linkedin: in.linkedin.com/in/meshsun




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