Nov 2013
25 Mon
26 Tue
27 Wed
28 Thu 10:45 AM – 05:30 PM IST
29 Fri 10:45 AM – 06:45 PM IST
30 Sat
1 Sun
Pranay Airan
Submitted Oct 17, 2013
With thousands of application developers out there, there is a chance that some one has already done things which you are looking for, don’t reinvent the wheel. In this talk we will see different libraries which are available freely with us to rapidly develop an twitter/G+ clone.
We will see how we can use bootstartpped code to rapidly kick of application development with all the bolier code in place. We will use 8 different libraried to creat awesome twitter app with as less coding as possible.
Code less Do more.
Have you heard ActionBarSherlock or want’s to have asynchronus image loading in your application, do you want to have same card based look and feel into your android app just like google play?? or you think the new navigation drawer pattern is cool and you want it in your app??
With 100’s and 1000’s of different libraries available out there, it became very easy to add features which are standard. This libraries not only make your work easier and faster but are often implimented by best brains with all the standards in practice, using this approach we can focus on core logic of application and leave the basic bolier plate coding behind.
In this session we will go step by step implimenting a twitter/G+ clone adding functionalities using 8 different libraries. This session will show you how to work with this libraries and create any application rapidly with minimal coding at your end. This are some of the libraries we will be looking into
=> Actionbar Compact/Actionbar sherlock
=> A sync http library for REST and json parsing
=> Adapter Kit to simplyfy custom adapters
=> Picaso for async image loading
=> Pull to refresh
=> Navigation Drawer
=> Card Lib for card layout
=> ShowCase View to create app tutorial
If time permits we will show how newer projects like androidbootstrap gives you lot of boiler code ready to kickstart your android apps.
Basic knowledge of Android Application Development, how to use different libraries in android.
I work in Intuit as software engineer, creating web and mobile apps.
I love to code apps and talk about it, i also helps Bangalore Android User Group as Assitant organizer. I have more than 7 apps in play store and have given talks on various android topics during meetup, barcamp and droidcon etc. I also help college students in learning android.
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