Droidcon India 2013

What's your thinking on Android this year?

Manish Mathai


Lessons learnt by porting our game engine from iOS to Android

Submitted Oct 12, 2013

Talk about lessons learned while porting our proprietary game engine - roloengine to android. Rolocule’s Award winning game Flick Tennis would be used as a case study.


What do you do when decide to port you hand-woven, custom engine powered 3D iOS game to Android? You roll up your sleeves and get down and dirty with the Android ecosystem, of course.
Here we will talk about some of the modules & systems we touched during our 5-month journey through the porting process. Some of them are :-
- OpenGL
- OpenAL
- NDK & JNI & C++
- Android GUI


Basic understanding of Android app development pipeline.
NDK experience would be great

Speaker bio

After finishing his undergraduate education in 2011, Manish found himself working for Morgan Stanley. After coming to his senses, he remedied the situation by joining Rolocule Games in Dec 2012. They have been stuck with him since.


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