Droidcon India 2013

What's your thinking on Android this year?

Filip Vucetic


Idea - Should I make it alive or just leave it? Market research is your starting point!

Submitted Oct 11, 2013

Core benefit of this session will be understending potential of your idea. It will show you how to do Market Research, how to measure value of your idea and how to calculate potential benefits from it. Also session will help you understand situation on the market before launching your app and help you understand potential customers and how to approach them. Main point of Market Research is to save your time in future and session will answer questions “Is my idea going to bi hit?”.


I am sure you all have a lot of ideas in your head which you would like to transfer into the app, however you don’t know which of them really is going to be worthy developing. Many developers just skip doing Market Research before they start developing their apps. It is completely wrong decision, if idea sounds amazing to you it doesn’t mean that it is really amazing. Market Research helps you understand real value of your app compared to cometition. Session will be interactive,concrete examples will be given through some popular apps but I will concentrate on app which is lunched by my company, name of app is Magic Stories. Through this concrete example I will explain you how Market Research is important and which steps you need to undertake in order to make it. I ll be talking about process of transforming your idea to paper and comparing it with competitors. Finaly at the end I ll give you some useful tips in Market Research which really worked for me.


No requirements, just good will and understanding basic principles of business.

Speaker bio

I have a lot of experiance in Market Research field and I also have a company for App development so I combine knowledge from those two categories in order to make interactive and useful presentations. Some of the informations you may consider as important are:

  • I Held more than 50 presentation from business field in English language
  • I had done many Market Researchers for different companies( uploaded is Market Research for Starbucks Coffee Company)
  • I have been speaker ar recent Droidcon conference in Bucharest ( presentation of my Magic Stories app is uploaded)
  • I had excallent grades from Market Research and New Product Development subjects during my studies (uploaded is reccomendation from Market Research professor at my university).


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