JSFoo 2019

JSFoo 2019

On component architecture, front-end engineering and Developer Experience (DX)



Accepting submissions till 21 Sep 2019, 07:20 AM

Not accepting submissions

CfP for JSFoo is now open, and will close on 1 September 2019. First preference and efforts will be spent on early submissions. Late submissions may be moved to JSFoo and ReactFoo events, based on the status of the schedule. expand

CfP for JSFoo is now open, and will close on 1 September 2019. First preference and efforts will be spent on early submissions. Late submissions may be moved to JSFoo and ReactFoo events, based on the status of the schedule.

##Theme and call for proposals:

The theme for JSFoo 2019 is component architecture. Your web applications, these days, are typically composed of multiple components such as React, Angular, Vue, Ember and others. We’d therefore like to hear talks about:

  1. How do you architect applications with numerous components? What complexities arise in the process? How do you mitigate these complexities?
  2. Do you have a case study of an app that has two components for front-end? Is your app’s front-end made of Angular and Vue, for example? In which case, how does front-end and backend technology work? Tell us more.
  3. What is the workflow, processes and organization of web development teams working on apps that have multiple components?

Talks on component architecture will form the core of JSFoo talks -- from morning till lunch break -- on both days. Apart from this, we are accepting talks on:

  1. Web performance, measuring performance, and architecting for performance.
  2. Latest developments in JavaScript and web ecosystem – the cutting edge.
  3. Best practices: debugging and profiling on the web, testing, measuring performance.
  4. JS off the web – conversational UI, raspberry pi, IoT, JS and music.
  5. JavaScript and security, including: framework-specific security concerns (node.js and exploits, for example), authentication and security audits.

##Who should submit a talk for JSFoo:

JSFoo is a conference for practitioners, by practitioners. Submit a proposal if you are:

  1. Senior software developers.
  2. Fullstack engineers.
  3. Front-end developer with experience of building apps, whether large and complex, or large and simple, or small and complex.
  4. If you have worked with web application security, either by building solutions or having worked on security issues for your application.
  5. Hobbyists, working with JS for projects that the community will be interested in learning about.


JSFoo is a single-track event with talks, Birds of Feather (BOF) sessions and round tables. We are accepting proposals for:

  1. Full talks: 40 mins duration
  2. Crisp talk: 20 mins duration
  3. Hands-on workshops of 3 or 6 hour duration (which will be held in the week leading up to JSFoo and one week after)
  4. Birds Of Feather (BOF) sessions of 45-60 mins duration

Who reviews proposals for JSFoo:

Proposals will be filtered and shortlisted by a community of reviewers consisting of past speakers and practitioners who have been attending previous editions of JSFoo.

Guidelines for submitting talks for JSFoo:

  1. Submit your proposal early so that we have more time to iterate if the proposal has potential.
  2. Write detailed outlines because an abstract is an abstract -- it only gives us an ‘abstract’ idea of what you plan to speak on, and what is the key takeaway for the audience.
  3. Submit draft slides with your proposal, ideally 7 days after you submit your talk.
  4. Add a two-minute pitch video, telling us what your talk is about and why participants should attend it. Check samples of pitch videos on
  5. Use gender neutral language in your abstract and draft slides. The world is diverse as is the JS ecosystem. Let’s make this diversity visible.

How do we select proposals for JSFoo (and conferences held under JSFoo):

Every proposal is filtered on the following basis:

  1. Our team assesses whether each proposal is directly relevant to the conference.
  2. We then check whether the technology or solution you are referring to is open source or not. If you are referring to a proprietary technology, you have to consider picking up a sponsored session.
  3. A team of reviewers then assess whether your proposal is novel and whether the takeaways from your talk are clear or not. JSFoo audience consists of practitioners. We therefore insist that talks have insights that participants can learn and apply in their daily practice.
  4. We also evaluate how you have structured your talk and whether you can weave it into a story/narrative.
  5. And last, but not the least, we determine your ability to communicate succinctly, and how you engage with (potential) audience. You must therefore submit the two-minute pitch video explaining what your talk is about, and what is the key takeaway for the audience.

No one submits the perfect proposal in the first instance. If you have questions, write to us on: We will be happy to advise.

Our editorial team works with potential speakers in refining their talk ideas, and rehearsing at least twice - before the main conference - to sharpen the insights presented in the talk. Read more here:

Passes and honorarium for speakers:

We pay an honorarium of Rs. 3,000 to each speaker and Rs. 5,000 to first-time workshop instructors at the end of their talk/workshop. Confirmed speakers and instructors also get a pass to the conference and networking dinner. We do not provide free passes for speakers’ colleagues and spouses.

Travel grants for outstation speakers:

JSFoo is funded through ticket purchases and sponsorships; travel grant budgets vary.

Travel grants are available for:

  1. Speakers who have led/worked on open source projects that have large-scale adoption.
  2. Speakers from among women and persons of non-binary genders.

If you require a grant, mention it when you submit your proposal in the field where you add your location.

Make a submission

Accepting submissions till 21 Sep 2019, 07:20 AM

Uday Bhaskhar Pydi

Building Scalable and Performant Micro-Frontends With React - A retro of Moengage Web Application

My talk will be more focussed on: All about react rendering more
  • Under evaluation
  • 14 Mar 2019
Section: Full talk (40 mins) Technical level: Intermediate


Micro Front End Architecture with Framework agnostic Web Components

This session will introduce the concept of Web components which is an umbrella term for a suite of W3C specifications. In this session, we will will learn how Angular embraces this idea using Angular Elements and how we can leverage this concept for Micro Front End Architecture or Micro Apps. This talk will demostrate how Web Components can be a unifying technology for developing truly reusable a… more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 14 Mar 2019
Section: Full talk (40 mins) Technical level: Intermediate

Swanand Pagnis

Constraint Driven Development

An experience report on how DB constraints helped our team perform profound structural changes to our application data through 4 large refactorings that happened over 30 months. more
  • Confirmed
  • 28 Feb 2019
Technical level: Intermediate

Jasper Schulte

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Controlling a swarm of drones with JavaScript

We’re pretty used to drones flying around us by now. Until now most of these drones were still controlled by a human operator. But what if we could control them solely using our code? In this talk I will show how to control multiple drones using JavaScript. With the help of Node.js we’ll send commands to the drones and read back their telemetry. I will talk about the difficulties of flying and ke… more
  • Waitlisted
  • 28 Mar 2019
Section: Full talk (40 mins) Technical level: Beginner

Anand S

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Generating comics with JS

What does it take to create a FontAwesome equivalent for comics? more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 13 Apr 2019
Section: Crisp talk (20 mins) Technical level: Intermediate

Suroor Wijdan

WebAR: The Augmented Reality for your Browser

This talk takes you on a journey of modern day AR applications and what it has to offer for the Web. We will quickly go through general Mixed Reality concepts for VR and AR, particularly from the perspective of a web developer. Though AR is hard, tools, libraries and API’s like WebXR, A-Frame VR from Mozilla, AR.js, Argon.js make it easy for a web developer to create interesting and meaningful ex… more
  • Under evaluation
  • 21 Apr 2019
Section: Full talk (40 mins) Technical level: Intermediate

Jyotsna Gupta

Cross Browser Add-ons and How to build one

Extensions (or Add-ons) can extend and modify the capability of a browser. Browser extensions help us to personalize the browser as per our requirement. We’ll be walking through some of the existing extensions in specific categories to outline the potential of extensions. Participants will be focused on building their own extension easily by having basic knowledge of JavaScript, which is now poss… more
  • Rejected
  • 23 Apr 2019
Section: Crisp talk (20 mins) Technical level: Intermediate


Micro Front End Architecture with Web Components

This session will introduce the concept of Web components which is an umbrella term for a suite of W3C specifications. In this session, we will will learn how Angular embraces this idea using Angular Elements and how we can leverage this concept for Micro Front End Architecture or Micro Apps. This talk will demostrate how Web Components can be a unifying technology for developing truly reusable a… more
  • Under evaluation
  • 19 Mar 2019
Technical level: Intermediate

Ashok Vishwakarma

Not everything can fit in rows and columns

Wanted to use Graph Database in your next project? Dgraph made it simple and easy to get started similar to MongoDB, MySQL and etc. more
  • Under evaluation
  • 27 Mar 2019
Section: Crisp talk (20 mins) Technical level: Intermediate

Paul Napier

RNDM - Serverside React Native

Can React Native be written on a Server and deployed as a JSON response? more
  • Rejected
  • 11 Feb 2019
Technical level: Intermediate

sarthak saxena

Monorepo Architecture for production codebase

A Mono repository is an architectural concept, which basically means all repos in a single repo (clear from its name). Instead of managing multiple repositories of your codebase, you keep all your isolated code parts inside one repository. An isolated part of the code that monorepo has nothing in common with monolithic apps. You can keep many kinds of logical apps inside one repo; for example, a … more
  • Rejected
  • 29 Apr 2019
Section: Full talk (40 mins) Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture

Kartik Arora

WebComponents - For Microfrontends & Re-usable Components

Today, the Web is 30 years old. It’s quater life crises are officialy over! more
  • Under evaluation
  • 30 Apr 2019
Section: Full talk (40 mins) Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture

Umang Galaiya

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Rethinking Frontend Apps with Svelte

Modern frontend apps get clunky and slow over time as more features are added to them. They take time to bootstrap and get janky unless the underlying framework or library is superimposed with custom solutions to enhance performance, and they require a lot of boilerplate code. more
  • 1 comment
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 01 May 2019
Section: Crisp talk (20 mins) Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Demo

Sam Bellen

Knock knock, who's there? Authenticating your single page apps using JSON Web Tokens.

When it comes to writing code, there’s nothing we take more serious than authentication and security. Modern single page applications bring along new challenges. By using solutions like the OpenID Connect protocol and JSON Web Tokens we can improve the user experience when authenticating with your apps, providing a seamless authentication process. more
  • 1 comment
  • Under evaluation
  • 02 May 2019
Section: Full talk (40 mins) Technical level: Beginner Session type: Lecture

Sam Bellen

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Passwords are so 1990

As long as we’ve been using the internet, and way before that, we have been authenticating through some sort of username and password combination. It has become the standard. With the ever increasing number of web-apps, we’re seeing more and more data breaches as well. What if we could build our authentication processes in a way the user doesn’t need a password? more
  • Under evaluation
  • 02 May 2019
Section: Full talk (40 mins) Technical level: Beginner Session type: Lecture

ranadeep bhuyan

Front end architecture with polyglot components (A case Study)

The talk followed by code snippets and demos will show how to develop a scalable and resilient platform of polyglot components and let developers write components/code with whatever languages and frameworks they like (reactjs, vue, ReasonML, dojo etc). A case study will demonstrate how to overcome various architectural anit-paterns and challenges yet keeping things simple with options and solutio… more
  • Rejected
  • 09 May 2019
Section: Crisp talk (20 mins) Technical level: Beginner Session type: Demo

Saptak Sengupta

To SPA or not to SPA

SPA or Single Page Applications have become a huge trend in modern day web applications. Almost all the web applications written today use some kind of SPA framework whether it be Angular or React or Vue or something else. So the question then is do we really need a single page application for all use cases? Does single page application always help improve performance? Can we do without a single … more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 10 May 2019
Section: Full talk (40 mins) Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture

Yashika Garg

Improving State: Case Studies

Given an SPA, where you have multiple lists, dialogs, headers, detail pages, each reusing data from different components, redux has been the most popular tool for state management. But our problem doesn’t just resolve on choosing the state management tool, it gives birth to another problem of how we can organise this state so that when our application expands with our user’s needs, as a developer… more
  • Waitlisted
  • 11 May 2019
Section: Crisp talk (20 mins) Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture

Bhuvana Meenakshi

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Build easy WebXR apps using A-frame

WebXR is a latest technology which combiines WebVR/AR and it is not boring like lines and lines of code to get a small VR experience. Just a few steps to do the magic. If one is interested to learn the tricks of the magician and get the secrets behing the screen revealed then there you are, must attend my talk to get the cats off the bag. Also, having been contributed for Mozilla since 5 years I … more
  • Rejected
  • 14 May 2019
Section: Full talk (40 mins) Technical level: Intermediate

Santosh Viswanatham

Demystifying webapps like a pro with Firefox Devtools

No, Firefox DevTools are not Firebug. Firefox Devtools, one of the most powerful and efficient Devtools are already baked into your Browser. In this Talk, Let’s explore the new and less commonly known features in Firefox Devtools such as Grid inspector, Change Panel, Performance profiling tools, Memory, Accessibility inspectors, etc. and deep dive into few tips and tricks to make your developer l… more
  • Rejected
  • 14 May 2019
Section: Crisp talk (20 mins) Technical level: Intermediate

Maciej Treder

Angular Universal - Be SEO, CDN & User friendly with Server-Side Rendering

Are you ready for production? Are you sure? Is your application prefetchable? Is it readable for search engine robots? Will it fit into Content Delivery Network? Do you want to make it even faster? Meet the Server-Side Rendering concept. Learn how to implement it in your application and gain knowledge about best practices, such as transfer state and route resolving strategies. more
  • 1 comment
  • Awaiting details
  • 14 May 2019
Section: Full talk (40 mins) Technical level: Intermediate

Maciej Treder

Develop for developers with Angular Schematics

Say hello to the Angular CLI from new perspective. Get to know what schematics are and how you can use them for purpose of your team/product. Make use of ng add, ng update, ng new command and much more. Learn how to create read update and delete files automatically in your project, and how to execute npm tasks such as installing dependencies. more
  • Rejected
  • 14 May 2019
Section: Full talk (40 mins) Technical level: Advanced

Maciej Treder

Progressive Web Apps: Future of web development

Welcome to the web applications of 21st century! Give your users a native-like app experience: instant load, offline experience and push notifications. During this talk, you will get a high level overview of Progressive Web Application concept, how to get started with it in Angular CLI and WorkBox, potential pitfalls and how to address them. more
  • Rejected
  • 14 May 2019
Section: Full talk (40 mins) Technical level: Intermediate

Maciej Treder

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Angular Universal - Be SEO, CDN & User friendly with Server-Side Rendering

Are you ready for production? Are you sure? Is your application prefetchable? Is it readable for search engine robots? Will it fit into Content Delivery Network? Do you want to make it even faster? Meet the Server-Side Rendering concept. Learn how to implement it in your application and gain knowledge about best practices, such as transfer state and route resolving strategies. more
  • Under evaluation
  • 14 May 2019
Section: Workshop Technical level: Intermediate

Princiya Sequeira

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Debugging the Debugger

This talks is an inception of debugging the Firefox devtools’ debugger which is built using React and Redux. All of us love to ‘console’ log our code, but there are other effective techniques that will help accelerate the debug loop cycle. In this talk I will present the various available browser devtools debugging techniques using practical examples from the community to debug the development of… more
  • Waitlisted
  • 15 May 2019
Section: Full talk (40 mins) Technical level: Intermediate

Katherine Green Proposing

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The glory of amp-script: Unleashing the kraken

AMP Documents have traditionally not allowed for custom JavaScript, relying on the well built large corpus of Web Components designed and validated to work within AMP. Today, we release the Kraken. We’ll introduce amp-script, allowing your custom JavaScript to operate within AMP Documents with reasonable limits. Now your custom logic can be expressed with the world’s most popular programming lang… more
  • Rejected
  • 15 May 2019
Section: Crisp talk (20 mins) Technical level: Intermediate

Yael Zaritsky

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Communicate without leaving the keyboard

Code is continuously read and maintained, and as such, good code must be effectively communicated. Is there a good solution for this? more
  • Submitted
  • 17 May 2019
Section: Crisp talk (20 mins) Technical level: Intermediate

Ville Vahteri Proposing

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Testing apps with third-party integrations

There are two different workshop options we have prepared for JSFoo. In both of them, we will build an express app with third-party integrations and examine best practices to run tests to it. Both workshops are highly interactive with more than 90% hands-on coding and are suitable for 15-50 attendees. The time required is at least 3 hours with a break but we can easily spend a full 6h day in eith… more
  • Awaiting details
  • 18 May 2019
Section: Workshop Technical level: Intermediate

Sharing Code Across UI Teams, Frameworks are 9/10 work done. Finding the missing 1/10

Why it is vital as a big tech setup to be investing into internal core teams and following standards to maximise code reuse with components driven design. How setups like AirBnB, Uber, ING all have followed and benifitted from investing in core tech processes. more
  • Rejected
  • 23 May 2019
Section: Full talk (40 mins) Technical level: Advanced

ranadeep bhuyan

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WebAssembly with JavaScript to build Web-Components - the future of the web?

This workshop will teach and show how to develop heavy client applications in a scalable and performant manner. Process heavy application those are mostly desktop applications can be ported to the web to run on a browser thus avoiding installation, patching and maintenance over head. more
  • Waitlisted
  • 24 May 2019
Section: Workshop Technical level: Intermediate

pulkit k

Better Coding with React Hooks

Developers have been conveniently using the react to build scalable modern websites.But what looks simple from outside might have its own complicated story. So is the case with class based components.They can easily get pretty lengthy ,complex and the native lifecycle methods have some side-effects.Here comes react hooks to save the day .The presentation will walk through the benefits of using re… more
  • Waitlisted
  • 28 May 2019
Section: Crisp talk (20 mins) Technical level: Intermediate

Paridhi Sharma

Empathy in Code - Accessibility in Web

This talk will be about the technical guidelines to follow to make web products compliant for Accessibility. So that everyone including people who are differently abled can access and use the products. more
  • Rejected
  • 31 May 2019
Section: Crisp talk (20 mins) Technical level: Intermediate

Dheeraj Kumar

Demystifying front-end tech stacks

“Should I go with React or Vue?” “I want to use Elm in my company, it looks really interesting!” “What library do you recommend for X?” more
  • Waitlisted
  • 06 Jun 2019
Section: Full talk (40 mins) Technical level: Intermediate

Ananya Neogi

Lessons learnt in Document Driven Development

The concept of document driven development is not a new concept but has been around for many years now. Our team decided to apply this approach to our product development process. That decision took us on a journey of navigating unfamiliar territory with lots of learnings. The end result was real rewards in increased efficiency and productivity and most importantly improved developer experience. … more
  • 1 comment
  • Waitlisted
  • 08 Jun 2019
Section: Crisp talk (20 mins) Technical level: Intermediate

Ville Vahteri Proposing

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Testing apps with third-party integrations

There are two different workshop options we have prepared for JSFoo. In both of them, we will build an express app with third-party integrations and examine best practices to run tests to it. Both workshops are highly interactive with more than 90% hands-on coding and are suitable for 15-50 attendees. The time required is at least 3 hours with a break but we can easily spend a full 6h day in eith… more
  • Submitted
  • 11 Jun 2019
Section: Workshop Technical level: Intermediate

Ankit Sharma

Create a Blogging App with Angular and Firebase

We will create a blogging app, similar to Wordpress, using Angular and Google Cloud Firestore. The attendees will learn how to create a real world application using core Angular concepts. At the end of this workshop, each attendee will have their own blogging app created and hosted on Firebase. more
  • Waitlisted
  • 16 Jul 2019
Section: Workshop Technical level: Intermediate

Upendra Dev Singh

Building a High Performance Mobile-First Web App | A case study of Jabong PWA

Modern web applications are JavaScript heavy. JavaScript ecosystem is such that you get a lot of tools, libraries, and the framework for free. The cost of using a framework could be very high. During this talk, I will take the audience through the Jabong PWA implementation using preact. I will talk about how we applied the domain-driven design approach to make some important architecture decision… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 01 Jun 2019
Section: Full talk (40 mins) Technical level: Advanced Duration: 40 mins full talk

Aditya Naag Topalli

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Enterprise-grade UI with open source Lightning Web Components

Earlier this year, Salesforce (Worlds #1 CRM Company) launched Lightning Web Components (LWC), a new Enterprise Grade UI framework based on modern web standards, optimized for performance and developer productivity. This framework is now open sourced which allows developers to build applications on ANY platform of their choice, and also allows them to contribute to the framework and its roadmap. more
  • Waitlisted
  • 19 Jul 2019
Section: Full talk (40 mins) Technical level: Beginner

Dhruv Jain

React Front-end Architecture for Micro-Apps

Micro-Apps or just say Micro Services are on a boom these days - easier to maintain, robust releases, faster and reliable development experience but more of all better performance. The talk covers designing your react application for a micro apps/services based architecture to react the final goal of Micro Front-end Architectures. The talk also covers the tools to manage the micro apps’ - depende… more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 20 Jul 2019
Section: Crisp talk (20 mins) Technical level: Intermediate

tushar mathur

Fearless IO

This talk is going to be about how you can deal with effectful code fearlessly! more
  • 1 comment
  • Waitlisted
  • 21 Jul 2019
Section: Full talk (40 mins) Technical level: Advanced

Santosh Shingare

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Facial Recognition with NodeJS, ReactsJS and Javascript

Did you know that every time you upload a photo to Facebook, the platform uses facial recognition algorithms to identify the people in that image? Or that certain governments around the world use face recognition technology to identify and catch criminals? The usage of face recognition models is only going to increase in the next few years. more
  • 1 comment
  • Waitlisted
  • 28 Jul 2019
Section: Crisp talk (20 mins) Technical level: Intermediate

Prathik S

Develop Voice assistant without any service/api for browser

Today we can develop a voice assistant that runs totally on the browser without any awz/azure or google api. Using new web api’s we can develop a voice assistant that runs on your browser. Ideal companion to your swanky new PWA or SPA. more
  • Waitlisted
  • 01 Aug 2019
Section: Crisp talk (20 mins) Technical level: Beginner

Majid Hajian

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Hardware connectivity with Vue.JS

The browsers can actually take control of physical devices in the real world like lightbulbs, robots, printers, NFC tags, toys, and even drones by providing new web standard hardware connectivity APIs such as WebBluetooth, WebUSB, WebNFC and etc. more
  • Submitted
  • 01 May 2019
Section: Full talk (40 mins) Technical level: Intermediate

Nikhil Sharma

Introducing my Web Infinity Gauntlet

Is your app too large to handle? Wanted to have features of many web frameworks at one place ? Want to scalable apps with a breeze ? If yes, then I’ve something in my pocket. Introducing microfrontends, the next gen approach of building scalable web apps, like you were 5 ! Let’s time travel together at the future :) more
  • Rejected
  • 02 Aug 2019
Section: Full talk (40 mins) Technical level: Intermediate
Leena S N

Leena S N

Sprinkle Javascript with StimulusJS

In this world of Microservices, I am building a Monolith app. In this world of React and Vue, am building a server-side rendered app. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 04 Aug 2019
Section: Crisp talk (20 mins) Technical level: Intermediate

Rohit Roy

Rethink Animations in React Native

I believe that Animations play a major role in the overall user experience in any App but most of the developers treat it as a design team-related issue and hence don’t dive deep into its concepts and workings. This leads to solutions that are not fully optimized and many times the final outcome is below expectations. This is why I think I should share my learnings/experiences around this topic. more
  • 1 comment
  • Waitlisted
  • 04 Aug 2019
Section: Crisp talk (20 mins) Technical level: Intermediate

Rajat Khare

Running large scale Apps over React, Typescript and Apollo-Graphql

The talk highlights an ecosystems of libraries, frameworks, languages and API standards that have come together to transform Web App Development and solve niche problems that have come up as Applications have grown larger and more complex over the last decade. We go over how React, TypeScript with Apollo-Graphql is becoming an increasingly popular choice to build great applications. more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 06 Aug 2019
Section: Crisp talk (20 mins) Technical level: Intermediate

Rishabh Poddar

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Implementing session management the correct way

When it comes to security, a lot of attention is given to password management or password less methodologies. But what happens after a user has logged into a service? Since HTTP is stateless, we need to still maintain user identity across API calls - the way we do this is called session management. Hence, this is a very important aspect of any application from a security and a user experience poi… more
  • Waitlisted
  • 06 Aug 2019
Section: Crisp talk (20 mins) Technical level: Intermediate

Suroor Wijdan

Mirco-frontends And Distributed Component Architecture for Building Modern Web Apps

Over a period of time when building web apps, front-end layer grows and gets more difficult to mantain. Thats what people call a Front-end Monolith. The idea behind micro-frontends is to let individual teams develop apps in a distributed manner without relying on each other and also let them build using the technology/framework they seem fit for the use case. Being technology agnostic, allows tea… more
  • Waitlisted
  • 07 Aug 2019
Section: Full talk (40 mins) Technical level: Intermediate

Himanshu Kapoor

ES4 and ActionScript: A Forgotten Story

This is a story of divergence. ECMAScript 4 was supposed to be the Javascript standard, but it was abandoned. Adobe, with its ActionScript 3.0, based strongly on the ES4 proposal, was its strong perpetuator, but it didn’t fare so well. Fast forward to today, we have Typescript and ES6, the combined features of which are very similar to what ES4 promised to be. So, this is also a story of converge… more
  • 1 comment
  • Waitlisted
  • 12 Aug 2019
Section: Full talk (40 mins) Technical level: Intermediate

Babandeep Singh

Weird parts of JavaScript

Discuss about weird parts of javascript. Discuss my interview experience. Show them practicle knowledge about how JS works. Event loops more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 14 Aug 2019
Section: Crisp talk (20 mins) Technical level: Beginner

Reenu Saluja

Enhancing Nodejs apps outcomes with Kubernetes and CI/CD

As we know Node.js has played an important role in major shift in ways of application Development. We will walk through benefits of NodeJS with CI/CD, Kubernetes and its benefits. Along with that we will cover options available in the market. This session will also talk about best practices which can be leverage by developers, architects and operations team. In the end we will walk through a demo… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 16 Aug 2019
Section: Full talk (40 mins) Technical level: Intermediate

Rahul Gaur

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Breaking Down The Last Monolith

Case of migrating Largescale Angular1.x web application into Service Oriented Frontend Architecture (Aka MicroFrontends) which incorporates AppShell based Architecture. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 19 Aug 2019
Section: Full talk (40 mins) Technical level: Intermediate

Deepak Pathania

Building painless scheduling systems in Node

Scheduling stuff sounds like a pretty straight forward thing to do, doesn’t it? Simply set up a cron with a schedule (after looking at the cron syntax online, of course), tell it what to do and forget about it. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 21 Aug 2019
Section: Crisp talk (20 mins) Technical level: Intermediate

Dave Nielsen Proposing

Redis Cache and Beyond

According to Stack Overflow users, Redis has been ‘The Most Loved Database’ 3 years in a row. And it just celebrated 2 Billion Docker pulls from Docker Hub. But what makes Redis so popular? Could it be its 10 highly common data structures? Or nearly 300 optimized commands? Or is it because it’s so easy to use and operate? In this talk, Suyog Kale will share 10 common use cases, demo the 2 most po… more
  • Rejected
  • 22 Aug 2019
Section: Full talk (40 mins) Technical level: Intermediate

Yatharth Khatri

How to build a JavaScript compiler?

As a modern day developer working in the JavaScript ecosystem in the year 2019, one of the tools that we use and are dependent upon the most are compilers. Not just when we’re bundling our code for deployments, but we use them every time we hit a key on our keyboard to edit our code while using our favourite code editor. Didn’t realise that, did anyone? Compilers today not only are used to build/… more
  • Waitlisted
  • 22 Aug 2019
Section: Full talk (40 mins) Technical level: Intermediate

Brian McKenna

PureScript workshop

PureScript is a small, typed, functional programming language which compiles to JavaScript. Some of the goals are to require no runtime by compiling to minimal JavaScript and to provide a simple Foreign Function Interface to interact with existing JavaScript. PureScript has seen some commercial adoption and has many libraries available for writing functional web front-ends. more
  • Confirmed
  • 25 Aug 2019
Section: Workshop Technical level: Advanced

Himanshu Kapoor

A Spy In The Battle of Privacy

The battle between browsers and trackers has been raging for a few years now. As a web developer, I’m all for privacy of users, the prospect of consent, and protecting the data of users and not sharing it with unauthorised third parties. But also I’ve had experience working for the other side. As a JavaScript developer who has developed and worked on solutions to circumvent anti-privacy rules imp… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 27 Aug 2019
Section: Full talk (40 mins) Technical level: Intermediate

Arun Ganessh

Creating a Assistant app of Google Assistant

In this Session the audience can know how to create a Google assistant app in 30mins.They could learn the dialog flow and data api. more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 29 Aug 2019
Section: Workshop Technical level: Intermediate

Jasim A Basheer

Learn to build robust user interfaces using ReasonML, React, and ReasonReact

##Details of this workshop are published here: more
  • Confirmed
  • 29 Aug 2019
Section: Workshop Technical level: Intermediate

Anirvann Das

Webassembly & Javascript: Building fast-er web applications

The session is meant for users to take advantage of webassembly with browser as a virtual machine. The final goal would be to achieve fast, performant web applications. I would be presenting a use case where the web application has become faster after integrating webassembly. more
  • Awaiting details
  • 01 Sep 2019
Section: Crisp talk (20 mins) Technical level: Advanced

Jai Santhosh

Developing in a Large Monorepo

In Microsoft, we have a very large TypeScript-based git repository where over 250 developers build and write code for high-value frontend components which is used across all Microsoft365 products like Outlook, Office, Bing, SharePoint, etc.It contains over a 100 npm packages, containing over a million lines of TypeScript code. Co-locating these components encourages collaboration and sharing code… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 01 Sep 2019
Section: Full talk (40 mins) Technical level: Intermediate

Nadia Makarevich

Jira Frontend architecture (r)evolution: a story of mistakes, revelations and human nature

When jira-frontend repository was born (less than 3 years ago!) Redux was basically a standard for the frontend state management, everyone used it. Jira even built its own architectural guidelines around it and how to build scalable apps with it. And just two and a half years later: drama! Jira and Redux are breaking up, new state management solution involved in it somehow, and the whole Jira fro… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 09 Sep 2019
Section: Full talk (40 mins) Technical level: Intermediate

Jasim A Basheer

Learning to learn ReasonML

This is a talk for the self-indulgent programmer; it is about a shortcut for leveling up in the craft so we can work less, have more fun, and ship better software faster. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 09 Sep 2019
Section: Full talk (40 mins) Technical level: Intermediate

Rahul Kadyan

Building for developer experience

At Myntra, we have hundreds of micro applications built over a few years by a continuously changing team. Different people brought different ideas, and these applications became an amalgam of different design processes, themes, libraries, and tools with lack of any governing principles. These differences and no governance led to multiple forks in design and experience. Now, we have a solution whi… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 09 Sep 2019
Section: Full talk (40 mins) Technical level: Intermediate

Navya Agarwal

Is coding all we need to do? There's more to the story ...

“Good coding practices” is one of the most searched thing that most developers hit on any search engine today. But does it all stop there? Is developers job just limited to writing good code? What about the background work that eventually makes this code to run and be rendered on the browser? Which package manager, test framework or bundler should we use in our application? more
  • Rejected
  • 09 Sep 2019
Section: Crisp talk (20 mins) Technical level: Beginner

Shivek Khurana

If you are going to transpile JS, why not use ClojureScript?

Nearly all production JavaScript apps use some form of transpilation, be it Babel or TypeScript or something else. This let’s you overcome the shortcomings of the underlying language and makes the application more sustainable. But the famous languages that transpile to JS are are Java like. They prefer classes and objects and clear separation of concerns. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 10 Sep 2019
Section: Full talk (40 mins) Technical level: Intermediate

Lavakumar Kuppan

Deploying and Managing CSP: the Browser-side Firewall

Data exfiltration attacks like Magecart have targeted a low-hanging fruit in the industry and have allowed attackers to steal millions of user’s credit card data. Existing security systems fail to prevent or even detect these attacks and this is a major blind-spot in the security monitoring systems. Content Security Policy is a standard supported in most modern browsers and can be harnessed to he… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 10 Sep 2019
Section: Full talk (40 mins) Technical level: Intermediate

Aravind Krishnaswamy

How CloudCherry built a world-class Angular app

CloudCherry recently accepted Cisco’s intent to acquire them. This is a milestone in their journey building world-class products from their India R&D. All of their front-end has been built in Angular by a small high performance team. This talk shares their journey, highlighting key decisions made and their implications. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 13 Sep 2019
Section: Full talk (40 mins) Technical level: Intermediate
Aram Bhusal

Aram Bhusal

What or how not to do in Redis world

What is Redis? Taking the first line on the website, “Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache and message broker”. You’ve been told how amazing Redis is and have seen many people present it as a silver bullet. more
  • 1 comment
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 18 Sep 2019
Section: Full talk (40 mins) Technical level: Advanced

Rakesh Paladugula

Three tips to make a rich component richer

Accessibility is a buzzword in the front-end market. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 21 Sep 2019
Section: Crisp talk (20 mins) Technical level: Intermediate

Bharat Kashyap

Backbone => Vue: Adding modern frameworks to legacy codebases

All large projects of our time began life as small codebases written in frameworks that are now almost obsolete. How should organisations go about introducing modern frameworks into these “legacy” codebases; and is doing this effort worth taking at all? more
  • 1 comment
  • Confirmed
  • 30 Aug 2019
Section: Crisp talk (20 mins) Technical level: Intermediate
Hybrid access (members only)

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JSFoo is a forum for discussing UI engineering; fullstack development; web applications engineering, performance, security and design; accessibility; and latest developments in #JavaScript. Follow JSFoo on Twitter more