JSFoo 2019

JSFoo 2019

On component architecture, front-end engineering and Developer Experience (DX)



Aram Bhusal

Aram Bhusal


What or how not to do in Redis world

Submitted Sep 18, 2019

What is Redis? Taking the first line on the website, “Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache and message broker”. You’ve been told how amazing Redis is and have seen many people present it as a silver bullet.

In this land of silver bullets, I would like to show you cases where Redis might fall flat on the face. Some things might be laughable and obvious, and I have seen some big teams make these mistakes, and some are going to be less obvious.

Bringing you my Redis failures and experiences.


What you can expect from this session:

  • Some of the common mistakes and a few stories of people having burnt themselves
  • (Mis) Using redis as a Persistent storage
  • Single thread headaches
  • Where redis screams & then some (Did someone say rate-limiting?)



Speaker bio

Aram is a full stack developer who has worked on everything from Ruby, Python and NodeJS, to Html, CSS and Angular. He has used Redis in both places where it had to be used and places which he thought would be a good fit (and has successfully burnt himself). Aram has worked with startups writing the first line of code (including Cloudaria which was his own baby) and consulted for some of the more notable Forbes 100 companies building products for scale. Currently, he works at Zoomcar as a Principal Engineer leading the ZAP tech team.




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