JSFoo 2019

JSFoo 2019

On component architecture, front-end engineering and Developer Experience (DX)





Micro Front End Architecture with Framework agnostic Web Components

Submitted Mar 14, 2019

This session will introduce the concept of Web components which is an umbrella term for a suite of W3C specifications. In this session, we will will learn how Angular embraces this idea using Angular Elements and how we can leverage this concept for Micro Front End Architecture or Micro Apps.
This talk will demostrate how Web Components can be a unifying technology for developing truly reusable and interoperable components across web frameworks like Angular, React, Vue and Aurelia.


Micro Frontends
Web Components
Custom Elements
Shadow DOM
Angular Elements
Interoperable Components across Angular,React, Vue, Aurelia

Speaker bio

Anand is a Full Stack Developer and Technical Lead at Credit Suisse, Singapore. He was previously the Global Delivery Lead for Credit Suisse’s FX Options Gateway for pricing and execution. He is currently helping drive technology innovations in the Wealth Management space within the organisation. Anand is a technology enthusiast with a zeal to learn new technologies. He is a
passionate about Angular, Typescript, JavaScript, C# / .NET, Python and web technology. He is also curious about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML).


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