JSFoo 2019

JSFoo 2019

On component architecture, front-end engineering and Developer Experience (DX)



ranadeep bhuyan


WebAssembly with JavaScript to build Web-Components - the future of the web?

Submitted May 24, 2019

This workshop will teach and show how to develop heavy client applications in a scalable and performant manner. Process heavy application those are mostly desktop applications can be ported to the web to run on a browser thus avoiding installation, patching and maintenance over head.

The demo and case study will show how to modify a large system software that was built using low level languages such as C/C++ or dotNet and run them in browser using JavaScript and web-assembly then publish them as web-components.

WebAssembly Leverages the underlying native hardware such as PE and memory to scale efficiently. We will learn about Web Assembly which is a bytecode specification for writing performant, browser agnostic web components. It is a new cross-browser, portable assembly and binary format for web application.

WebAssembly is not very new idea, it was just not the right time to evolve it when it was conceptualized. Now the time has come that web community could leverage modern browser platforms to all compiled codes that belongs to a different type of byte code

Key Takeaways, why should you attend

  • Learn uses case where to use web-assembly with JavaScript
  • Learn how webassembly will impact web development in near future
  • Challanges with desktop application and porting them to online
  • Hands-on and functional knowledge of web-assembly
  • The dare to move large applications online
  • Best practices: Security and performance in regrards to w3c specs
  • Learn to work with Emscripten with some advance features such as call WA api from JS and vice versa


Outline of the workshoop

  • Quick introduction on WebAssembly
  • Web Assembly over JavaScript
  • Benefits
  • Challenges
  • Using in web-components (instead of React/Dojo)
  • Simple demo WebAssembly app
  • Table View
  • Debugging in developer tool
  • Growing memory
  • Cool stuffs in WebAssembly
  • Whole of AutoCAD runs of browser
  • Loading MS word editor in native mode and same the document
  • Intuit’s (QBO) use case
  • Future of WebAssembly (examples)
  • Run distributed code on visitors browser
  • Ethical Mining


4 to 5 hours with couple of short breaks


Background Knowledge required

  • JavaScript
  • Nice to have some idea of functional programming
  • Basic understanding of computer programming/languages

Who should attend

  • Developers/Architects who want to learn with a deep dive into wsm with some hands on webassembly and Emscripten
    • WebComponent developers who want to do magic with lowlevel C/C++ code in browsers
    • Engineering leaders, Tech leads who are maintaining any large system software with a pain of releasing new features and want to explore an option of moving to cloud
  • Product managers who want to go online from desktop

What is not covered

  • Attendence can come up with their systems with build environments, but we will stick to one or two such pre determined softwares.
  • We will show how to start and move forward with a large software build system step by step - 4 hours is not enough to solve the entier system to convert into web-assembly. We will try to complete one or two end to end use cases.

System requirement

Laptop with latest Chrome
dot net runtime

Speaker bio

Ranadeep is a full stack engineer at Intuit. He contributes to design, development and architecture of solutions for complex engineering problems for QuickBooks and it’s customers.



QuickBooks Engineering blog




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