JSFoo 2019

JSFoo 2019

On component architecture, front-end engineering and Developer Experience (DX)



Reenu Saluja


Enhancing Nodejs apps outcomes with Kubernetes and CI/CD

Submitted Aug 16, 2019

As we know Node.js has played an important role in major shift in ways of application Development. We will walk through benefits of NodeJS with CI/CD, Kubernetes and its benefits. Along with that we will cover options available in the market. This session will also talk about best practices which can be leverage by developers, architects and operations team. In the end we will walk through a demonstration and see the benefits.


In era of Agile Software development, when deploying applications most of the teams usually face a challenge between Dev and Ops because these two departments make the same application, but work completely in different ways. Let’s see how with Devops they work together without any misunderstandings and deploy NodeJS application on Kubernetes with CI/CD and result get benefits like shorten time to market, streamlined process, great user experience, less risky releases, less downtime and many more.

Speaker bio

Reenu working as Software Engineer with Microsoft Corporation. She spent more than 12 years in industry and involved in various activities like development, consulting, troubleshooting and speaker. In Microsoft, she is part of commercial software engineering team. She has delivered talk in many conferences on various topics. She delivered talk in GIDS 2019, Bitcoin and Blockchain Conference 2018, Bengaluru, IoT Expo 2018, Delhi, Open Source India Conference 2017, GBC Delhi 2017 etc. Her certification includes TOGAF, PMP, Six Sigma Certified, ECM specialist and Azure certified architect. Connect with Reenu on twitter or Linkedin(@Reenusaluja).


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