JSFoo 2019

JSFoo 2019

On component architecture, front-end engineering and Developer Experience (DX)



Santosh Viswanatham


Demystifying webapps like a pro with Firefox Devtools

Submitted May 14, 2019

No, Firefox DevTools are not Firebug. Firefox Devtools, one of the most powerful and efficient Devtools are already baked into your Browser. In this Talk, Let’s explore the new and less commonly known features in Firefox Devtools such as Grid inspector, Change Panel, Performance profiling tools, Memory, Accessibility inspectors, etc. and deep dive into few tips and tricks to make your developer life easier and more productive. This session is for all the web developers who get their hands dirty every day in building Web apps. The main agenda of this session is to introduce tools that increase the productivity of a developer, Improve the quality of the products we build and make a developer life less painful than before.


This session is more of a Hands-on demo rather than a talk with slides. A little outline for my talk is

  • Using HTML, CSS Inspector and JS Debugger
  • Grid inspectors, accessibility panel and CSS Change panel
  • Responsive mode, Network throttling
  • Deep diving into Memory inspector and Performance tools

Speaker bio

Santosh is an open web philanthropist, works at Pramati Technologies and tweets at @isantoshv! He eats Angular for Breakfast and is an amateur React and VUE.js Developer. Santosh is a Tech Speaker and a Participation leader at Mozilla, loves working with a diverse group of people. He has given talks on WebVR, Cross-Platform extensions, Firefox OS in the past. For his contributions to Mozilla, His name is listed in about:credits of every shipped Firefox Browser. When he is not glued to his computer you will find him reading books, watching movies, trying not to cook badly.




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