
Meta Refresh 2015

The web in your pocket

Accepting submissions

Not accepting submissions

indu s

Polymer: The future of front-end frameworks

This talk is about Polymer, a front end framework which came out of Google and provides some neat ideas on how front end developemnt should be done. more
  • Rejected
  • 06 Oct 2014
Section: Front-end build processes and tools – full talks Technical level: Beginner

Anubhav Sinha

DCV with Docker - better than building web apps

DCV (Desktop Cloud Visulalization) is an alternative approach for making existing desktop apps available from inside of a browser. We will discuss how this approach mixed with the linux containerization technologies like Docker can provide with a cost effective app marketplace for all. more
  • Rejected
  • 06 Oct 2014
Section: Application design – crisp talk Technical level: Beginner

Subhranil Dalal

Digesting jQuery

How to avoid common mistakes we made during our jQuery coding unknowingly. How you can enhance jQuery code and performance very easily. What are impacts of wrong selector. Do’s and Dont’s of jQuery. more
  • Rejected
  • 07 Oct 2014
Section: Performance – full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Ankit Jain

HTTP 2 and What's it all about

Create awareness of upcoming HTTP 2 protocol. As a web-developer what you need to be prepared of. more
  • Cancelled
  • 07 Dec 2014
Section: Performance – full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Thomas Gorissen

Real-time communications on mobile

Educate about the support of modern web technologies like WebRTC on mobile phones and the power of embedded communications in your website or webapp. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 08 Dec 2014
Section: Application Design – full talk Technical level: Beginner

Apoorv Saxena

Running Mobile Games at 60fps

Performance profiling your HTML5 Games Discuss performance best practices to run your Game at 60fps more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 16 Dec 2014
Section: Performance – full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Sonal Raj

How Material UI can redefine Web Development

The Material UI of Android 5.0 is not only a mobile interface design paradigm, it also possesses the potential to change the way we design modern webpages . . for the better. This talk will look into the features and properties that Material Design brings to the designer’s table, and how design inspirations from Material UI can help in creating amazing web pages. more
  • Rejected
  • 24 Dec 2014
Section: Content Design – full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Jaison Justus

Why we play games?

Appreciate, Observe and Play more games. Outline Playing games has always been an intergral part of growing up. We are always thrilled with the new and unique interactions, story, music and art that each game offers us. From 8-bit games to something as gorgeous as GTA 5, we have always been in wonderment from the experience we get during gameplay. This session, we try to decipher the integral ele… more
  • Rejected
  • 04 Jan 2015
Section: Application design – crisp talk Technical level: Beginner

Anand S

Automating doodling

You’ve probably seen animated doodles before. These doodles are engaging for three reasons: more
  • Rejected
  • 05 Jan 2015
Section: Content Design – full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Brameshmadhav Srinivasan

#Perffirst - Optimizing the Critical Rendering Path

Understand the browser’s Critical rendering Path How to use the modern day tools (dev tools, firebug etc) to improve Performance by optimizing the Critical rendering path more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 12 Jan 2015
Section: Performance – crisp talk Technical level: Beginner

Rakesh Menon

Using ReactJS (with Flux) to boost performance for mobile webapps

Understand how the Flux architecture is different from MVC (Why did Facebook prefer Flux over MVC?) more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 12 Jan 2015
Section: Application Design – full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Kiran A


Showcasing awesome.js library which can Responsive image solution Lazyload Capture image path value from json and load it dynamically Low resolution to high resolution switcher. If the device is retina display then it loads the retina image and for other devices/browsers it loads the high resolution images provided. Support small breakpoint landscape mode Support XL breakpoint Support iFrame lazy… more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 12 Jan 2015
Section: Application design – crisp talk Technical level: Intermediate

Aseem Agarwal

Scaling down for Mobile - Insight into design patterns for content based sites.

The phrase “scaling down” in the title tries to convey more than its literal meaning. It is the scaling down of the whole thought process to take a mobile first approach towards developing websites where content is the key focus. In this talk we will discuss patterns and design considerations that one should take care of, when working on websites which have the business of showcasing content. Ove… more
  • 1 comment
  • Cancelled
  • 12 Jan 2015
Section: Content Design – full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Sameer Gupta

Using Crosswalk to Build World Class Hybrid Apps

As web designers use HTML5 to develop Hybrid apps we are faced with new challenges. Supporting a number of different WebViews! Each Android phone running your Hybrid (PhoneGap) App will use the default WebView available during runtime. What if the only WebView you had to worry about was the latest Chromium? more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 14 Jan 2015
Section: Front-end build processes and tools – full talks Technical level: Intermediate

Taran J Singh

Think out of the Glass | Natural Experiences

Showcasing a transformational shift of focus from machine oriented experience development for ‘Glass devices’, to human centric experience development. Leveraging human senses to create natural experiences which are more closer and engaging to humans. And hence coining the term: 'Design for humans’ more
  • Rejected
  • 15 Jan 2015
Section: Application Design – full talk Technical level: Beginner

Taran J Singh

Enabling Interactive experiences & Visualization Options for Mobile Web

Application & Case Studies for Interactive Development & Data Visualizations with UI technologies, viz: Canvas, WebGL, SVG, DOM & CSS, video. And outlining principles for decision-making & implementation of these for the mobile web. more
  • Rejected
  • 15 Jan 2015
Section: Front-end build processes and tools – full talks Technical level: Beginner

Dheeraj Kumar

Render your single-page app on the server with Isomorphic Javascript

I’ll attempt to help you speed up your app by rendering your client-side JS app on the server with Node.js/IO.js, hence improving your page’s first render time. more
  • Rejected
  • 16 Jan 2015
Section: Performance – full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Saloni Jain

Tinkering the spark

Lets kickstart programming and hardware interaction with the Arduino programming language. I will be using the Spark Inventor’s toolkit to create something fun. more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 16 Jan 2015
Section: Application design – crisp talk Technical level: Beginner

parag gajjar

Video thumbnail

Tangible Solutions by application design

Application development is not limited to screens. Many of us have started exploring new areas like virtual reality and IOT, and many of us are full of innovative ideas with different technologies. Due to lack of direction and market knowledge, ideas get diluted and does not come to life. My talk is about showcasing the market possibilities for application development using mobile, which will als… more
  • Rejected
  • 18 Jan 2015
Section: Application design – crisp talk Technical level: Intermediate

Vinci Rufus

Building Application frontends the Web Components Way

The talk aims to showcase a components based approach to designing and developing web apps and how it can significantly help improve productivity across various streams of UX, Visual Design and Development more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 20 Jan 2015
Section: Application Design – full talk Technical level: Intermediate
Param Aggarwal

Param Aggarwal

Netscape for Mobile

Designing and serving content for multiple mobile and web platforms is hard. Come hear about some of the problems we faced, as Myntra migrated from serving fashion content on one platform to five platforms. How step by step, layouts and templates were pulled out from the app and into the server, to be freely changed without an app update. more
  • Cancelled
  • 20 Jan 2015
Section: Content Design – full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Sunil Pai

A live environment for user interface prototyping

to demo live ‘coding’ as a strategy for prototyping user interfaces for mobile devices. more
  • Rejected
  • 20 Jan 2015
Section: Application design – crisp talk Technical level: Intermediate
Brajeshwar Oinam

Brajeshwar Oinam

Styleguide Driven Development for a sane cross-platform design (Mobile, Tablets & Desktops)

Ushering in a key practice to front-end design and development to foster clear separation of UI (User Interface), UX (User Experience), front-end and the back-end. Styleguide Driven Development (SDD) is a practice that helps maintain sanity across all mediums and platforms, be it mobile, tablets or desktops or perhaps something else in future. more
  • Rejected
  • 20 Jan 2015
Section: Application Design – full talk Technical level: Advanced
Brajeshwar Oinam

Brajeshwar Oinam

Design with Beauty, Nature, Mathematics and Code

With increasing numbers of screen sizes to take care of, number of devices, platforms and mediums - it is really hard not just for designers but also developers to make sure a design ‘works’ across all these facades. more
  • Rejected
  • 20 Jan 2015
Section: Content Design – full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Adit Gupta

Using "Hooked" model to design a social network for science

Users will understand the intricacies of designing a social network from scratch including interaction design concepts, layout strategies, typography, responsive design and visual design. more
  • Rejected
  • 20 Jan 2015
Section: Application Design – full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Ajay Vishnu

Waking the Maker

From the begining, applications have always been designed with a two way agreement between humanity & technology. We learning them & they learning us. It’s time that we take charge. But to do this, we need to teach them faster. Connect our world to theirs. Create - The Internet of Things. more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 21 Jan 2015
Section: Application design – crisp talk Technical level: Beginner

Shashi Gowda

UIs as Values

This talk aims to dwell on the benifits of representing UIs as values. We take the key contribution of Facebook’s React framework - the idea of Virtual DOM and DOM Reconciliation and push it as far as it can seemingly go. more
  • 1 comment
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 21 Jan 2015
Section: Front-end build processes and tools – full talks Technical level: Intermediate

Ramanpreet Singh

simple yet elegant ..

We are human beings. We are creatures of habit, and web have been here for so long that we have got stuck in some bad ones. I aim to make a call to your subconscious. more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 21 Jan 2015
Section: Application design – crisp talk Technical level: Beginner

Siddharth Banerjee

Hands on development of a video chat application using WebRTC

I’d like this to be a practical introduction to WebRTC. A video chat application will allow users to face and solve real challenges while working with WebRTC. We’ll code along with the participants. more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 21 Jan 2015
Section: Workshops Technical level: Beginner

Pooja Shah

Scaling test automation for mobile apps and exploring Continuous Integration

Parameters to check to ensure the quality of app across platforms & across browsers more
  • Rejected
  • 21 Jan 2015
Section: Application Design – full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Indermohan Singh

Mobile App Development with Ionic and AngularJS

In this Talk, I will discuss about Mobile App development with Ionic, a front-end SDK along with AngularJS and Cordova. People who are attending this conference will learn better way of Developing Apps and Websites too. (jQuery is not solution of Everything!) more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 23 Jan 2015
Section: Application Design – full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Arun Subramaniam

DOM animations, almost native

What does it take to get a native-like feel on mobile web? How do CSS and JS animations compare? more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 12 Feb 2015
Section: Performance – crisp talk Technical level: Beginner

Aashish Solanki

User Experience Design beyond web & mobile

Inspiration to design beyond mobile and web, Design cues to think for non browser/app UX and an overview of product design thinking across the digital future more
  • Rejected
  • 17 Feb 2015
Section: Application Design – full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Manish Chiniwalar

Google Design Sprint - Concept to Confidence

###Using the principles you learn from the workshop, you should be able to: more
  • Rejected
  • 19 Feb 2015
Section: Workshops Technical level: Intermediate

Vagmi Mudumbai

Building apps that run at 60fps on the mobile with Elm

Participants will walk away with an appreciation of the Elm programming language that shows an entirely new way of building javascript applications. Its type safety ensures that you will never see errors like “undefined is not a function”. more
  • Rejected
  • 21 Feb 2015
Section: Front-end build processes and tools – crisp talks Technical level: Advanced


Prototyping responsive website with Axure

To understand and leverage capabilities of Axure in creating wireframes and prototypes for different screen sizes more
  • Rejected
  • 23 Feb 2015
Section: Application design – crisp talk Technical level: Beginner

Bassam Ismail

Scalable architecture with SMACSS and BEM

We’ll be learning about: Component abstraction: Making a shift from theming for pages to theming for components. more
  • Rejected
  • 25 Feb 2015
Section: Application Design – full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Amit Singh Sethi

What does writing a js framework teach you?

What we can have learn from the evolution of frontend frameworks in last 5 years. And how we incorporated it in our frontend framework. more
  • Rejected
  • 26 Feb 2015
Section: Application design – crisp talk Technical level: Intermediate

Souvik Basu

Practical problems with Responsive designs and how to approach them

To drill down on the major problems that a Front End developer faces while implementing a Responsive design more
  • Rejected
  • 27 Feb 2015
Section: Application Design – full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Ankur Bansal

Creating a Data Driven UI Framework

To discuss an approach to create scalable UI framework and configurable UI components to incorporate custom requirements of web applications. more
  • Rejected
  • 28 Feb 2015
Section: Application design – crisp talk Technical level: Intermediate

Priyanka Herur

Why and how to test webpages across multiple devices and browsers

In this talk, we’ll talk about why it is important to test webpages on devices and how to test across multiple devices/screens/browsers. more
  • 1 comment
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 28 Feb 2015
Section: Front-end build processes and tools – crisp talks Technical level: Beginner

Ritvvij Parrikh

A framework for building data-driven interactive front-ends

We live in world of “big data”. However, the front-end for the “big data” age is the browser which cannot hold more than 1-5 MB of data at any given moment of time. The problem becomes more aggravated in mobiles where the bandwidth is even lower. How to build user interfaces that are data heavy and interactive in nature? more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 04 Mar 2015
Section: Application design – crisp talk Technical level: Intermediate

Aseem Agarwal

Developing SPA for the mobile browser with Backbone

With this talk we will take a traditional content based website and convert it into a Single Page App (SPA) using Backbone. more
  • Rejected
  • 04 Mar 2015
Section: Front-end build processes and tools – crisp talks Technical level: Intermediate

Geographic Company

Small Talk on i18n

To help understand the challenges of Internationalization, and how to prepare, design and implement it as a Front-End Developer. more
  • Rejected
  • 04 Mar 2015
Section: Front-end build processes and tools – crisp talks Technical level: Intermediate
Siddharth Kshetrapal

Siddharth Kshetrapal

Perceived Performance for the Mobile Web

Ways to make mobile web feel native. Outline Creating native app like experience for mobile websites is still a challenge. But there are simple user interface tricks that can give the user a perceived sense of enhanced performance. more
  • Rejected
  • 04 Mar 2015
Section: Performance – crisp talk Technical level: Beginner

Akshay Gupta

A Quick (and Hopefully Painless) Ride Through ReactJS

ReactJS as a much better front-end engineering battle-axe and a facilitator for designers. more
  • Confirmed
  • 06 Mar 2015
Section: Workshops Technical level: Intermediate

Apoorv Saxena

{ Profile } ! { Profile } ! { Profile } !

Profile Web Applications to load under 1 second and tackle issues to run them at 60fps more
  • Confirmed
  • 06 Mar 2015
Section: Workshops Technical level: Intermediate

Sajjad Anwar

Making maps work on mobile.

The idea is to introduce few challenges in serving maps on the mobile web through Mapbox’s open source infrastructure. Embracing web standards and understanding device resources are key aspects. We will discuss how technologies like WebGL and vector tiles along with data formats like GeoJSON are setting the baseline for beatiful maps on mobile. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 07 Mar 2015
Section: Performance – crisp talk Technical level: Beginner

Lakshman Prasad

Studying Google Material Design and Exploring how you can take advantage of it today

To understand various aspects of Google Material Design more
  • Rejected
  • 07 Mar 2015
Section: Application Design – full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Kanagaraj Mayilsamy

ES6 - The future of javascript

The next version of JavaScript, defined by ECMAScript 6 (ES6), is packed with great, new features. This talk gives a overview of ECMAScript 6 features and tools that enable you to use them today. more
  • Rejected
  • 07 Mar 2015
Section: Application Design – full talk Technical level: Beginner

Himanshu Kapoor

Go Native and Come Back

Lets try and make the picture clear. Currently, the concensus is that: more
  • Rejected
  • 08 Mar 2015
Section: Performance – full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Harish Sivaramakrishnan

Now that we have an app, Let's kill our mobile site!

A technical, deep, highly irreverent lowdown on how we went ahead and built a badass mobile web experience for, despite the fact that we have apps for all major platforms. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 09 Mar 2015
Section: Application Design – full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Raunaq Gupta

Interaction prototyping for the modern fragmented digital world

The workshop will introduce a design workflow that provides a seamless approach to designing interactions for the web and mobile applications by augmenting what the role of a traditional designer is usually limited to. more
  • Rejected
  • 09 Mar 2015
Section: Workshops Technical level: Beginner
Souvik Das Gupta

Souvik Das Gupta

What’s your web?

To break the designer / creator bias towards laptops (and desktops) while designing experiences on the web. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 09 Mar 2015
Section: Application Design – full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Vikash Agrawal

Look Up mobile web with

To help front end developers and startups to learn from our experiences and utilize for their best. more
  • Rejected
  • 09 Mar 2015
Section: Front-end build processes and tools – full talks Technical level: Intermediate

Dron Rathore

I Will Javascript You!

To enlighten the community about the importance of writing concise, optimised Javascript code by deeply understanding the JS, lower level design patterns of it, and how it binds with DOM, for Mobile Web given its limitations. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 09 Mar 2015
Section: Performance – full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Jigar Jain

Simplifying CSS using {Less}

Writing scalable & modular CSS using preprocessors (LESS) more
  • Rejected
  • 11 Mar 2015
Section: Workshops Technical level: Intermediate

Jaseem abid

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How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Flux

Deep dive into flux, the principles and components more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 16 Mar 2015
Section: Front-end build processes and tools – full talks Technical level: Advanced

Srividya Sriram & Ajith Sowndararajan

Mobilising for Mobile

A trail of questions and answers that will lead you to eternal ‘app’iness. more
  • Rejected
  • 16 Mar 2015
Section: Application Design – full talk Technical level: Beginner

Praveen Singh

Building LEGO like Frontend System

Design methodology that we used to build components or pages that are easily maintainable and scalable. more
  • Rejected
  • 16 Mar 2015
Section: Application Design – full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Shwetank Dixit

A Deep Dive into CSS Blend Modes

To give the audience an idea of what CSS Blend Modes are, give them deep knowledge of how they work (right down to the algorithmic level), and inspire them to take their designs on the web to the next level using this technology. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 18 Mar 2015
Section: Application Design – full talk Technical level: Advanced

Aravind Ravi Sulekha

The React Way: A non-trivial example

Learn to build a complex React component, become familiar with the component lifecycle and gain experience with a broad range of component APIs. more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 22 Mar 2015
Section: Workshops Technical level: Advanced

saptarshi chatterjee

Auto generate customized test suit for your JavaScript file

Will be able to create a basic npm module in 5 minute. more
  • Rejected
  • 25 Mar 2015
Section: Front-end build processes and tools – full talks Technical level: Advanced

Rudi MK Proposing

Mobile web in an app world

Learn about Cleartrip’s experiences building for the mobile web. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 30 Mar 2015
Section: Application Design – full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Rudi MK Proposing

We don't hate the web

This talk is mainly to walk the w3 community through Flipkart’s thought process on some of the recent decisions Flipkart took related to web. Also, we will be taking them through where we think mobile will be headed and how browser based technologies are going to play much significant role than ever. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 31 Mar 2015
Section: Application Design – full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Vivek Raghavan

Design for Delight

To outline a customer driven methodology to innovate and delight the customer. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 02 Apr 2015
Section: Application Design – full talk Technical level: Beginner

Hosted by

Meta Refresh is an umbrella forum for conversations about different aspects of design and product including: UX and interaction design CMS, content management, publishing and content marketing Information architecture more