Meta Refresh 2015

The web in your pocket

Manish Chiniwalar


Google Design Sprint - Concept to Confidence

Submitted Feb 19, 2015

###Using the principles you learn from the workshop, you should be able to:

  • Create designs that not only look good, but also improves the numbers that matter to the business
  • Get everyone in the team thinking about the big picture
  • Leverage the designer in everyone to come up with creative ideas
  • Validate your designs before you spend time and money developing it
  • Fail fast and arrive at a solution that works
  • AND have fun while solving hard problems!


Lean Start-up is the new buzz word, but for good reason. It works!

How do we apply that to design?

Design sprint provides a framework to quickly validate your bold and risky concepts in a matter of days.
Don’t have a concept yet? Design sprint will help come up with one as well!

In the workshop we’ll start with how to get a deeper and clearer understanding about the problem you are trying to solve and get the whole team on the same page.

We’ll see how we can leverage everyone’s skills in the team to come up with great ideas (no more awkward silences in brainstorming!)

Then we’ll see how we can combine the best parts from everyone’s ideas and agree upon one concept.

Once we have a single concept, we’ll see how we can actually test it with real users and get real feedback without code!

Let’s go from concept to confidence fast! And build software that not only looks good, but also solves problems well.

Speaker bio

Manish is a Product Manager at Multunus Software. A Hacker and UX Dude who’s also obsessed with Lean Start-ups. He also loves Earl grey tea and Beaches. So, don’t get him started on that!


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