Meta Refresh 2015

The web in your pocket

Sameer Gupta


Using Crosswalk to Build World Class Hybrid Apps

Submitted Jan 14, 2015

As web designers use HTML5 to develop Hybrid apps we are faced with new challenges. Supporting a number of different WebViews! Each Android phone running your Hybrid (PhoneGap) App will use the default WebView available during runtime. What if the only WebView you had to worry about was the latest Chromium?

In this talk, you will be introduced to one such open source project. Crosswalk! With Crosswalk you will only have to worry about one target browser.


No developer wants old, outdated devices to prevent them from using awesome new APIs.

With the platform variations in the market you are forced to assume that every Android WebView works differently. There are differences in:

  • Which JavaScript APIs are available
  • Support and syntax for CSS properties
  • How your application’s interface is rendered
  • …and plenty more. You want to support as many versions of Android as possible, but it’s frustrating and time consuming.




Speaker bio

Experience Technology Specialist. Thought Leader. Interactive Development Manager @SapientNitro



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