Meta Refresh 2015

The web in your pocket

Brajeshwar Oinam

Brajeshwar Oinam


Design with Beauty, Nature, Mathematics and Code

Submitted Jan 20, 2015

With increasing numbers of screen sizes to take care of, number of devices, platforms and mediums - it is really hard not just for designers but also developers to make sure a design ‘works’ across all these facades.

Imagine if a developer, without a design degree or a design background, be able to use mathematics, fractals and intelligent algorithmic codes to design websites, apps, etc? Let’s about that.


The cold war, sometimes hot, between designers and developers are an on-going and part-parcel of any project that involves both. Designers frown upon the developers’ inability to design what they did in their graphic software. Developers blames the designers for being creative for the wrong reason.

Let’s dive into some ideas, principles and naturally occurring phenomenon to help both designers and developers and apply to their work to bring forth better designs, creatively apply repetitive patterns and make their work beautiful.

Let’s learn to look at the beauty of nature, sacred mathematical fractals and algorithms to design our products, apps, websites, mobile apps and your life.


With most designs projects - be it a website, or an app - has never been easy to make a client and everyone involved be really happy.

A visual designer may do her best and get the clients convinced somehow, the final design usually loses its edge and originality when translated to the web, and devices.

It is not easy and a tedious process to keep the Typography consistent, the spacing - paddings, margins - in sync.

Presentation Preview

The presentation will highlight some of the natural existing solutions to design problems - the Golden Ratio, the Fibonacci Sequence, the Cicada Principle - and how they can be used to leverage product designs - for the web, and devices.

There will also be references to musical notes - the minor, major, fourth, sixth, octave, tenth, etc - and apply it to design to achieve a modular scale with the typography, and spacings between elements to bring forth a design that has its meanings.

There will mentions of how adapting these principles, mathematical fractals can bring beauty, consistency and a sense of being part of users when it comes to designs that they interact everyday.

Takeaway from the Presentation

The presentation will walk through some of the well known naturally occurring phenomenon, patterns and mathematical fractals.

I’ll also prepare an open source example complete with working code on how we can apply such patterns, fractals to help designers and non-designers (read developers) understand each other better and be able to bring out design works that are ingrained in the beauty of nature.

Hopefully, the presentation should be able to help inculcate a thinking into new designers and those who work with designers be able to take decisions with their work to make it more ‘beautiful’.

Speaker bio

I believe in simplicity, minimalism and an ardent willingness to push the envelop, envisioning the betterment of usable and practical solutions. - brajeshwar


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