Meta Refresh 2015

The web in your pocket

Souvik Basu


Practical problems with Responsive designs and how to approach them

Submitted Feb 27, 2015

To drill down on the major problems that a Front End developer faces while implementing a Responsive design


Today most of the websites are designed Responsive or even better with a Mobile First approach. We have devices ranging from a 2 inch display to 42 inches and every other dimension in between. Designing a UI that fits well with all or most device is a challenge. Even when we create an app with responsive design principles in mind we do stumble upon a lot of issues while trying to give the best User experience.

One such problem is with identifying high resolution devices with smaller screen sizes. In such devices it becomes even more difficult to identify the best strategy to take advantage of high resolution and yet be careful of not trying to stuff in more than the user can interact with. Another issue is with handling responsiveness on Single Page Apps. Most SPAs demand that the whole page be visible on the screen which becomes a challenge on Tablets due to smaller screen sizes. Adding scroll bars impacts UX in such cases.

In my talk I will talk from my experience of the various problem we face while desigining a responsive web app. We will spend some time on discussing approaches to solve issues with displaying an SPA page on different device screens. We will look at how we can take advantage of HTML5 features and try some smart code to solve a lot of concerns with responsive designs.


Basic knowledge of JavaScript, HTML and CSS. Understanding of what is a Responsive design.

Speaker bio

Souvik is working as a Front End dev and Technical lead with ecoInsight. He has worked on Windows and Web technologies for about 12 years. For the past few years Souvik has been spending a major time on HTML5 and UI development. He is passionate about Front End technologies. Souvik has worked with companies like ThoughtWorks, Avaya and Symantec in past. His daily work involves work on HTML5 and WPF front end. He has spoken on Silverlight and HTML5 technologies in various dev conferences before. When he is not coding he is outdoors chasing wildlife with his DSLR in the National Parks of Southern India.


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