Meta Refresh 2015

The web in your pocket

Aseem Agarwal


Developing SPA for the mobile browser with Backbone

Submitted Mar 4, 2015

With this talk we will take a traditional content based website and convert it into a Single Page App (SPA) using Backbone.


Single Page App is what helps provide a native experience in the mobile browser. They don’t involve page reloads, respond much faster and take advantage of custom animations for navigation. Overall they provide a more seamless experience than a traditional website where each link is loaded fresh.

Backbonejs is a javascript framework based on a model-view type architecture. In simple terms, it tries to bring structure to the data and the many parts of interface that your website has. In this presentation we will demonstrate a project converting a simple content based website; a “news portal” to a single page app using backbone. The following functionalities will be discussed in terms of the concept and the coding implementation.

  1. Structuring the website as per the model view architecture of Backbone.
  2. Routing of the website - How to present different views upon navigation, maintain browser history.
  3. Special features available in Backbone in terms of operations on model and view.


something to write down the important points during the talk.

Speaker bio

Iam a front end developer, designer at Genwi. At genwi we are developing hybrid apps (IOS, Android, HTML5) targeted towards content marketing world where design (written in HTML,CSS,JS) is decoupled from the actual code to run the apps. Visualising content is key focus in our apps and we take care of client requirements which are challenging both in terms of design and functionality. Iam an avid blogger as well, reading and writing about technology, good design and any insights or experiences that I gain.


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