Meta Refresh 2015

The web in your pocket

Akshay Gupta


A Quick (and Hopefully Painless) Ride Through ReactJS

Submitted Mar 6, 2015

ReactJS as a much better front-end engineering battle-axe and a facilitator for designers.


We’ll go through the fundamentals and philosophy of ReactJS and see how we can apply patterns that have emerged from using it alongside a design team.

In our half-day workshop, we’ll try to cover these high-level ideas:

  • Setting up a simple ReactJS application.

  • Writing UI components that can be re-used across the application as an easy way of keeping the design consistent.

  • HTML-like templating languages (like JSX, react-templates) that make it much easier for designers to write dynamic interactions by themselves.

  • Declarative / logic-less UI components that can perform transitions / animations etc.

  • We’ll try our hands on building a few simple UI components. For example, a menu system like this:


  • Basic understanding of JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
  • Laptop with the lastest Chrome, Sublime Text editor, a terminal and python installed.

Speaker bio

Abhinav //
Old school JVM hacker. Loves log files. Wishes he was programming Haskell.
Akshay //
Modern day aesthetically-relevant hacker. Long time Rubyist, recent JavaScript and Clojure programmer.

We work in a variety of different projects at nilenso. From media publishing platforms and energy saving projects to multi-variate testing and machine learning systems.



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