Meta Refresh 2015

The web in your pocket

Kanagaraj Mayilsamy


ES6 - The future of javascript

Submitted Mar 7, 2015

The next version of JavaScript, defined by ECMAScript 6 (ES6), is packed with great, new features. This talk gives a overview of ECMAScript 6 features and tools that enable you to use them today.


ECMAScript 6, the new Javascript standard, is going to be released by the mid of 2015. So its a good time to talk some of the cool features the javascript is going to get. The list includes

  • Classes
  • Modules
  • Promises
  • Arrow Functions
  • Block Scoping

ECMAScript 6 features are continually appearing in javascript engines. But not all the browsers support all the features. There are tools that can be used today to transpile code to ES5 so that it can work in today’s browsers. There are some well known transpilers.

  • Traceur
  • BabelJS (was 6to5)


Basic knowledge about Javascript

Speaker bio

I am Kanagaraj, working as Software Develeoper at Red Hat and an open source enthusiast. Coming from Java ecosystem, i started liking Javascript for its simplicity and powerfulness. I am interested in exploring javascript more and more.


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