
JSFoo 2017

JSFoo is a conference about JavaScript and everything related.

Accepting submissions

Not accepting submissions

Mayank Badola

Hardware Description and Emulation using JavaScript

Gone are the days when you had to rely on the likes of VHDL or Verilog, when you wanted to get involved in hardware description or craved a bit of Hardware Engineering. more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 09 Jan 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Rabimba Karanjai

State of WebVR and how you create your reality using aframe!

Virtual Reality is a new technology used for building realistic experiences for games, environments, content display as well as marketing. In this session we will talk about Web Virtual Reality and the present state of it. We will talk about different use cases and the state WebVR is at present. The session will start with present state of affairs of WebVR, it’s support in different browsers and … more
  • 1 comment
  • Waitlisted
  • 12 Jan 2017
Technical level: Intermediate

Rabimba Karanjai

Turning Sensors into Actions: IoT for humans with Javascript

In this talk we take on the hype about IoT. The expensinve devices, the ‘another’ new IoT device which talks to…only it’s own application. The awesome windows blind that can learn your moods or the overly complicated raspberry pi that you have to code to get your hack going. In this talk we will show a simple yet reasonable way to get started with IoT, using your old android/firefox os mobile/dev… more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 12 Jan 2017
Technical level: Intermediate

Shivang Shekhar

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WebVR : Dive into another world on Web

Virtual Reality offers makers the chance to build new cutting edge experiences that no one has seen before. This hands-on workshop will supercharge your creation toolbox with Mozilla A-frame — the framework for building incredible experiences on the web in VR, and other exciting VR technologies and upcoming streams in VR like tiltbrush or a-painter. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn ab… more
  • Waitlisted
  • 02 Feb 2017
Technical level: Beginner

Shreyansh Pandey

Deep Dive with ES6 and 7

In this talk, I will cover the new aspects of ECMAScript 6 and 7. Now, this is commonplace knowledge, however the proper semantic and usage is not clear to many people. Throughout the talk, I will give examples of where to use what and how it’s better than the preceeding versions in JavaScript. We’ll cover some Node as well, and finally, a simple build system. more
  • Cancelled
  • 07 Feb 2017
Technical level: Intermediate

Souvik Basu

How to make Web Component work in production?

Although it has been more than 3 years that Web Components are part of browser standards, still many browsers do not have full fledged support for it. Web Components will be a success only when there is inherent support for it in all major browsers and not through polyfills. We will deep dive into the problems faced while trying to run Web Components in production and more importantly how to harn… more
  • Rejected
  • 08 Feb 2017
Technical level: Intermediate

Souvik Basu

How to switch enterprise level AngularJS 1.x app to 2.0

AngularJS 2.0 went live in September last year. It’s a framework built from scratch to provide loads of performance improvements, mobile first approach, future protection, compliance with latest JavaScript standards, type safety using TypeScript as a language of choice and many techniques to build really complex UI. But by now many companies are already invested into AngularJS 1.x applications an… more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 08 Feb 2017
Technical level: Advanced

Prashant Tiwari

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TypeScript all the things!

You’re probably doing something wrong if you write JavaScript for a living in 2017 and haven’t yet tried TypeScript. Whether you’re writing a back-end, front-end or a mobile app — and whether you’re using jQuery, React, Angular, Vue or your favourite framework-du-jour — TypeScript can significantly improve your development experience with its incredible tooling and refactoring support that can he… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 08 Feb 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Lakshman Prasad

Loop like an ES6 Native

One of the first things someone learns in programming is to loop, i.e. perform a sequence of steps on a set of elements. Any developer - beginner to advanced, writes atleast a few loops every hour. It’s ubiqutious nature merits a deep dive into the fundamentals of looping. more
  • Under evaluation
  • 09 Feb 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Denis Radin

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Applying NASA coding guidelines to JavaScript or airspace is closer than you may think

Jet Propulsion Laboratory – scientific institution making a lot of research and development for NASA. JPL have been developing software for most of unmanned missions in the field of deep space exploaration including such missons as Curiosity and Voyager. High level of autmatization and long duration of missions led to superior demands to software quality. more
  • Rejected
  • 20 Feb 2017
Technical level: Beginner

Dhruva Sagar

WebRTC Demystified

WebRTC has come a long way today and enables us to make peer-to-peer real-time connected applications far more easily than ever before. more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 02 Mar 2017
Technical level: Intermediate

Naren Arya

Building next generation progressive web apps with Isomorphic JavaScript

This is a talk about how a single appliation codebase can be shared by both web server and browser(client). Isomorphic/Universal applications are the future of web development in JavaScript ecosystem. You might be wondering why on earth one need an isomorphic app? If you need an end to end JavaScript solution with features like SEO complient, Progressive rendering, blazing speed then look out for… more
  • Rejected
  • 05 Mar 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Bharat Soni

Maybe you don't need a React or Angular to build single page

While everyone is either using or planning to use SPA frameworks like React, Angular to build new generation web applications, this talk is more about how a developer can build his own single page application with bare bone JS and minimum possible stack. more
  • Rejected
  • 10 Mar 2017
Technical level: Intermediate

Sudipta Sen

RxJS Observables & Angular2 HTTP

Do you know how useful observables are while talking about reactive programming? You might have done a lot of reactive programming knowingly or un knowingly in your daily life and now ReactiveX made it more fun and easy. This talk is about the usefulness of Observables and real life use cases of Observables in an Angular2 applications with HTTP. Promises are good for solving asynchronous operatio… more
  • Cancelled
  • 13 Mar 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate

George Mandis

Tiny Computers, JavaScript and MIDI

We’re living the halcyon days of tiny computers and JavaScript, but MIDI is a technology that’s been around for much longer. In this talk we’ll explore why it’s implementation and prevalence in hardware makes for a uniquely intriguing and accessible platform for creative coding. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 15 Mar 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate


Best Practices for Continuous Delivery of Javascript/Node and Angular Porjects

Java Script integration on Continous Delivery pipeline requires integration with CD tool chain- Jenkins as an orchestrator, Sonar analysis , Unit testing , Build and Release . At Cisco we have nudged the best practices on our CD pipeline to deliver a platform agnostic end-to-end release cycle for Java Script/ Node and Angular. Along with that we provide analytics of these projects to deliver and … more
  • 1 comment
  • Cancelled
  • 21 Mar 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate


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Isomorphic javascript with ebay's markojs

Introduction and hands on with less popular but more powerful html template rendering engine - “Markojs”.I ll be explaining how your whole project can be broken down into reactive webcomponents which can work both server side and browser side i.e. isomorphically. more
  • Under evaluation
  • 11 Apr 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Beginner

Shrimadhav U K

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Generating a static web app using Git and securing it using OWASP

The talk will consist mainly on how to deploy a static website properly (both, in terms of usability and security) with a version control system. The audience might learn which files should be version controlled and which type of files should not be placed in the version control repository. Experience with a version control system is recommended but not mandatory. more
  • Rejected
  • 12 Apr 2017
Section: Workshop Technical level: Intermediate

Amjad M

Javascript in Internet of Things

How js can involve in the upcoming era of internet of things (IoT)?. How can you control an electronic device by using js code?. more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 18 Apr 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Beginner

Vagmi Mudumbai

Type check your JS codebase with Flow

Flow is a static type checker for Javascript. By adding a few type annotations Flow lets you minimize errors that can occur in a large codebase. By the end of this talk we’ll look at common anti-patterns with JS codebases and how Flow can help you write better code. more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 22 Apr 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate

parag gajjar

Choose right IoT Platform

Walkthrough and comparison of three IoT platforms, ThingWorx, GE Predix and Google IoT cloud with their benefits and drawbacks. more
  • Rejected
  • 25 Apr 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Geeyavudeen Musthafa

You can't escape from DevOps - What's in it for an eXperience Technologist

When the project team is moving towards DevOps re-organization, eXperince Technologist or Frontend developers are sidelined from DevOps core processes like building CI/CD pipelines. This session focus on building CI/CD pipeline for UI project. more
  • Rejected
  • 26 Apr 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Prathik S

What web can do today

PWAs are taking over. Web now has lot of features of mobile apps. This talk will look at them. more
  • Rejected
  • 29 Apr 2017
Section: Crisp Talk Technical level: Beginner

Patrick Kettner

making modern websites

It seems like new APIs for the web are released every week. It would be cool to be able to use them, but if you need to make websites for the average user, you won’t be able to use them for years - right? Wrong. I will go over how creating feature rich and super fast front end applications, integrating over a dozen cutting edge web features, all while supporting even the oldest of web clients. If… more
  • Cancelled
  • 08 May 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Vijay Dharap

Learning Webpack - One step at a time

WebPack has established itself as the choice of all top JS techies out there in 2016. However, due to it’s vastness and loose documentation, developers find adopting WebPack a tad heavier than its predecessors such as browserify or requirejs. In this talk, Vijay will aim to take the audience through various WebPack features and benefits via live demos. more
  • Waitlisted
  • 09 May 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Beginner

Naresh Negi

AMP - Accelerated Mobile Pages

My topis will be What is AMP, Purpose, how to implement and what are the benefits of having it in the project along with the demo of some existing website have AMP implementation. more
  • Rejected
  • 16 May 2017
Section: Crisp Talk Technical level: Beginner

Dilpreet Singh

Building web apps using Ember Js

The web is moving forward with an exceptional speed, with all kinds of application from simple note taking applications to social networks. While starting a project we must make some crucial decisions about the architecture of the project, front-end & back-end frameworks etc. These decisions can be both a head start or a blocker depending upon the choice made and as the size of the project increa… more
  • Waitlisted
  • 18 May 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Rahat Khanna

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Demystifying Web Components as the Weapon for Web Convergence

The web is evolving at light speed and all the web applications are trying to catch up. It has become very difficult for a new developer or even an existing developer to decide which Framework or Tool to choose for his next project. Angular, React, Ember, Vue are few of the myriad of options available, and some time evaluating few of these for the best fit is unending. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 19 May 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Shreyansh Pandey

Oblivion and JavaScript - The nuances of security

Take an application. Any application. Discect it. What do you see? Garbled bits of JavaScript code which has been glued with a very thin coating of AJAX. Regardless of what it is: an eBook reader, a banking application, many government websites, etc. there is always something which is lacking... something which is amiss; more often that not, it’s the security. It’s needless to emphasize the threa… more
  • Rejected
  • 20 May 2017
Section: Crisp Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Sapna Upreti

Reactive web applications using Meteor

Meteor is a type of full stack realtime JavaScript framework for web development. It’s free and open-source and a tidy package that makes web development easy. There is a concept of reactivity in Meteor which states that whenever there is a change in data source the clients connected to the Meteor server gets updated automatically without refresh. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 22 May 2017
Section: Crisp Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Mukul Jain

Service Workers and the Role They Play in Modern-Day Web Apps

Service workers have greatly improved the experience of web apps by providing offline access to pages, caching data, background sync and other native app-like features. Nowadays, Progressive Web Apps are working together with service workers to provide the users better performance and experience than a typical web app. But service worker’s power doesn’t just stop at giving offline experience and … more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 22 May 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate


Transition from Monolithic to Microservices Architecture

Most of the current web apps follow Monolithic Architecture i.e. all code (presentation, business and data access layer) is maintained within the same code base. more
  • Rejected
  • 22 May 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Neha Nivedita

Improving Build Solutions: Dependency Management With Webpack

In complex front-end web applications, module and dependency management is a challenge often faced during development. more
  • 1 comment
  • Under evaluation
  • 22 May 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Chris Lienert

How to Speed Up Your UX with Skeleton Screens

However well designed your user interface may be, at some point or other, the people using it are going to have to wait for something to load. Skeleton screens are an effective alternative to progress bars and wait indicators to improve perceived performance. This talk covers every aspect of skeleton screens from psychology to design to putting them in action with JavaScript. more
  • Cancelled
  • 22 May 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Sumit Jolly

JavaScript Design Patterns

What is a pattern? Design patterns are reusable solutions to commonly occurring problems in software design. more
  • Cancelled
  • 29 May 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate

rohit dhamija

Hybrid Mobile Development with Oracle JET

Hybrid mobile application using Oracle Javascript Extension Toolkit. Key takeaways: What are Native, Web and Hybrid Apps and how they are different How to build Cordova based JET Hybrid Application Demonstrating Code and Demo more
  • Rejected
  • 31 May 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Beginner

Kritika Maheshwari

All I Wish I Knew About Mobile App Development

I will be sharing some of the gems that I have collected in these years. It might help the developers to get started faster and not repeat the mistakes that I once did while developing mobile apps. I decided to start mobile app development and that was one of the best decisions, I took in my life. It has been around three years now and I had the chance to learn and un-learn a lot of things in mob… more
  • Awaiting details
  • 31 May 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Nikhil John

Developing Websites for Low Bandwidth Markets

Does your website work everywhere in the world? How about developing countries? Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan? more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 02 Jun 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Rajan Chandi

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VueJS: Getting Started With VueJS

Vue JS is revolutionary in many ways. It has performed well in benchmark tests compared to React and Angular. more
  • Cancelled
  • 03 Jun 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate
Siddharth Kshetrapal

Siddharth Kshetrapal

Building applications for the next billion users

There are 340 million internet users in India, that’s more than the entire population of the US. Sadly, 86% of them are on slow networks. These harsh conditions bring out the best architecture patterns for building performant applications. more
  • 1 comment
  • Under evaluation
  • 03 Jun 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Sam Bellen

I didn’t know the browser could do that!

The times when a browser simply had to parse and show some markup are long gone. These days they are full of interesting api’s exposing various information and behaviour to web developers. This talk will walk you through a few of these api’s (speech, speech recognition, battery, location, ...), some of which you might know, some maybe not. I will show a quick example of what some of these api’s c… more
  • Rejected
  • 07 Jun 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Beginner

Abhinav Shroff

Test Automation for Nodejs Application - Learn the Cloud Way

In this session, learn our approach for building Test Automation for your JavaScript Applications .Learn how you can leverage different tools and frameworks to build and execute your test cases for Unit Testing, Integration Testing and Loading Testing. You will see how to create test cases using different testing frameworks and execute them in automated fashion. Get an understanding on how to set… more
  • Rejected
  • 13 Jun 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Beginner

Mayank Verma

Trends in Async Javascript

Generators, Async-Await, Observables (Reactive Programming) - too much jargon? more
  • Rejected
  • 14 Jun 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Vinci Rufus

Demand Driven Applications with GraphQL

Introduce the concept of Demand Driven Architecture and how tools like GraphQL are solving most of the problems we face with REST APIs. ALso discuss how adding GraphQL to your tech stack can improve productivity across all levels. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 14 Jun 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Saptak Sengupta

Making your own Chrome Extension

As we know google chrome is one of the most widely used browser. However a browser has very limited functionalities but with the help of a chrome extension it can be widely extended. There are plenty of chrome extensions that allow video recording to screen capture to ad block and so more. So maybe sometimes you feek wish I could get these work done by some chrome extension. So this talk will hel… more
  • Rejected
  • 14 Jun 2017
Section: Crisp Talk Technical level: Beginner

manjula dube

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Importance of testing & Right way to test React components

This talk will focus on how & why testing is important in software development. As a developer why you should be writing test cases for the features that you implement. How does it help scale your software ? Also there are different frameworks for testing. How jest can help you Test React components. What is snapshot testing? How snapshot testing helps applications built in react. more
  • Cancelled
  • 14 Jun 2017
Section: Crisp Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Sandilya Jandhyala

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Robust UI development with ClojureScript

ClojureScript is a variant of the functional programming language Clojure that compiles to JavaScript. Central philosophies of Clojure (and ClojureScript) are the notions of immutability and the separation of immutable, unchanging values from mutable state. This talk will be an overview of ClojureScript and its ecosystem from a philosophical and architectural perspective, with the aim of showing … more
  • Rejected
  • 14 Jun 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate


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Animating Dragons with JavaScript

User experience(UX) has become an important aspect of our Apps and websites. As JavaScript developers, we can do our bit in enhancing UX of our interfaces by using rich, contextual animations. With a creative approach and a witty sense of humour, I am proposing a talk with an intention to enrich audience’s animation and creative skills. more
  • Rejected
  • 15 Jun 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Beginner

Karl Hughes

Testing Layers in a Distributed Architecture

Most modern web applications rely on internal APIs, one or more frontend applications, many third-party services, and vendor libraries. With complex distributed systems like this, how can developers create a comprehensive test plan that covers everything without slowing development down to a crawl? more
  • Rejected
  • 15 Jun 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Karl Hughes

Incremental Software Development with Microservies

Building complex software projects is an iterative process. We don’t get to spend months designing and writing a complete project before releasing something to our users. This process of incremental software development can be accomplished in many ways, but one of the best strategies is through microservices. more
  • Rejected
  • 15 Jun 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate


Accelerated Mobile Pages(AMP) in BookMyShow

Showcasing a journey on how BookMyShow adopted AMP framework and what we reap from it. What user will gain from this talk: more
  • Rejected
  • 15 Jun 2017
Section: Crisp Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Jonathan Pereira

Interactively visualizing complex data using JS

A discussion on how to ‘zoom and filter’ complex data by transforming the dataset using the trending visualization techniques to help analyze and interpret the data interactively to make it more applicable to the situation. more
  • Awaiting details
  • 15 Jun 2017
Section: Crisp Talk Technical level: Beginner

Radhika Subramanian

App Development with Framework 7

This tutorial has been prepared for the beginners to help them understand basic Framework7 in comparison with PhoneGap and Cordova . The flaws of the application development with other frameworks and plus points with framework 7 will be discussed in depth more
  • Awaiting details
  • 15 Jun 2017
Section: Crisp Talk Technical level: Beginner

Vipul Bhavsar

Building high performance web applications using Vuejs

No one likes to use an application that takes ages to load, and this problem increases multifold when we talk about users in areas with poor connectivity. That’s why it’s really important for web applications to be optimised in such a way that they perform well and give a seamless user experience, even if the conditions are not optimal. At SocialCops, we went ahead with Vuejs to tackle this probl… more
  • 1 comment
  • Awaiting details
  • 15 Jun 2017
Section: Crisp Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Vivek Jagtap

Scheduling background tasks in JavaScript to boost performance and DOM interactivity at large scale.

JavaScript is single threaded, and your functions often needs to be run as soon as possible, but at the same time, you don’t want it to get in the user’s way. For example, you send analytics data when the user is scrolling the page, or you append elements to the DOM while they happen to be tapping on the button, your web page / app can become unresponsive, resulting in a poor user experience. Wit… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 15 Jun 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Navin Pai

Virtual DOM, Real Problems

Virtual DOM has become the primary method of abstracting the DOM. However, the lack of clarity in understanding how the virtual DOM actually works leads to multiple inefficient techniques used when coding applications which are meant to be performant at scale. more
  • 1 comment
  • Awaiting details
  • 15 Jun 2017
Section: Crisp Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Ram Vaishnav

Building Immersive Virtual Reality experiences quickly with WebVR

Have you noticed that the development of Virtual Reality experiences has started a major makeover of the computer industry? I believe that Virtual Reality is going to become a primary platform soon, which will completely change the way we work, play and communicate digitally. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 15 Jun 2017
Section: Workshop Technical level: Intermediate


Web Extension: Browser Add-on that Works Cross-Browser

Introduction about WebExtensions. Webextensions are Firefox add-ons which are compatible with the API supported by Chrome and opera. Once written, these extensions can be made to run on most browsers with small tweaks. Participants can learn how to customize their browsers, can learn the steps to submit to Firefox Add-ons website. more
  • Cancelled
  • 15 Jun 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Abhishek Nair

How we serve multiple clients through single react app?

This talk gives an overview of how we at Practo architected a react app that serves our web as well as mobile users. What level code sharing or conversely isolation we’re able to achieve which this approach, and the valuable learning we got from doing this. more
  • 1 comment
  • Awaiting details
  • 15 Jun 2017
Section: Crisp Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Dheeraj Joshi

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Content Security Policy to the Rescue

Developing Web Application with security in mind is very much important in today’s world with the increase in online attacks and frauds. And when we talk about front-end security, Cross-site scripting (XSS) is the first vulnerability that comes to everyone’s mind. more
  • Waitlisted
  • 15 Jun 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Hari Krishna Kanchi

Building offline webapps that works in intermittent internet conditions using serviceWorkers

Building offline functionality for web applications has become very easy now a days. Especially by the introduction of serviceWorkers. But the tricky part is how well these web applications work in very bad internet conditions. more
  • Awaiting details
  • 16 Jun 2017
Section: Crisp Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Mukesh Sharma

Real time chat engine and client

Most of us know how to use WhatsApp and other chatting platform, but doesn’t know about how does it actually work and how to build one. This workshop will help you to understand the working and development of such platform using standard protocols available. more
  • Awaiting details
  • 16 Jun 2017
Section: Workshop Technical level: Intermediate

Samarth Shah

Creating Experiences using Javascript : Looking beyond website, apps and chatbots

As a developer,you must have been using Javascript for quite a long time and created numerous websites/apps and maybe bots. Now-a-days you can do almost everything using Javascript including IoT application and creating neural networks. But all these are just a technology. What matters more is what kind of experiences you can create using Javascript. This talk is about how to create different exp… more
  • Rejected
  • 05 Jul 2017
Section: Crisp Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Syed Malik Mairaj Proposing

Managing your online presence on Google Search

Google Search is the most-used search engine on the World Wide Web, handling trillions of searches every year. In this session, you will learn how you can optimize your websites for users and to be compatible with Google search engine. You will learn how search works. You will be given tips on how to do well on search and explore tools that Google offers which you can use to manage your online pr… more
  • Rejected
  • 07 Jul 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Beginner

Somil Kumar

Divide and Conquer Large applications using modules and angular 4

This talk will go into the challenges of building a set of applications that supports business in any domain and are being used by internal players and customers that are providers to the business Like for example Purchasing system, CRM , and many others. This talk will walkthrough in building large application with divided modular approach using angular 4 and challenges while building the same. more
  • Awaiting details
  • 13 Jul 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Vinci Rufus

Great Developer Experience with Angular

Once you’ve got past your apprehension of TypeScript, working with Angular can be a real joy. I’d say the Angular eco-system offers the best developer experience (DX) than any other framework or toolset out there. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 14 Jul 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate


Building Enterprise Apps with React, GraphQL and Jest

The talk covers how React, GraphQL and Jest can play a vital role in scalability, code management for enterprise apps. more
  • 1 comment
  • Awaiting details
  • 20 Jul 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate


Enterprise App Migration from Angular 1.x to React

The talk covers the challenges and steps to migrate existing data-driven enterprise apps from Angular 1.x to React. more
  • 1 comment
  • Awaiting details
  • 21 Jul 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Naval Saini

Modular-services in a Nodejs Monolith

Microservices are described as services with a few hundred lines of code. Big organizations run such micro services in 100’s and are often looked up to by engineers in startups/smaller companies, too eager to join that league. However the hard reality is that only a few startups will survive to scale and need micro services. Busting the hype, the experts are suggesting smaller companies to adopt … more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 23 Jul 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Arif Amirani

React-Native and friends - We will chat about and build an app

As a small company with talented people, we had the challenge of delivering high performance and stable apps for tracking to our customers on a short deadline. Did we do it? No cliffhangers here, cause we did and loved every step of the way. more
  • 1 comment
  • Awaiting details
  • 27 Jul 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Beginner

Darshat Shah

Microsoft Teams - Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. Modularizing a large, monolithic single page application while remaining agile.

Bringing a product to market at the right time and with the right features is hard. To achieve this, you don’t always have the luxury of planning out the perfect engineering and build system, or optimal client architecture. This is why many products go through a significant re-write for V2 after hitting the market. Microsoft Teams ( is a single page application that is a membe… more
  • Rejected
  • 27 Jul 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Shrey Agarwal

Need to build a Rule Engine from scratch

What was the need to construct a rule engine to power India’s biggest recharge platform aka Paytm? Why do we need a rule engine for language which itself is dynamic ? How nodeJS proved to be a great platform for re-thinking a core problem. more
  • Awaiting details
  • 27 Jul 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Neha Sharma

Welcome to the world of Types & more

Still thinking should you switch to Typescrpt or not, or debating over is Typescript is a alternative to Javascript or not, or will typescript goes with your existing fancy framework/library - Reactjs, Angularjs? more
  • Rejected
  • 28 Jul 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Ashrith Kulai

Building a PWA using Polymer

An introduction into Web Components and PolymerJS. A walk through on using Polymer features using You will learn how easy it is to build a PWA using Polymer. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 28 Jul 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Nikhil Khullar

Declarative programming: Why and how to write functional code using ES6

The talk is aimed at highlighting the differences between procedural and imperative paradigms in general, and Object Oriented Javascript and functional Javascript, in particular. The intent is to present a transition, not only in terms of syntax but the entire thought-process behind writing functional code using examples and live demo from basic Javascript, and then React, Redux and GraphQL. The … more
  • 1 comment
  • Awaiting details
  • 29 Jul 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Abhimanyu Saxena

How Do I Get A Web Developer Job At Facebook Or Google In 6 Months?

Most of us software engineer have a dream company that we want to work for. Apart from the great salary and amazing perks they offer a great opportunity to work with the best minds of our world. However very few understand what it takes to get into Google or Facebook or other similar highly coveted tech companies. We have been helping a lot of software engineers learn skills that these companies … more
  • Rejected
  • 29 Jul 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Advanced

Riyaz Walikar

Safety not Guaranteed

Hackers are everywhere! Are they also in your client side code? What do attackers target when they are breaking JavaScript frameworks and libraries? How are they stealing those elusive crypto keys and your authentication protected data? more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 01 Sep 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Prateek Bhatnagar

Progressive Web Games

This talk aims in driving motivation to bring game developers to mobile web. We have tons of games in playstore and apple store which are perfect candidates of PWAs. This talk will cover what it takes to make games super fast and interactive on mobile web. How to skip gigantic download wait time and keep the user engaged. Also it includes techniques to do proper asset caching and parallel downloa… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 07 Sep 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate

JUSPAY Technologies Pvt Ltd

10x Faster Mobile App Dev with PureScript

At Juspay, after spending a few years writing various payments applications, we found ourselves looking for a better way. We wanted to allow newcomer developers, designers and project managers to be able to jump in and start creating solutions to their problems, without jumping through the hoops created by the language and tools. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 08 Sep 2017
Section: Crisp Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Abhinav Rastogi

Scaling NodeJS

My journey with Node started over 3 years ago, and I presented my initial learnings about running Node in production at JSFoo 2014. We have been using Node as our primary web serving layer since then, adding more features, more properties and most importantly, more traffic onto it. This led to the discovery of a lot of bottlenecks and a lot of late-night load tests. In this talk, I’ll be focusing… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 08 Sep 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Advanced

Rahul Kadyan

Choosing Vue.js

This talk aims to share state of vue.js ecosystem. With stories from industry, it would be focused on why people picked vue.js over others. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 08 Sep 2017
Section: Crisp Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Neehar Venugopal

And The Reason Is You

Reason is a shiny new wrapper on a venerable old functional language - OCaml. With fantastic type inference, a blazing fast compiler that spits out idiomatic javascript and trivial interop with existing JS code, Reason is a great choice to introduce a funtional, statically typed language into your stack. more
  • 1 comment
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 10 Sep 2017
Section: Crisp Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Ean Schuessler

Video thumbnail

Your Browser on My Virtual Machine

Demonstrate the use of React/Redux in Web Extensions and the use of portable JavaScript across multiple environments including Java’s Nashorn. more
  • Cancelled
  • 11 Sep 2017
Section: Full Talk Technical level: Intermediate

Hosted by

JSFoo is a forum for discussing UI engineering; fullstack development; web applications engineering, performance, security and design; accessibility; and latest developments in #JavaScript. Follow JSFoo on Twitter more