Sep 2017
11 Mon
12 Tue
13 Wed
14 Thu
15 Fri 08:45 AM – 05:10 PM IST
16 Sat 09:45 AM – 05:30 PM IST
17 Sun
Sudipta Sen
Submitted Mar 13, 2017
Do you know how useful observables are while talking about reactive programming? You might have done a lot of reactive programming knowingly or un knowingly in your daily life and now ReactiveX made it more fun and easy. This talk is about the usefulness of Observables and real life use cases of Observables in an Angular2 applications with HTTP. Promises are good for solving asynchronous operations such as querying a service with an XMLHttpRequest, where the expected behavior is one value and then completion. The Reactive Extensions for JavaScript unifies both the world of Promises, callbacks as well as evented data such as DOM Input, Web Workers, Web Sockets. Once we have unified these concepts, this enables rich composition. ReactiveX is the combination of best ideas from observer pattern, the iterator pattern, and functional programming.
Sudipta is a code enthusiast, currently working for Red Hat Bangalore as a UI developer. He used to be a backend developer before he started his journey in Javascript with ReactJS almost one and half year back. He loves open source technologies and always open to learn new things. He believes in “Everything is a skill”. While not coding, he is travelling with his camera. He loves flying airplane simulators.
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