JSFoo 2017

JSFoo is a conference about JavaScript and everything related.

Souvik Basu


How to switch enterprise level AngularJS 1.x app to 2.0

Submitted Feb 8, 2017

AngularJS 2.0 went live in September last year. It’s a framework built from scratch to provide loads of performance improvements, mobile first approach, future protection, compliance with latest JavaScript standards, type safety using TypeScript as a language of choice and many techniques to build really complex UI. But by now many companies are already invested into AngularJS 1.x applications and there isn’t a straight forward way to jump to 2.0. There are many aspects that an enterprise level application faces like high application complexity, performance monitoring, CI compatibility of newer framework with the existing one, working with multple teams, ramping up existing team on new language and framework, etc.


We will look at how a company can take a cost effective yet solid approach to move existing Angular 1.x applications to 2.0. We will discuss pragmatic and systematic approach for real world AngularJS 1.x applications to switch to 2.0.


Knowledge of AngularJS 1.x

Speaker bio

Souvik has over 13 years of experience in IT and has worked with companies like ThoughtWorks and Symantec Corporation in past. He has given many presentation on Web Components, HTML5, JavaScript frameworks in various dev conferences. He is passionate about Front end development, especially Single Page Applications and spends most of his time coding in MEAN stack and Web Components. Currently Souvik works as a Full Stack JavaScript freelancer and is also burning midnight lamp on a FinTech startup.


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