JSFoo 2017

JSFoo is a conference about JavaScript and everything related.

Dilpreet Singh


Building web apps using Ember Js

Submitted May 18, 2017

The web is moving forward with an exceptional speed, with all kinds of application from simple note taking applications to social networks. While starting a project we must make some crucial decisions about the architecture of the project, front-end & back-end frameworks etc. These decisions can be both a head start or a blocker depending upon the choice made and as the size of the project increases it gets hard to maintain the large code base.

With Ember we can stop worrying about the decisions and start with the code. Ember is fantastic for all kinds of frontend projects, but its sweet spot are medium/large real-world applications.
Its philosophy is reflected in phrases such as “Built for productivity”, “Don’t reinvent the wheel” and “Don’t waste time making trivial choices”.

In this session we will be getting started with Ember & go through its framework.


The talk will be divided into sections:

  1. Introduction to ember.
  2. Digging deep into ember.
  3. Coding your first ember app.

####Introduction to ember.

  1. Going through the ember framework.
  2. Installing and creating a sample ember application.

####Digging deep into ember.

  1. Getting started with Routes & controllers.
  2. Handlebar templates for HTML views.
  3. Ember components for modular design.
  4. Testing components in ember.
  5. Ember data the backbone of your app.

####Coding your first ember app.
We will be creating a todo-list application to demonstrate all the features of Ember.


A laptop with Node Js & chrome.

Speaker bio

I’m a computer science graduate, working with open source communities accross the globe.I’ve previously worked with start-up and helping them create cutting edge applications, like live vehicle tracking systems, routing engines etc. I’m also a GSOC 2017 student with FOSSASIA.




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