JSFoo 2017

JSFoo is a conference about JavaScript and everything related.

Somil Kumar


Divide and Conquer Large applications using modules and angular 4

Submitted Jul 13, 2017

This talk will go into the challenges of building a set of applications that supports business in any domain and are being used by internal players and customers that are providers to the business Like for example Purchasing system, CRM , and many others.
This talk will walkthrough in building large application with divided modular approach using angular 4 and challenges while building the same.


Will cover how
-> we build our existing console at redmart that has around 12 applications and each of them maintained by independent teams.
-> how we are leveraging build pipeline to test each of it independtly and with the same.
-> how we transitioned to new angular 4 and reason of choosing the same.
-> how we are now still developing independently applications and adding user authentication , role management and redux data layer on top of it.
-> Gotchas while doing so.

Slides mentioned below is not one will be presented but covering few things mentioned above
( Final slide in making )

Speaker bio

Professionly i am senior UI engineer at Redmart Pvt
I like to build robust extensible systems and have a eye for the best UX.
and i am platform agnoistic so my talks are about best use case scenario not about biased favourite libraries.


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