JSFoo 2017

JSFoo is a conference about JavaScript and everything related.

Rajan Chandi


VueJS: Getting Started With VueJS

Submitted Jun 3, 2017

Vue JS is revolutionary in many ways.

  1. It has performed well in benchmark tests compared to React and Angular.
  2. It is getting popular really fast as visible from Google Trends and traffic to vuejs.org
  3. Most important, it is easier to learn compared to Angular/React as it is more maintainable.

In performance, it beats both Angular and React.

Web traffic trends for VueJS at 5.7 mn monthly visits and constantly growing.

VueJS is easier to learn than JQuery.


The Talk can be broken down into following key topics (in that order)

  1. Background
  2. Rise of Angular and React
  3. Problems with Angular/React
  4. VueJS Basics
  5. VueJS for Angular Devs
  6. VueJs for React Devs
  7. Build a To Do List using VueJS


Your full attention. You can just listen to the talk.

Speaker bio

Rajan Chandi is a startup founder, programmer and web designer for 10+ years.
Built 3 products with early traction and early revenue in B2B and B2C spaces.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rajanchandi/




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