JSFoo 2017

JSFoo is a conference about JavaScript and everything related.



Transition from Monolithic to Microservices Architecture

Submitted May 22, 2017

Most of the current web apps follow Monolithic Architecture i.e. all code (presentation, business and data access layer) is maintained within the same code base.

A micro service is something which is self-contained, well-defined and does not depend on the state of other services. It is a small, independently deployable unit.

So the idea is to explain what are the issues, including performamce, that can happen with a growing monlithic application and how to overcome it using microservices.


Why do we need Micro-services?
Monolithic Architecture
Performance challenges for growing monolithic application and other shortcomings
Solution: Micro services ?
Transition to Microservices
Technical impact of solution used


Understanding of how Monolithic application works

Speaker bio

Mayank is a full-stack developer, with extensive Node.js projects under his hat. He is highly skilled in Node.js, Express, AngularJS, Meteor, PHP (Zend 1 & 2), MySQL, MongoDB, jQuery Google Maps. He is currently part of NodeXperts.
In his free time, he prefers to save humanity/other races, from the jaws of tyrants, with help of his computer and grit. He is a fan of WWE.




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