Rootconf 2019

Rootconf 2019

On infrastructure security, DevOps and distributed systems.



Accepting submissions

Not accepting submissions

##Topics to propose talks: We are seeking talks on the following topics: Case studies of shift from batch processing to stream processing Real-life examples of service discovery Case studies on move from monolith to service-oriented architecture expand

##Topics to propose talks:
We are seeking talks on the following topics:

  1. Case studies of shift from batch processing to stream processing
  2. Real-life examples of service discovery
  3. Case studies on move from monolith to service-oriented architecture
  4. Micro-services
  5. Network security
  6. Monitoring, logging and alerting -- running small-scale and large-scale systems
  7. Cloud architecture -- implementations and lessons learned
  8. Optimizing infrastructure
  9. Aligning people and teams with infrastructure at scale

We do not accept:

  1. How-to and introductory-level talks. We are interested in discussing the “whys” and “approaches” rather than “how-to”.
  2. Talks that have been covered in previous editions of Rootconf. Refer to for all talks covered between Rootconf 2012 and 2017
  3. Proposals where code used for implementation is not demonstrated. Ideas are great, but it is the implementation that matters. Don’t talks to us about fantastic ideas. Tell us real stories of implementations -- patterns and anti-patterns.

#Dates and venue:

Date: 21 and 22 June, 2019
Venue: NIMHANS Convention Centre, Bangalore

##Note the following guidelines for sponsored talks and open submissions:

The first filter for a proposal is whether the technology or solution you are referring to is open source or not.
Talks which advertise proprietary/paid solutions will be considered under sponsored talks’ category.

  1. If the technology or solution is proprietary, and you want to speak about your proprietary solution to make a pitch to the audience, you must pick up a sponsored session. This involves paying for the speaking slot and following editorial guidelines of review and pre-event rehearsals. Write to for clearing doubts on whether your talk falls under the sponsored category.
  2. If the technology or solution is in the process of being open sourced, we will consider the talk only if the solution is open sourced at least three months before the conference.
  3. If your solution is closed source, you should consider proposing a talk explaining why you built it in the first place; what options did you consider (business-wise and technology-wise) before making the decision to develop the solution; or, what is your specific use case that left you without existing options and necessitated creating the in-house solution.

Selection criteria:

The criteria for confirming talks, in the order of importance, are:

  1. Key insight or takeaway: what can you share with participants that will help them in their work and in thinking about the problem be it network security, cloud architecture or microservices?
  2. Structure of the talk and flow of content: a detailed outline – either as mind-map or draft slides or textual description – will help us understand the focus of the talk, and the clarity of your thought process.
  3. Ability to communicate succinctly, and how you engage with the audience. You must submit link to a two-minute preview video explaining what your talk is about, and what is the key takeaway for the audience.

No one submits the perfect proposal in the first instance. We therefore encourage you to:

  1. Submit your proposal early so that we have more time to iterate if the proposal has potential.
  2. Write to if you have questions about how to submit a talk.

Our editorial team helps potential speakers in honing their speaking skills, fine tuning and rehearsing content at least twice - before the main conference - and sharpening the focus of talks.

We only accept one speaker per talk. This is non-negotiable. Workshops can have more than one instructor.

How to submit a proposal (and increase your chances of getting selected):

The following pointers will help you in submitting a proposal:

  1. Focus on why, not how. Explain to participants why you made a business or engineering decision, or why you chose a particular approach to solving your problem.
  2. The journey is more important than the solution you may want to explain. We are interested in the journey, not the outcome alone. Share as much detail as possible about how you solved the problem. Glossing over details does not help participants grasp real insights.
  3. We do not accept how-to talks unless they demonstrate latest technology. If you are demonstrating new tech, show enough to motivate participants to explore the technology later.
  4. Similarly, we don’t accept talks on topics that have already been covered in the previous editions. If you are unsure about whether your proposal falls in this category, drop an email to:
  5. Content that can be read off the internet does not interest us. Our participants are keen to listen to use cases and experience stories that will help them in their practice.

To summarize, we do not accept talks that gloss over details or try to deliver high-level knowledge without covering depth. Talks have to be backed with real insights and experiences for the content to be useful to participants.

Passes and honorarium for speakers:

We pay an honorarium of Rs. 3,000 to each speaker and workshop instructor at the end of their talk/workshop. Confirmed speakers and instructors also get a pass to the conference and a discount code which they can share with their colleagues, communities they are part of, and on social media channels. We do not provide free passes for speakers’ colleagues and spouses. Please do not ask us for this.

Travel grants for outstation speakers:

Travel grants are available for international and domestic speakers. We evaluate each case on its merits, giving preference to women, people of non-binary gender, and Africans.
If you require a grant, request it when you submit your proposal in the field where you add your location. Rootconf is funded through ticket purchases and sponsorships; travel grant budgets vary.

Last date for submitting proposals is 5 March 2019:

You must submit the following details along with your proposal, or within 10 days of submission:

  1. Draft slides, mind map or a textual description detailing the structure and content of your talk.
  2. Link to a self-recorded, two-minute preview video, where you explain what your talk is about, and the key takeaways for participants. This preview video helps conference editors understand the lucidity of your thoughts and how invested you are in presenting insights beyond the solution you have built, or your use case. Please note that the preview video should be submitted irrespective of whether you have spoken at past editions of Rootconf.
  3. If you submit a workshop proposal, you must specify the target audience for your workshop; duration; number of participants you can accommodate; pre-requisites for the workshop; link to GitHub repositories and a document showing the full workshop plan.

Samit Das

Disruptions in Architecture construct

Application evolution & Architectural construct changes How Digital brings in disruption levers in Architecture Cloud Native Architecture paradigms How to win the game more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 02 Nov 2018
Section: Full talk of 40 mins duration Technical level: Advanced

Aravind Putrevu

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Building Distributed Systems in Distributed Teams

Building distributed systems is notoriously hard… building a distributed team, even more so. At Elastic, the company behind the open source tools Elasticsearch, Kibana, Beats, and Logstash, everything is distributed; the company and our products. more
  • Waitlisted
  • 16 Oct 2018
Technical level: Beginner

Jaskaran Singh Narula

Securing Infrastructure with OpenScap: The Automation Way !!

Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) which is a collection of standards managed by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). It was created to provide a standardized approach to maintaining the Security of enterprise system, such as automatically Verifying the presence of patched, checking system security configuration settings, and examining systems for signs of compromise. A… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 21 Dec 2018
Section: Full talk of 40 mins duration Technical level: Beginner

Abhishek A Amralkar

Monitoring Distributed Systems with Riemann

Monitoring modern real time distributed infrastructure is complex and expensive. In this talk we explore Riemann, specifically, how Riemann low latency helped us to get real time metrics from our Distributed Systems. more
  • Rejected
  • 26 Dec 2018
Section: Full talk of 40 mins duration Technical level: Intermediate

Andrew Murphy

Human Centered Leadership - Emotional Intelligence for the Technical Mind

There’s a huge problem in our industry, I call it “inertia-driven leadership”. more
  • Rejected
  • 06 Jan 2019
Section: Full talk of 40 mins duration Technical level: Intermediate

Andrew Murphy

Communicating anything to anyone. How to communicate effectively and efficiently

Everyone thinks they are a good at communication, but... how many times have you been at an event talking to someone you really didn’t want to talk to? Been sold to by someone who didn’t get that you weren’t interested? more
  • Rejected
  • 06 Jan 2019
Section: Workshop Technical level: Intermediate

Andrew Murphy

The power of saying "I don't know"

It’s something we all struggle with, admitting we don’t know something. But I’m here to show you the power of saying “I don’t know” to people. more
  • Rejected
  • 06 Jan 2019
Section: Crisp talk of 20 mins duration Technical level: Intermediate

Guruprasad GV

Patterns for designing stateful microservices at scale

Age old wisdom says - “make your services stateless”. There is a lot of merit in that. While we strive to make our services stateless, have you considered the cost you are paying for this. In this session, we will challenge the norms, dive into use cases for making your microservice stateful, how does it impact user performance, cost, and fault tolerance. We will walk through scenarios that this … more
  • Rejected
  • 13 Jan 2019
Section: Crisp talk of 20 mins duration Technical level: Intermediate

Denis Dsouza

Log Analytics with ELK stack (Architecture for aggressive cost optimization and infinite data scale)

Should you build your own log analytics platform or buy one of the many many services out there? Well, we evaluated, compared and decided to build a self managed ELK stack because none of them fit our requirements. In this session, we will walk through various design choices we made to have a high performing log analytics cluster, aggressively optimized for cost and support for infinite data scal… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 13 Jan 2019
Section: Full talk of 40 mins duration Technical level: Beginner

Abhay Rana (Nemo)

Learnings from running my Home Server (and why you should run one too)

I did my own PC build in September 2017, and have been running it as a personal home server ever since. If you work in infrastructure, running a homeserver is a great way to help yourselves learn new things, experiment with technologies that are too dangerous or bleeding edge for your work, and self-host your own infrastructure. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 15 Jan 2019
Section: Full talk of 40 mins duration Technical level: Intermediate
Bernd Erk

Bernd Erk

How convenience Is Killing open standards

All the technical freedom and diversity we enjoy in our industry is the result of internal, grass root evangelism. Over the last couple of decades, thought leaders have strongly opposed manufacturer-centric strategies and argued the case of Open Source and Open Standards. This ultimately led to the success of Linux and Open Source we have today. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 15 Jan 2019
Section: Full talk of 40 mins duration Technical level: Intermediate

Neeraj Prem

How we brought down costs by 60% without any code change.

Think about systems performing better, but in cheaper cost than usual. more
  • Waitlisted
  • 15 Jan 2019
Section: Crisp talk of 20 mins duration Technical level: Intermediate

Gaurav Tayal

MongoDB WiredTiger or Not

Introduction: MongoDB has made wiredtiger its default storage engine from mongo version3.0 and from version 4.0 it has depricated MMAPv1 storage engine. This talk is to walk through our journey of upgrading mongo storage engine with problems. more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 16 Jan 2019
Section: Crisp talk of 20 mins duration Technical level: Intermediate

Kishore Avineni

Building a cricket score fanout system that scales

Want to build an alternative to the popular cricket score websites out there? While building a feature on Teenpatti Gold which involved Cricket scores [in a more time critical scenario], we had the same problem. more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 16 Jan 2019
Section: Full talk of 40 mins duration Technical level: Intermediate

Venkatraman J

Case Study: Transitioning from Batch processing to Event streaming architecture to enable Real time Streaming analytics

Batch processing and Stream processing are two different patterns of solving problems in analytics space. Analytics has transitioned from traditional batch oriented to real time stream oriented with Sub second Latency SLA. Smart end points and dump pipes are the current way of architecting data oriented solutions. This talk is a case stufy of why we(Metapack) transitioned from Traditional Batch o… more
  • Rejected
  • 16 Jan 2019
Section: Full talk of 40 mins duration Technical level: Intermediate

Meghashyam Varanasi

DevOps and Continuous Security on AWS

DevOps and Continuous Security on AWS Organizations across the globe are embracing DevOps to deliver quality products at speed and reduced cost. To accelerate the adoption, Organizations are relying on out of the box DevOps solutions. A typical DevOps implementation consists of many moving parts and often it is necessary to find set of tools that naturally integrate, thus reducing the overall imp… more
  • Rejected
  • 23 Jan 2019
Section: Full talk of 40 mins duration Technical level: Intermediate

Ravi Suhag

Olympus: Terraforming repeatable and extensible infrastructure at GO-JEK

From where we started, GO-JEK has grown to be a community of more than one million drivers with 3 Million+ orders every day in almost no time. To keep supporting this growth, hundreds of microservices run and communicate across multiple data centers to serve the best experience to our customers. more
  • 1 comment
  • Waitlisted
  • 02 Feb 2019
Section: Full talk of 40 mins duration Technical level: Intermediate

Omprakash Kasaraboina

Code Coverage Based Verification (CCBV)

Quality Assurance is Verification & Validation. Verification – Are we building the product right? Validation – Are we building the right product? With Agile principle in place, when we release a Minimum Viable Product to the customers, we get a feedback that helps us with validation. While validation is important and the core emphasis of practices like DoD, Acceptance criteria, System Demo. What … more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 07 Feb 2019
Section: Birds Of Feather (BOF) Session Technical level: Intermediate

rahul bajaj

Automating compliance with Foreman: The Lifecycle management tool

Systems left with unpatched vulnerabilities can have a number of consequences. Security compliance is a state where computer systems are scrutinized against certain defined security policy. OpenSCAP is one such security compliance ecosystem that provides multiple tools to assist administrators and auditors with assessment, measurement, and enforcement of security baselines. more
  • Rejected
  • 11 Feb 2019
Section: Full talk of 40 mins duration Technical level: Intermediate

rahul bajaj

Metal as a Service: Foreman Discovery

When we talk about the cloud, we usually hear of Paas, Saas, and Iaas. This talk introduces Maas i.e Metal as a Service to the audience. Foreman is an open source project that helps system administrators manage server throughout their life-cycle, from provisioning and configuration to orchestration and monitoring. more
  • Rejected
  • 11 Feb 2019
Section: Full talk of 40 mins duration Technical level: Beginner

Sumit Murari

Istio internals: Envoy

Istio does many things magically for us like traffic routing,loadbalancing but behind the scene. The sidecar i.e. envoy does whole lot of magic, we will see how envoy moves traffic around the mesh. Features like weighted routing, fault injection, retries, mirroring how they happen underneath more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 12 Feb 2019
Section: Full talk of 40 mins duration Technical level: Intermediate

Sumit Murari

Iptables magic in sidecar istio

Istio does iptables magic in sidecars, so that all traffic comes and goes through sidecar i.e. envoy. We will see how does it do that, how it uses our omnipresent iptables rules to achieve it. more
  • Rejected
  • 12 Feb 2019
Section: Crisp talk of 20 mins duration Technical level: Intermediate


Cloud Native Persistent Observability with Thanos

Observability for cloud-native workloads with Prometheus is the de-facto standard now. The next challenge in the space are high-availability, data de-duplication, data persistence and centrally monitoring multi-cluster workloads with the ability to do historical queries. more
  • Rejected
  • 13 Feb 2019
Section: Full talk of 40 mins duration Technical level: Intermediate
chaitra acharya

chaitra acharya

Lessons from the Migration of Windows and Microsoft based Applications (“Lift and Shift” approach from on premise to AWS)

I will be talking mainly on why the decision of moving to AWS was made, what were the key learnings from the migration, scope and effect of the project, key challenges we faced throughout and few approches which one can follow. I will also be focussing on the Long term vision/roadmap in AWS. This presetation will explain the entire journey of moving to AWS from on premise. Intended audience : Sys… more
  • Waitlisted
  • 17 Feb 2019
Section: Full talk of 40 mins duration Technical level: Beginner

Lakshminarasimhan Sudarshan

Patterns for solving distributed systems problems in our applications

Modern applications increasingly tend to be full on distributed systems and consequently suffer from all the challenges of working with distributed systems. This talk is based on practical project experiences and talks about some of these challenges and patterns for addressing them. It is based on experiences in real world projects and uses a simplified representation of one of these projects to … more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 17 Feb 2019
Section: Full talk of 40 mins duration Technical level: Intermediate

Pulkit Vaishnav

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SSH Certificates: A way to scale SSH access

We all face problems in providing SSH access to the developers, it could be managing public keys of developers, updating authorized_keys file at servers and providing read-only (or full access) to limited developers. Have we ever think of solving this problem without updating all servers. It would be possible with SSH certificate-based authentication. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 17 Feb 2019
Section: Crisp talk of 20 mins duration Technical level: Intermediate

Arnav Bhati

Microservices using Spring Boot - the new architecture for developers

Microservices is Service Oriented Architectural (SOA) style of constructing aggregation of many small loosely coupled services independent of each other. more
  • Under evaluation
  • 20 Feb 2019
Section: Workshop Technical level: Beginner

Amit Nijhawan

Automated debugging with git

I would like to present a topic on Automated debugging with it. I will explain about high-level command git bisect allows you to automatically run a specified test procedure, while it’s crawling through your commit history to find the bad revision. a git bisect is a tool that allows you to find an offending commit. Let’s say you’ve come across a bug in your codebase and you’re unsure of when it w… more
  • Rejected
  • 21 Feb 2019
Section: Crisp talk of 20 mins duration Technical level: Intermediate

Nilesh Chandekar

Emulated_Stack -

The focus of this session is to provide a way in which one can utilize the power of virtualization to emulate the required pieces of hardware to build a cloud that is close to what one will be deploying in a production environment. more
  • Rejected
  • 21 Feb 2019
Section: Full talk of 40 mins duration Technical level: Beginner

Fatima Shaikh

Eclipse Che and installing it on OpenShift!

This session will mainly focus on what is Eclipse Che, how it works and it’s demo installation on openshift. more
  • Rejected
  • 23 Feb 2019
Section: Full talk of 40 mins duration Technical level: Beginner

Jatan Malde

Elasticsearch, Fluentd and kibana - Openshift stack for hybrid cloud

The presentation includes the working of elasticsearch,fluentd and kibana as container on the openshift platform. With the incoming of Openshift 4 it is much simpler to view the logs of the container which were deleted some time ago. Fluentd has always proved to be the best collectors for logs on containers. Cluster logging operator would be a helpful part to bring HA ability for hybrid clusters … more
  • Rejected
  • 24 Feb 2019
Section: Full talk of 40 mins duration Technical level: Intermediate

Amit Nijhawan

Introducing Hive-Kafka Integration for Real-Time Kafka SQL Queries

I will explain the SQL access pattern for Kafka and how to get it tp work with the new Kafka Hive Integration. Stream processing engines/libraries like Kafka Streams provide a programmatic stream processing access pattern to Kafka. Application developers love this access pattern but when you talk to BI developers, their analytics requirements are quite different which are focused on use cases aro… more
  • Rejected
  • 25 Feb 2019
Section: Crisp talk of 20 mins duration Technical level: Intermediate

Shakthi Kannan

Shooting the trouble down to the Wireshark Lua plugin

Wireshark is a Free (Libre) and Open Source protocol analyzer used for troubleshooting networks, and analysis of communication protocols. The Lua programming language support has been included in Wireshark for scripting, prototyping and packet dissection. At Aerospike, a NoSQL database company, we have implemented a Wireshark Lua plugin to help us solve issues at the wire level. In this workshop,… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 27 Feb 2019
Section: Workshop Technical level: Intermediate

Akshay Mathur

Considerations for East-West Traffic Security and Analytics for Kubernetes Environment

Organizations are moving towards microservice-based architectures across public and private cloud, as well as data centres. As traditional tools are not suitable in containerized environment, there is a need to come up with a new-generation load balancing solution with the ability to address the following pain points: more
  • 1 comment
  • Waitlisted
  • 27 Feb 2019
Section: Full talk of 40 mins duration Technical level: Intermediate

Fatima Shaikh

Building and Deploying applications on OpenShift

This session will highlight the building of applications and deploying them on OpenShift Container Platform. more
  • Rejected
  • 28 Feb 2019
Section: Full talk of 40 mins duration Technical level: Beginner

Aditya Sood

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Continuous Delivery of Microservices

This talk is about the best practices to be followed for continuous delivery of a microservices based application. more
  • Rejected
  • 28 Feb 2019
Section: Full talk of 40 mins duration Technical level: Intermediate

Amit Karsale

Ansible meets Foreman

Foreman is a free open source project that gives you the power to easily automate repetitive tasks, quickly deploy applications, and proactively manage your servers lifecyle, on-premises or in the cloud. Ansible play the role in configuring and automating repetitive tasks in Foreman. more
  • Rejected
  • 01 Mar 2019
Section: Crisp talk of 20 mins duration Technical level: Beginner


Kafka Streams at Scale generates millions of events per second. At WalmartLabs, I’m working in a team called the Customer Backbone (CBB), where we wanted to build a platform capable of processing this event volume in real-time and store the state/knowledge of possibly all the Walmart Customers generated by the processing. Kafka streams’ event-driven architecture seemed like the only obvious choice. H… more
  • 1 comment
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 05 Mar 2019
Section: Full talk of 40 mins duration Technical level: Advanced

Lavakumar Kuppan

Deploying and Managing CSP - the Browser-side Firewall

Data exfiltration attacks like Magecart have targeted a low-hanging fruit in the industry and have allowed attackers to steal millions of user’s credit card data. Existing security systems fail to prevent or even detect these attacks and this is a major blind-spot in the security monitoring systems. Content Security Policy is a standard supported in most modern browsers and can be harnessed to he… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 13 Mar 2019
Technical level: Intermediate

Ratnadeep Debnath

Building a 100% remote team

Working remotely and running a remote & distributed team seem like black magic to many, however, many companies across the globe, e.g., Zapier, Gitlab, Elastic, etc. have already started working remotely for many years now. Remote working has a number of advantages for the company and it’s employees as well: more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 09 Mar 2019
Section: Birds Of Feather (BOF) Session Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Discussion

Kushal Das

Building reproducible Python applications for secured environments

We all have to package Python based applications for various environments, starting from command line tools, to web applications. And depending on the users, it can be installed on thousands on computers or on a selected few systems. is our goto place for finding any dependencies and also in most of the time we install binary wheels directly from there, thus saving a lot time. Bu… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 14 Mar 2019
Technical level: Intermediate

Neelu Tripathy


DevSecOps is becoming increasingly relevant with changing requirements and rapid product development becoming the norm. Through this Birds of Feather session we plan to discover various approaches of integrating end to end security in the DevOps cycle. more
  • 1 comment
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 18 Mar 2019
Section: Birds Of Feather (BOF) Session Technical level: Intermediate

Kishore N C

Running A Highly Available RabbitMQ Cluster

At Zapier, we connect over 1000 SaaS applications and enable people to automate their workflows spanning across multiple web applications. To achieve that, we use RabbitMQ to run millions of tasks every day. It can be said to be the backbone of Zapier. more
  • Rejected
  • 09 Mar 2019
Technical level: Intermediate

Ratnadeep Debnath

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Scale MySQL beyond limits with ProxySQL

At Zapier, we connect over 1000 SaaS applications and enable people to automate their workflows spanning across multiple web applications. This involves intensive database operations. We use RDS MySQL databases, and it’s really easy and addictive to scale up RDS., and that’s what we have been doing so far. We are already at db.m4.4xlarge. We have a plethora of services running in our infrastructu… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 08 Mar 2019
Technical level: Intermediate

Sayan Chowdhury

Why not containerize your desktop

Fedora Silverblue is an immutable desktop operating system. Aiming at good support for container-focused workflows, this variant of Fedora Workstation targets developer communities.Fedora Silverblue unleashes the power of rpm-ostree to reap you the benefits over traditional distros. The use of rpm-ostree for the coreOS brings fully atomic upgrades, easy rollbacks and workflows that are familiar f… more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 27 Mar 2019
Technical level: Intermediate

Shivji Kumar Jha

Schema Registry and how the encoding/decoding actually works under the hood!

The data ecosystem has come along way in last decade. The ride from structured to unstructured data has been quick. And kafka (more genrally the streaming ecosystem) has been at the forefront of that innovation. While the streaming architecture started with bits (== data - semantics) flowing through the network to offer flexibity the structure and semantics has caught up rather quickly. The same … more
  • Rejected
  • 27 Mar 2019
Technical level: Intermediate

Dushyanth Harinath

Infra-Ops Agility

Lot has changed in the last 20 yrs. We have evolved from handcrafted server deployments to managing tens of thousands of devices programmatically, from monolithic architectures to distributed async-microservices, from waterfall to continuous delivery, from siloed culture to collaborative Dev*Ops culture and from hierarchical resource management to outcome-oriented structures. more
  • Rejected
  • 26 Mar 2019
Section: Full talk of 40 mins duration Technical level: Intermediate

Aravind G V

Audit Mitigate Compromised containers in Docker and Kubernetes

In this workshop,I will take a look at the best tools out there to help you secure your Docker environments and make sure no bad actors get into your container.Container security is still tricky, so you need to know which utilities to add to your arsenal. more
  • 1 comment
  • Under evaluation
  • 27 Mar 2019
Technical level: Intermediate

Shivji Kumar Jha

Central Metadata Catalogue - understanding data in your pipelines and data stores the self serve way

The data ecosystem has come along way in last decade. The ride from structured to unstructured data, in a bid to support the 3Vs (volume, variety and velocity) of big data, has been quick. While its great to have bits flowing at great volumes, wouldn’t it be great to capture the semantics somehow? Wouldn’t it be great to pick up a message in your stream and know the authoratitative source of this… more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 27 Mar 2019
Section: Full talk of 40 mins duration Technical level: Intermediate

Utpal Sen

Scaling DevOps - A Practical Guide

In today’s world of digital disruption DevOps adoption is a necessity. This session tries to give an outline of methodology, processes and tools that can help fast track adoption based on a real project delivery experience. Will talk about the engineering practices, DevOps maturity models to begin with and how to chalk out scaling DevOps as the organization wide adoption grows. more
  • Rejected
  • 25 Mar 2019
Technical level: Advanced

Suraj Deshmukh

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Using Pod Security Policies to harden your Kubernetes cluster

In a multi-tenant Kubernetes cluster there is a high probability that a malicious user can break out of the pods and snoop over the traffic on the network or read secrets of other users mounted on that node. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 17 Mar 2019
Section: Full talk of 40 mins duration Technical level: Intermediate

Srujan A

Art and science of choices in engineering

What’re the factors to consider when we make an engineering choice in tools/infra and how to evaluate the cost vs benefit of it. more
  • 1 comment
  • Confirmed
  • 01 Apr 2019
Section: Birds Of Feather (BOF) Session Technical level: Intermediate

tk sourabh

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eBPF: BPF kernel Infrastructure

eBPF is an upcoming in-kernel mechanism that provides ability inject arbitrary user space code into the kernel in a safe manner. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 01 Apr 2019
Section: Full talk of 40 mins duration Technical level: Intermediate

Brian McKenna

Functional programming and Nix for reproducible, immutable infrastructure

The Atlassian Marketplace team in Bengaluru uses functional programming at the application level and infrastructure level. Each service which makes up Atlassian Marketplace uses Nix, a purely functional programming language, package manager and operating system. The Nix tool allows determining every version of software, all the way from the application level, down to the C standard library. All o… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 31 Mar 2019
Section: Sponsored talk Technical level: Intermediate

Anurag Bhatia

Let’s talk about routing security

This talk covers how (in)secure in the routing at the global scale, covers about IRR in detail. Includes examples, tools and challenges with IRR based BGP filtering. It also gives a brief introduction to RPKI as well as latest developments in this domain (AT&T doing RPKI based filtering, Google about to do IRR based filtering etc) more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 09 Apr 2019
Section: Full talk of 40 mins duration Technical level: Intermediate
Vivek Sridhar

Vivek Sridhar

Virtual Nodes to auto-scale applications on Kubernetes

Lets discuss about how to use custom metrics in combination with the Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler(HPA) to autoscale an application. Virtual nodes (virtual-kubelet) let you scale quickly and easily run Kubernetes pods on Container Instances where you’ll pay only for the container instance runtime. Let’s see a demo application using ServiceMonitor for Prometheus, a HPA, and a custom contain… more
  • 1 comment
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 08 Apr 2019
Technical level: Advanced

Sayan Chowdhury

Security Paranoid OS

In the wake of one data breach after another, and in this age of surveillance, security has become serious business. The trust on the big giants like Facebook, Google, etc has diminished over the years. Security has been a huge concern in the recent times for many of us, and a lot of them have grown a valid paranoia around security and privacy. The term “valid” signfies just not be a paranoid but… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 11 Apr 2019
Technical level: Beginner


OSINT mindset to protect your organization

Information on the public internet is increasing exponentially. The public information about your organization includes employees, email addresses, public facing digital assets (domains, subdomains & IP addresses), documents, policies and much more. Anyone having access to internet could gather more information about your organization than you think. more
  • Waitlisted
  • 21 Apr 2019
Technical level: Intermediate

Gaurav Sharma


In Flipkart’s cloud environment thousands of developers keep adding new applications/features to the existing tech ecosystem which makes it ever evolving. In system like this how do you find answers for challenges like: more
  • Submitted
  • 09 Apr 2019
Section: Full talk of 40 mins duration Technical level: Intermediate

Regunath Balasubramanian

Data handling patterns for diverse needs of Consistency, Scale, Low Latency and Analytics Injestion

Large internet companies have rich data, gathered from user interactions and transactions. The user transactions are often served by custom built data stores and solutions targeting needs of Consistency and/or Scale & Low Latency. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for diverse needs of eCommerce applications at Flipkart, such as: more
  • Rejected
  • 05 Apr 2019

Jiten Vaidya

OLTP or OLAP? Why not both? is an open source sharding middleware system that runs massive OLTP workloads at companies susch as Youtube, Slack and Square. Vitess recently added support for cross-shard materialized views and near real-time rollups - traditionally considered to be OLAP features. The underlying feature that enables this is “VReplication” - the ability to parse MySQL binary log and use it to enable in… more
  • 1 comment
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 06 May 2019
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Demo
Piyush Verma

Piyush Verma

Software/Site Reliability of Distributed Systems

Every product either dies a hero or lives long enough to hit Reliability issues. Whether it’s your code or a service that you connect to, there will be a disk that will fail, a network that will experience partition, a CPU that will throttle, or a Memory that will fill up. While you go about fixing this, What is the cost, both in terms of effort and business lost, of failure and how much does eac… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 05 May 2019
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture

Dinesh Kumar

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A Beast to Process Kafka Events

Building an event processing library comes with own baggage. No Data loss takes highest priority, then comes Performance and Scalability. Scaling the tool for millions of messages/minute with architecture than with language. Also ensuring it is generic so we can deploy for any schema/table by config change. more
  • Waitlisted
  • 21 Mar 2019

Talina Shrotriya

SRE: Culture & Strategy

The work of a Site Reliability Engineer is either misconstrued or portrayed less frequently in the tech community. Most of the SRE stories get lost in daily on-call schedules. This talk opens up a gold mine by discussing the issues an SRE team faces and the solutioning done around them. The intent is to provide the audience with a set of case studies which deal with distributed environments and s… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 31 May 2019
Section: Crisp talk of 20 mins duration Technical level: Intermediate Section: Crisp talk Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture

Sudheer Kumar Meesala

Decomposing a Monolith: Engineering and Operational strategies we have gleaned from our experience at Endurance

Microservices are all the rage nowadays. But what are the practical problems of building a large application using such an architecture? Even more important, how do you change a business critical legacy application to microservices while maintaining uptime. At Endurance, we are currently transitioning a large legacy monolithic application to a microservice based architecture. There are several ke… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 06 May 2019
Section: Sponsored talk Technical level: Intermediate Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture

Aaditya Talwai

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Virtuous Cycles: Enabling SRE via automated feedback loops

Automating common operational procedures - like increasing capacity, expiring data, or evening out load on a system - is the bread-and-butter of many SRE teams. Operator nirvana is having apps that can heal themselves, without human intervention - but most SRE teams will accept some toil as an inevitable part of their lives. This is because some procedures are too risky to automate, too costly to… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 30 May 2019
Section: Full talk of 40 mins duration Technical level: Intermediate Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture

Shadab Siddiqui

Devil lies in the details: running a successful bug bounty programme in your organization

The aim is to help everyone understand the two side of bug bounty or vulnerability research program. Everyone would get a walkthrough on though how glamourous one side for a bug bounty hunter is with all fancy rewards/recognition and in a time where bug bounty profile is equivalent to developers GitHub profile in a CV to how hard it is for an organization to decide on whether to have a program li… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 06 Jun 2019
Section: Full talk of 40 mins duration Technical level: Beginner Section: Full talk Technical level: Beginner Session type: Lecture
Anand Venkatanarayanan

Anand Venkatanarayanan Proposing

How do you keep your secrets and how much does it cost?

Overview We all keep secrets and also know that there are inherent costs in doing so. In the social realm, the cost is betrayal and we try to offset it by entrusting our secrets to only those whom we trust. Trust is however built on top of personal relationships. Further the choice of the secret keeper is also based on the nature of the secret. Some secrets are worthless after a certain time inte… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 06 Jun 2019
Section: Birds Of Feather (BOF) Session Technical level: Advanced Section: Birds Of Feather (BOF) session Technical level: Advanced Session type: Discussion

Himanshu Kumar Das

Implementing security from day 1 at a fintech startup

In this presentation we want to showcase how we simplified, prioritized and implemented security from day 1 to a product idea going to production at CRED. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 06 Jun 2019
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture

udit kumar

Scalable dist-sys from grounds up in Elixir

Elixir comes bundled with battle tested primitives to build highly concurrent, event-driven, distributed systems. These primitives can be composed like Lego blocks to build all manner of system architectures. However not all of them will scale with increasing traffic. This talk will take you through the journey of building a platform for running live interactive game shows using Elixir, the way t… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 20 Apr 2019
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture
Karan Saini

Karan Saini

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Defensive and Offensive Applications of Open Source Intelligence

In real life, a footprint can be used to distinguish and confirm the identity of an individual. The same is true on the Internet, where activities and transactions that have been carried out leave behind a digital footprint, which at times can be leveraged for gathering intelligence about a particular individual and their activities. As an example, websites which reveal partial phone numbers can … more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 07 Jun 2019
Section: Birds Of Feather (BOF) Session Technical level: Intermediate Section: Birds Of Feather (BOF) session Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Discussion

Shubham Mittal

OSINT for Proactive Defense

In today’s age, when every organization has an online presence in multiple shape (eg. social media, code repositories, cloud infrastructure, etc.), it’s difficult to keep a track of the assets as well as the amount of sensitive information that goes out knowingly or unknowingly. Such assets or information can cause catastrophic damage to the organization, unless identified and remediated. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 09 Jun 2019
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture

Kushal Das

Onion Services for devops

The Tor network is a group of volunteer-operated servers that allows people to improve their privacy and security on the Internet. Tor’s users employ this network by connecting through a series of virtual tunnels rather than making a direct connection, thus allowing both organizations and individuals to share information over public networks without compromising their privacy. Along the same line… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 08 Jun 2019
Section: Workshop Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Workshop

Trishna Guha

Network Automation with Ansible

Ansible is an open source automation tool that gives your team the ability to automate deploying apps, managing systems, crushing complexities. It automates the technologies that you already use and break down silos, create a culture of automation regardless whatever platforms you use. Ansible Network extends the benefits of simple, powerful, agentless automation to network engineers, administrat… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 05 Mar 2019
Section: Full talk of 40 mins duration Technical level: Intermediate Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Demo

Øystein Grøvlen

POLARDB - A database architecture for the cloud

In this session, we will give a introduction of PolarDB, which is a a cloud native database available on Alicloud. PolarDB separates the computing layer from a shared storage layer. This design allows the storage space to automatically scale according to usage. The computing layer adopts a a single master - multiple read only replica architecture, and scaling up a compute node or adding a replica… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 10 Jun 2019
Section: Full talk of 40 mins duration Technical level: Intermediate Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture

Anurag Bhatia

Automate your IX’s RS Config

This talk covers automating route server config at an Internet Exchange. It shares experiences of adding two feature - the IRR based filtering as well as BGP communities support at Bharat IX in Mumbai. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 13 Jun 2019
Section: Full talk Technical level: Beginner Session type: Lecture
Anant Shrivastava

Anant Shrivastava

Bug Bounties for organizations

This BOF session will be in continuation of the talk by Shadab. The main agenda behind the session is to bring out a discussion and help organizations get started with the bug bounties. Bug bounties in short are the easiest way to leverage the information security community and individuals in general to help shore up an organizations defences. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 11 Jun 2019
Section: Birds Of Feather (BOF) session Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Discussion

Akshat Goyal Proposing

SRE Approach to Supporting Products as a PaaS Internally

Open discussion on solving the challenge of building common SRE principles and tools to support multi dozen uniquely configured product environments. We’ll discussion about implementing correlation and principles to improve automation and the quality of products. Building everything-as-a-service internally to homogenize workloads and toolchain. Comparing the short term and long term tradeoffs of … more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 12 Jun 2019
Section: Birds Of Feather (BOF) Session Technical level: Intermediate Section: Birds Of Feather (BOF) session Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Discussion


What are the benefits of using Ansible Automation?

To stay competitive in the challenging IT market, everone need a tool for enterprise-wide IT and network automation. Ansible’s simple automation framework gives teams the power to deploy multi-tier applications quickly and reliably. Ansible models IT infrastructures by describing how all systems inter-relate, rather than just managing one system at a time. Using simple language in the form of Ans… more
  • 1 comment
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 19 Jun 2019
Section: Birds Of Feather (BOF) session Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Discussion

Neependra Khare

Birds of Feather (BOF) session: On taking your home brew projects to graduate into CNCF projects

Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) serves as the vendor-neutral home for many of the fastest-growing projects on GitHub, including Kubernetes, Prometheus and Envoy, fostering collaboration between the industry’s top developers, end users, and vendors. Lots of companies and individuals are building very useful open-source cloud native projects for themselves or for their customers. But somet… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 20 Jun 2019
Section: Birds Of Feather (BOF) session Technical level: Beginner Session type: Discussion

Tasdik Rahman

Kingsly - The Cert Manager

Problem Statement Manage SSL/TLS certificate lifecycle for various backends which would include but not limited to more
  • 1 comment
  • Submitted
  • 08 Jun 2019
Section: Crisp talk Technical level: Beginner Session type: Lecture
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