Rootconf 2019

Rootconf 2019

On infrastructure security, DevOps and distributed systems.



Abhay Rana (Nemo)


Learnings from running my Home Server (and why you should run one too)

Submitted Jan 15, 2019

I did my own PC build in September 2017, and have been running it as a personal home server ever since. If you work in infrastructure, running a homeserver is a great way to help yourselves learn new things, experiment with technologies that are too dangerous or bleeding edge for your work, and self-host your own infrastructure.


This talk will cover the important bits:

  1. A brief overview of my homeserver setup
    i. What all Hardware is involved
    ii. What all services are running
    iii. Networking and how to route traffic to your home.
  2. Infrastructure Setup
    i. Terraform Configuration
    ii. Service Configuration
    iii. Running a Kubernetes Cluster
    iv. Security
  3. Q&A

Speaker bio

Nemo is a Software Engineer at Razorpay, where he maintains a robust payment infrastructure on top of Kubernetes. He loves playing boardgames, and pen-testing indian government websites.


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