Rootconf 2019

Rootconf 2019

On infrastructure security, DevOps and distributed systems.



Fatima Shaikh


Eclipse Che and installing it on OpenShift!

Submitted Feb 23, 2019

This session will mainly focus on what is Eclipse Che, how it works and it’s demo installation on openshift.

Eclipse Che is great. It is an IDE running as pods be it minishift or OpenShift. This IDE can be used to deploy applications. A wide range of application plugins are available for a developer to choose from.

Eclipse Che provides:

  • Workspaces that include runtimes and IDEs
  • RESTful workspace server
  • A browser-based IDE
  • Plugins for languages, framework, and tools
  • An SDK for creating plugins and assemblies

Developing applications on a IDE running as pods can be implemented for faster deployments.


This talk will explain Eclipse Che briefly:

  • What is Eclipse Che?
  • How it is deployed on Openshift?
  • How an IDE runs as pods?
  • The installation process of Eclipse Che on Openshift.
  • What all gets deployed?
  • How Postgresql, Keycloak and Che pods are deployed will also be explained briefly.
  • The various default plugins to choose from for developing applications.


  • Basic knowledge on OpenShift/Minishift(or kubernetes) and Eclipse IDE is required.

Speaker bio

Fatima is a Support Engineer working with Red Hat. OpenShift Container Platform is her main domain, but the curiosity to learn more has landed her with CodeReady Workspaces as well. Being eclectic, she also believes in sharing all this knowledge on various platforms, as this will help everyone get a look at what the future holds!



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