Rootconf 2019

Rootconf 2019

On infrastructure security, DevOps and distributed systems.



Utpal Sen


Scaling DevOps - A Practical Guide

Submitted Mar 25, 2019

In today’s world of digital disruption DevOps adoption is a necessity. This session tries to give an outline of methodology, processes and tools that can help fast track adoption based on a real project delivery experience. Will talk about the engineering practices, DevOps maturity models to begin with and how to chalk out scaling DevOps as the organization wide adoption grows.


The session has three sections. 1. DevOps - what it means when it comes to accelerating delivery in digital world. 2. How to proceed with design and implementation. Here will talk about real world script snippets, technical knowhow, challenges faced and how to strategize successful adoption. In last section 3. Will talk about how to scale the implementation to meet increased demands within the organization as more and more teams are onboarded.



Speaker bio Have designed and implemented multiple large scale DevOps adoption journeys. Wanted to share findings from one of those implementation focusing on scaling DevOps.


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