Jun 2019
17 Mon
18 Tue
19 Wed
20 Thu
21 Fri 08:45 AM – 05:40 PM IST
22 Sat 09:00 AM – 05:30 PM IST
23 Sun
Jun 2019
17 Mon
18 Tue
19 Wed
20 Thu
21 Fri 08:45 AM – 05:40 PM IST
22 Sat 09:00 AM – 05:30 PM IST
23 Sun
Aaditya Talwai
Submitted May 30, 2019
Automating common operational procedures - like increasing capacity, expiring data, or evening out load on a system - is the bread-and-butter of many SRE teams. Operator nirvana is having apps that can heal themselves, without human intervention - but most SRE teams will accept some toil as an inevitable part of their lives. This is because some procedures are too risky to automate, too costly to get wrong. How do you build the confidence that your “self-healing” system will not accidentally shoot itself in the foot, while in production?
In pictures we will show a journey of instrumentation - how one can use app-level telemetry and tracing to build confidence that your auto-remediating strategies are doing the right things. Case studies include:
We will show that using open-source tooling, and good observability practices, you can make an opaque part of your system that is operationally taxing into a well-behaved component, that remediates itself. We take a very visual approach to telling these stories - so expect graphs and lot of them!
Ultimately, we want to give audience a framework and strategy to answer these questions:
Some prior knowledge of operating distributed systems.
Aaditya Talwai is a Site Reliabilty Engineer at Confluent and former Lead Software Engineer at Datadog. His work has focused on large-scale monitoring systems and the words, pictures, and tools we use to tell stories about our software systems. At Datadog, he helped architect a cloud-scale distributed tracing and APM tool, bringing together the three pillars of observability - metrics, traces, and logs. At Confluent, he works on a unified cloud platform for event streaming, including the observability and automation strategies needed to guarantee a highly-available, elastic, multitenant cluster. He is enthusiastic about helping SRE teams understand their systems, and deploy apps that heal themselves, through great observability practices and a culture of experimentation.
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Zainab Bawa
@zainabbawa Editor & Promoter
This is an interesting talk! Do you have anti-patterns to share here, too?
Aaditya Talwai
@talwai Submitter
Hi Zainab, I can certainly give some time to discussing anti-patterns or common gotchas in implementing autoremediation. Some things definitely took us a few painful tries before getting them right.
Zainab Bawa
@zainabbawa Editor & Promoter
Great. I have confirmed your talk and will update you about a pre-event rehearsal by tomorrow. Meanwhile, it will help if you revised your slides to include pain points and gotchas. Participants want to learn as much from anti-patterns, as they want to from patterns.
Aaditya Talwai
@talwai Submitter
Great, will do. Thanks Zainab