Nov 2011
14 Mon
15 Tue
16 Wed
17 Thu
18 Fri 10:00 AM – 05:15 PM IST
19 Sat 11:00 AM – 05:15 PM IST
20 Sun
Accepting submissions
Not accepting submissions
Kingsley Jegan Joseph Infusing Android with Social - Demo & Design PatternsLearn about how we apply social design patterns to smartphone apps based on usage contexts, form factor and social contexts. more
Section: UI and Design
Technical level: Beginner
Session type: Demo
Ravi Vyas Thinking outside Eclipse : Building Android Apps using AntLeveraging ANT to customize/modify your app build process. more
Section: Android in the Enterprise
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Tutorial
Sathvik Bhat Proposing Gaming frameworksExposure to Gaming in Android platform and usage of gaming frameworks like libgdx , AndEngine and cocos2d for android. more
Section: Mobile web and cross-platform apps
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Lecture
Amit Pundir Android porting for dummies.Objective is to get developers started with Android porting on their development devices. more
Section: Android hacking, porting, firmware
Technical level: Beginner
Session type: Tutorial
Punit Gadenkanahalli Proposing OpenGL in AndroidImproving UI of Android apps using OpenGL Outline Introduction to OpenGL. How OpenGL can be used in Android. more
Section: UI and Design
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Tutorial
Bipin Preet Singh Monetizing Apps for Indian marketWe at are proposing a new channel for marketing and selling mobile applications to Indian and South Asian market. more
Section: Monetizing apps
Technical level: Beginner
Session type: Discussion
Primal Pappachan Indoor Location Tagging Engine.Introduce tagin! which is a location tagging engine which can be used to create indoor lbs applications and present a demo application which uses this engine. more
Section: Workshop: Advanced patterns in Android dev
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Tutorial
Chinmay V S Sensors on AndroidUnderstanding Sensor-Framework on Android: What Android provides... What users demand... more
Section: Workshop: Android developer 101
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Lecture
Vinay Katwe Android Advertisement Platform - Demo + DiscussionOn one hand Content providers and Advertisers/Advertisement Agencies can leverage this platform by reaching mass market segment, on the otherhand, OEMs can whitelabel the products and generate revenue from product sales. The discussion would be more on business aspects rather than in-depth technical details and encourages companies to license our product and find new revenue sources more
Section: Monetizing apps
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Demo
Chitranshu Near Field Communication in AndroidThe usage of NFC protocol on Android. Outline Introduction to NFC framework on android. Identifying & Reading/Writing NFC TAGs. more
Section: NFC, Arduino and ADK
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Tutorial
Amrit Sanjeev New features in Android 4.0 ( IceCream Sandwich)Technical deep dive into the new features and components introduced in Android 4.0. more
Section: Handling device diversity
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Lecture
Sajjad Anwar Scripting Layer for AndroidIntroducing the Scripting Layer for Android which brings beautiful scripting languages like Python, Perl, Lua etc. to Android. Quick application prototyping with no eclipse and Java. more
Section: Android hacking, porting, firmware
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Lecture
Amit Dang Android Security Model, Threat Vector & SolutionsThis presentation will cover Android Security Framework, security model for java & native apps, rooted & non-rooted devices, attack vectors, in-depth analysis of current security solutions and their drawbacks. It will talk about why the relationship between Google OEM & carrier complicates security. more
Section: Android in the Enterprise
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Lecture
Rajbir Bhattacharjee Removed TemporarilySorry for the inconvenience. I had proposed a talk earlier, but I have to revert it temporarily. I request the maintainers of this site to please delete this post. more
Section: Android in the Enterprise
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Lecture
Continuous Delivery for an Android applicationContinuous Delivery [CD] is a key aspect of the Lean Startup. While this is usually spoken about in the context of Web Applications, it does not need to be limited to that context. more
Section: Handling device diversity
Technical level: Beginner
Session type: Demo
Sudar Muthu Making robots using Android and ArduinoThe objective of this session is to show the different ways by which Android can talk to Arduino and how we can leverage this connectivity in making robots. more
Section: NFC, Arduino and ADK
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Workshop
Bhaskar teja Yerneni Building custom components using Canvas and animationsTo bring more awesomeness to android UI and app quality more
Section: UI and Design
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Tutorial
Shree Kumar OpenGL in AndroidGive participants an overview of OpenGL on Android - including ES 1.0 and ES2.0. Will cover basic concepts and touch on items relevant to handheld devices. more
Section: Workshop: Android developer 101
Technical level: Beginner
Session type: Lecture
Shree Kumar Android Service PatternsProvide deep understanding about the details of creating Services in Android, things to take care of while developing real-world services. Pitfalls to avoid (including a good look at threading implications). more
Section: Workshop: Advanced patterns in Android dev
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Lecture
Paramvir Singh Android development for new developers: from beginning to creating top ranked applicationsThe objective of this session will be to teach new and fresh developers to start Android development with innovative ideas. more
Section: Workshop: Android developer 101
Technical level: Beginner
Session type: Tutorial
Paramvir Singh Enterprise application development, device administration APIThe objective of this session is to explain creating enterprise applications , using device administration API and introducing multilevel security in applications more
Section: Android in the Enterprise
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Tutorial
Naga Chokkanathan Pricing models for android enterprise applicationsWhen you build applications for Enterprise, how to price it right. What are the different ways to collect feedback on your price and make adjustments accordingly more
Section: Android in the Enterprise
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Lecture
Tamillharasan Chandran Introduction to OpenGL in AndroidGetting started with OpenGL programming can seem to be a little heavy but it need not be. more
Section: UI and Design
Technical level: Beginner
Session type: Tutorial
Viral Sachde Building Consumer Electronics Product using Android Operating System.Building Consumer Electronics Product using Android Operating System. more
Section: Android hacking, porting, firmware
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Lecture
Shreyas B Proposing Dashboards & charts on AndroidUnderstand how to create dashboards (charts, graphs) based on a set of data. Know if any APIs exist or which libraries can be effectively used to dynamically depict aggregated information. more
Section: Android in the Enterprise
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Demo
Alexy Joseph Android multimedia internalsTo provide a slightly deeper dive into the working of stagefright to give a kick start to porting and extending multimedia functionalities on Android. more
Section: Android hacking, porting, firmware
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Lecture
Gaurav Kheterpal Android Development Made Easy With Appcelerator TitaniumThe presentation talks about how you can get started with Appcelerator Titanium and build apps which run just as well as native apps. It’s quick , easy and fun :) more
Section: Mobile web and cross-platform apps
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Tutorial
Cloud to Device MessagingTo provide a basics understanding of the Cloud to Device Messagin Framework. Get a head start on working with C2DM. more
Section: Android in the Enterprise
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Demo
Muthu Subramanian Android Device DriversTo help the audience understand building basic android device drivers and some pitfalls. more
Section: Android hacking, porting, firmware
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Demo
Diogo Ferreira CyanogenMod: An after-market, open source, community distribution for 60+ devicesGet to know the intrinsics of the CyanogenMod user and developer community. more
Section: Android hacking, porting, firmware
Technical level: Beginner
Session type: Lecture
Debashis Sikdar Proposing All about patents, trademarks, copyrights and IP related to your productThe session should be such as to provide insights on the relevance of patents, trademarks, copyrights and IP for all respective aspects of an app. It should also throw light on how to ‘look-up’ for existing patents, trademarks, copyrights; how to obtain the same for the product and watch out for violations of the same. Also, the expenses related may please be discussed. All the above may kindly b… more
Section: Marketing apps
Technical level: Advanced
Session type: Lecture
Gulzar Azad The HTML5 Frontier on AndroidTalk and demo html5 evolution on Android. Find out latest and upcoming html5 capabilities on Android. Discuss standardization and Google’s html5 submissions. Sketch the future vision on Html5 amalgamated with the native env. more
Section: Mobile web and cross-platform apps
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Lecture
Romin Irani Beginning Android ProgrammingTo enable participants to take their first steps in Android programming and get the basics in place for them to move forward. more
Section: Workshop: Android developer 101
Technical level: Beginner
Session type: Workshop
Shree Kumar Extending the Android Framework with New DevicesThis session will show you how to add support for a completely new device on Android. This includes adding a new device driver, extending the Android framework to support the new device, and taking care of application level interfaces. more
Section: Android hacking, porting, firmware
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Demo
Aakrit Vaish Building a mobile application businessSo you have built your cool Android application. It looks awesome, runs well and is the next big thing. But now is the biggest challenge: how do you make a real business out of it? more
Section: Monetizing apps
Technical level: Beginner
Session type: Discussion
rakendu ravindra AlipiPeople attending this workshop can learn how to use the alipi tool to narrate a web-page. And also see the available re-narrations. At the end of the demo, the audience will be able to use and also develop on Alipi. Yes, it is open source. more
Section: Mobile web and cross-platform apps
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Demo
Khasim Syed Mohammed Android memory optimization techniquesAndroid optimization and customization techniques for non-phone segment like PoS, HA(Home Automation), Navigation, Medical Health Care, e-boot reader, car infotainment etc. , with respect to memory cost. more
Section: Android hacking, porting, firmware
Technical level: Beginner
Session type: Lecture
satish patel android camera portingObjective is to give complete guide on how to port or enable camera port on android software stack. more
Section: Android hacking, porting, firmware
Technical level: Beginner
Session type: Demo
Vivek Juneja Humanize the AndroidThe talk will introduce audience to use Cognitive Sciences, Psychology and Game Mechanics to build new levels of engagement to the Android applications. We will go through various patterns in practice and learn the tricks of trade to enhance the appeal of the application. The take-away is a set of todos the audience can apply to their android projects right away. more
Section: UI and Design
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Lecture
Arun Joseph Internals of Android and Kernel Power ManagementProvide insights to Android power management framework and Linux Kernel Power Management techniques from OMAP3 perspective more
Section: Android hacking, porting, firmware
Technical level: Beginner
Session type: Lecture
neeraj jain Design principles that are key to creating great productsOverview of Design principles that are key to creating great products more
Section: UI and Design
Technical level: Beginner
Session type: Lecture
Rajdeep Dua Introduction to ICSNew features in ICS Outline New features launched in Android more
Section: Leveraging Fragments
Technical level: Advanced
Session type: Lecture
Rajdeep Dua Honeycomb CodelabCodelab on some of the new features in Honeycomb and ICS more
Section: Workshop: Advanced patterns in Android dev
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Tutorial
James Hugman Making Cross Platform Apps that Suck LessA review of some popular cross-platform tools, and introduces a new approach and Kirin, an implementation of that approach. more
Section: Mobile web and cross-platform apps
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Lecture
Ayushman Jain Agile development and Lifecycle Management of Android appsDiscuss typical Android app development scenarios in an enterprise. Demonstrate Eclipse plugins that make the development process Agile and facilitate lifecycle management for Android apps. more
Section: Android in the Enterprise
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Demo
Ayushman Jain Developing HTML5 and hybrid Android apps using PhonegapDemonstrate PhoneGap and Eclipse PhoneGap plugin for developing HTML5 based Android apps. more
Section: Mobile web and cross-platform apps
Technical level: Beginner
Session type: Demo
Mrigesh Malware, Pen Testing and ExploitsThe expected benefits for someone attending this: A deeper understanding of the internals and security model more
Section: Android hacking, porting, firmware
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Demo
Ravi Vyas Creating apps that work on all screen sizesTo address the designing and programming issues faced in creating apps so that they can work across all screen sizes including tablets and mobiles. more
Section: UI and Design
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Tutorial
Sutharshan Ram GLSL an IntroductionTo give the participants an intro into GLSL and its capabilities. more
Section: UI and Design
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Lecture
Androcid Media Pvt. Ltd. Android.Socialize - Taking Android To Social MediaIf you have aspirations to make more than a little spending money from your android app then you must develop a marketing strategy and apply the marketing principles to your sales strategy. Do you understand how to price your app for maximum success? Have you spent some time to formulate a marketing plan that will create a strong following of satisfied customers? The objective of this session wou… more
Section: Marketing apps
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Tutorial
Hemanth Sharma Use the Right Brain!Understand the meaning of User Experience or UX as it is called. This session will take you through the tips and tricks of usability, user experience and user interface design for phones and tablets. more
Section: UI and Design
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Lecture
Amal Tiwari My experiments with two fun music apps!For those who love experimenting with the latest technologies, care about the much discussed User-centered Design process, try out new interaction techniques, this session is for you.. for beginners and students, for enthusiasts. more
Section: UI and Design
Technical level: Beginner
Session type: Demo
Prashant Singh Design and development of enterprise dashboards for Android tabletsTo first introduce the problems with data visualisation on Tablets. Discuss and demo the solutions and also show how to create a consistent UI for these on tablets with different form factors and DPIs. more
Section: UI and Design
Technical level: Beginner
Session type: Lecture
Immanuel Noel Building for device diversity with Adobe AIRLearn to build applications, and optimize, for diverse devices with Adobe AIR more
Section: Handling device diversity
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Tutorial
Soham Mondal Android UI design secrets: How to go from just-okay to wow!Understand what simple tools you (as a developer or a designer) can use to make your user interface go from just the average run-of-the-mill Buttons and EditTexts to something that makes your users shout out ‘wow’. more
Section: UI and Design
Technical level: Beginner
Session type: Lecture
Vinaya Shenoy Proposing Android Personal AssistantHave you developed mobile apps for your own use which were never planned for public distribution? Come over to this forum and share your stories. more
Section: Android hacking, porting, firmware
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Discussion
Aakrit Vaish Demystifying Mobile AdvertisingTo go in depth into the various mobile advertising solutions available, so a developer can better understand how to use ads to successfully generate revenue. more
Section: Monetizing apps
Technical level: Beginner
Session type: Lecture
Ashay Padwal Rapid Integration of key features like Google Analytics & Data Backup for Android Apps - AppWrapperWhen developing your App, you generally tend to focus only on the core functionality. Many key features like Data Backup, App Analytics, etc. which have great benefits come as after thoughts. Then again once your App is ready you want to release it at the earliest, hence many times these features are ignored. Using AppWrapper these add-on features can be enabled with a single click, without any c… more
Section: Workshop: Android developer 101
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Lecture
Ashay Padwal Mobile Ads: Formats – Placement - Integration. Getting it Right.How best to use Ads in your app to maximize income without affecting the App user experience more
Section: Monetizing apps
Technical level: Beginner
Session type: Lecture
Jitesh Dedhiya Proposing Paypal/any similar third-party lib integration in android appsThe objective is how can we do paypal integration or any similar third party whichever libraries are available, integrate into a android mobile app. more
Section: Monetizing apps
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Workshop
Jayneil Dalal Using Google App Inventor to make apps quickly and without any coding!The objective of this tutorial is to help developers develop an Android app using the Google App Inventor without doing any coding at all.! more
Section: Workshop: Android developer 101
Technical level: Beginner
Session type: Tutorial
Kashif Razzaqui Hard Earned Android Programming ExperiencesShare the things we learnt while writing our app for Android. more
Section: Workshop: Advanced patterns in Android dev
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Lecture
Prashant Hinduja Smartphone Platform Frameworks - Learning, Similarities and Differences (comparing Android Frameworks with other platforms)Smartphone Platform Frameworks - Learning, Similarities and Differences (comparing Android Frameworks with iPhone, Windows Phone, BlackBerry, Symbian, MeeGo, Garnet, etc.) - Anybody who is developing and/or porting Apps across various smartphone platforms/operating systems, needs to evaluate not just the different APIs but mainly the differences and similarities in the platform Framework function… more
Section: UI and Design
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Lecture
Isneesh Marwah Error Reporting and App Analysis using ACRA and FlurryHow to debug/improve your app using crash/usage reports. more
Section: Workshop: Android developer 101
Technical level: Beginner
Session type: Lecture
Suresh Sundararaman Design application for 300.36There are more than 300 android devices in the smartphone market being sold by more than 36 OEMs to millions of consumers. more
Section: Handling device diversity
Technical level: Beginner
Session type: Lecture
Bhakti Pingale Building a consistent mobile web experience across devices using the right CMS.Content management systems play an important role in the design, development and deployment of websites. With the advent of the mobile web, it is important to choose a CMS that also understands visitors coming from mobile devices and tunes the experience accordingly. In this session we discuss how you can build and manage a mobile web experience that is consistent across devices, using a CMS that… more
Section: Mobile web and cross-platform apps
Technical level: Beginner
Session type: Lecture
Rames Palanisamy Bitmap and Power ManagerSmart phones are getting rich with high graphics and heavy weight images. But most of the developers donot care on using the memory or battery efficiently. more
Section: Performance optimization
Technical level: Advanced
Session type: Lecture
Anirudh Dewani ICS: Communication, Connectivity and CameraMake apps that let devices seamlessly integrate with other devices. Add richer communication and sharing interactions. Also, build richer media apps with camera using face detection, custom focus and exposure metering zones. more
Section: NFC, Arduino and ADK
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Lecture
Anirudh Dewani Optical Character Recognition(OCR) with Android NDKLearn about the NDK, compile native code using the NDK , enable interoperability using JNI, build Android application that reuse existing native libraries/project. more
Section: Android hacking, porting, firmware
Technical level: Beginner
Session type: Tutorial
Narayan Babu ListViews, custom controls and memory optimized applications.For a intermediate Android developer this session will help him gain some new techniques insights and best practices, on how to effective use the Android Application framework to his advantage. Also, explores the common mistakes and how to eliminate them and optimize code. This session would also open up various ways to build scalable and large applications on Android which involve complex contro… more
Section: Workshop: Advanced patterns in Android dev
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Lecture
ram Proposing Extending the Arduino ADK hardware to incorporate external InputsArduino ADK has been a general hardware to begin interacting with the android apps over the phone and it would be good to know how to extend the ADK hardware to be able to extend the hardware ecosystem for the system design. more
Section: NFC, Arduino and ADK
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Demo
Sameer Segal Custom Views: Write Less. Do MoreUnderstand how you can create custom complex views with your own attributes for your apps. Do everything with the layout xml rather than writing java code in the activities. This is how Artoo creates apps in the cloud. more
Section: UI and Design
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Workshop
Harish Sivaramakrishnan Considerations and Choices for Cross platform mobile developmentLook at various technology choices available to build mobile web / cross platform mobile apps in an unbiased & pragmatic way. At the end of this session one would be able to make a choice from a wide variety of technology options available to build cross platform mobile apps / mobile websites. more
Section: Mobile web and cross-platform apps
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Lecture
Devi Prasad Close To Metal Programming with Native Development KitMany real-time, performance critical Android applications leverage computationally efficient components written in C/C++, using the Native Development Kit (NDK). In this tutorial we will show how JNI and NDK let developers combine Virtual Machine (VM) based apps (written in Java) with efficient libraries written in C/C++. We will demonstrate the performance gain, with solid examples, and explain … more
Section: Performance optimization
Technical level: Advanced
Session type: Tutorial
Diogo Ferreira From stock to Cyanogenmod: The Sony Ericsson CaseCyanogenMod supports ~70 devices at the moment. The goal of this talk is giving insight into the process of porting a device to the tree. Attendees will hopefully understand what needs to be done to make all device features fully operational while co-existing with many different devices. more
Section: Android hacking, porting, firmware
Technical level: Advanced
Session type: Lecture
Anurag Dwivedi & Pradeep Warrier Proposing Technical challenges of designing mobile applications in an environment of limited connectivityEducate the audience about challenges of building applications in an environment of partial connectivity, and outline some possible approaches to handle online- offline apps. more
Section: Android in the Enterprise
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Discussion
Anurag Dwivedi & Pradeep Warrier Technical challenges of designing mobile applications in an environment of limited connectivityEducate the audience about challenges of building applications in an environment of partial connectivity, and outline some possible approaches to handle online- offline apps. more
Section: Android in the Enterprise
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Lecture
srid har I am not good at drawingMany leading software service companies are increasingly training their developers on the nuances of design and exposing them to the ideas of design thinking, as a means of solving problems that are user centered. This session will cover design thinking using examples to talk about how Mobile App developers can think about their Apps. The content will cover some basic principles of design and how… more
Section: UI and Design
Technical level: Beginner
Session type: Lecture
Aditya Shankar An Android App - a DeconstructionWe’ve built apps that are in use by over a million users to solve a real world problem, AAA Roadside assistance. We’ll deconstruct the app for you, peeling back the layers including design, mixing native and HTML5, maps, GPS, Camera, dealing with fragmentation aided by tracking crash logs, and reporting/analytics. more
Section: UI and Design
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Lecture
Prakash Srinivasan Embedded applications with Android using PIC based ADKObjective of this session is to demonstrating the possibilities of developing embedded system applications on Android platform by using a new PIC based ADK board. This session will including a demonstration of how to write an Java based Android application for controlling a embedded board and how it differs from Arduino ADK. more
Section: NFC, Arduino and ADK
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Demo
Udayan U A generic approach to USB development on Android - develop powerful peripherals for Android phones and tabletsThis would enable Android developers to use the USB device class for data transfer between an Android device and an external USB Host or USB device. Since ADK and BeagleBone boards are already showacased at the conference it would be a great Boost. USB is one of the most powerful and reliable communication interface. On Android USB development is very easy, it will let you build some cool devices… more
Section: Android hacking, porting, firmware
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Demo
Jayanth Kolla Indian Tablets Ecosystem - Current State, Potential & OutlookTablets have the potential to grow exponentially if key players in the Indian market can play to the right market forces. However, India is a complex market made more challenging with a lack of structured, actionable data (the insights and analysis needed for business leaders). more
Section: Monetizing apps
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Lecture
Khasim Syed Mohammed Android Products Made Easy with Texas Instruments TechnologyThe talk covers the need & growing demand of Android in both mobile and non-mobile devices, TI’s Android based offerings that helps in building differentiated products and meet time to market needs and it takes you through the open “android” eco-system built around,, and so on. more
Section: Android hacking, porting, firmware
Technical level: Beginner
Session type: Demo
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