Droidcon India

Droidcon's first Indian edition

Vivek Juneja


Humanize the Android

Submitted Oct 19, 2011

The talk will introduce audience to use Cognitive Sciences, Psychology and Game Mechanics to build new levels of engagement to the Android applications. We will go through various patterns in practice and learn the tricks of trade to enhance the appeal of the application. The take-away is a set of todos the audience can apply to their android projects right away.


The session will cover the following :-

  1. Learnings from Cognitive Sciences, Psychology, Game Mechanics for patterns of engagement

  2. How and when to apply patterns of engagement while building apps

  3. Core Android development techniques to use

  4. Examples and Demos of apps that use this engagement techniques and how it helps them

Speaker bio

Vivek Juneja is an Engineer at Mobile and Cloud Comptency Center at Torry Harris Business Solutions. He has over 6 years of professional experience in building applications for wide range of customers. He specializes in Android app development, Integrating and building Cloud services, large scale web apps and user experience. He is passionate about how human psychology, Game Mechanics and biomimicry can be used to engineer great experiences for the user.

Stuck by the love of AI in his early years, he has spent time researching wide range of topics - Knowledge representation, NLP, Cognitive Sciences, Consciousness. He loves talking to people and evangelizing his passion to others in the technology industry.


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