Nov 2011
14 Mon
15 Tue
16 Wed
17 Thu
18 Fri 10:00 AM – 05:15 PM IST
19 Sat 11:00 AM – 05:15 PM IST
20 Sun
Prashant Hinduja
Submitted Nov 2, 2011
Smartphone Platform Frameworks - Learning, Similarities and Differences (comparing Android Frameworks with iPhone, Windows Phone, BlackBerry, Symbian, MeeGo, Garnet, etc.) -
Anybody who is developing and/or porting Apps across various smartphone platforms/operating systems, needs to evaluate not just the different APIs but mainly the differences and similarities in the platform Framework functionality. Also a developer or designer of Framework components needs to have an idea of what the other platform does and ‘how does it do it’, so that the same functionality can be migrated to Android, based on Android Framework ‘rules’ and components. This session aims to introduce and address both these aspects.
Most of us have grown developing apps and/or libraries on multiple mobile platforms, of course, including Android. This session aims at providing a certain degree of analysis into comparing similarities and differences among variety of popular platforms / operating systems. Some of the questions can be revealed here are - Is custom libc used by any other platform? How is Symbian Active Objects different from Android Loopers? How is the ConnectivityManager of WindowsPhone different from that of the Android? Can Android support multiple UI libraries, like Symbian or Windows Mobile? and many such platform investigations! And finally, what other existing and interesting features can Android further look to adopt from other smartphone frameworks, or does it need to?!
Necessary - Basic knowledge of Android Frameworks components (core and functional) and
Desirable - atleast any one of the other platform - Qt, Hildon, S60, Cocoa, Windows Phone, etc.
Research Architect, 2001-05, Mumbai & USA - research initiatives with IITB and Princeton team for wireless multimode SoC design and smartphone OS design
Currently Program Head (Training) for Amplify Mindware, Pune - Research, consultant and trainer on variety of Smartphone platforms, including Android, iPhone, BlackBerry, JavaME, BREW, Bada, Symbian, Maemo, Moblin, MeeGo, Chromium, Windows Phone 7, Palm / Garnet, webOS, etc. Providing training inputs to globally renowned top mobile software companies in India, including Samsung, on Android - Apps, Frameworks and Internals.
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