
Meta Refresh 2013

The design and engineering of user interface on the web

Accepting submissions

Not accepting submissions

Sudeep Agarwal

Simplifying HTML, CSS and JS with haml, less and coffeescript

To introduce folks to a better and simpler way of writing front-end codes. more
  • Submitted
  • 10 Dec 2012
Section: Tooling Technical level: Beginner Session type: Tutorial

Aniket Pant

Why Static Site Generators are so awesome?

Most of the web development crowd shunned static websites years ago and went for alternatives like WordPress and Tumblr for blogging. In the last one year, Jekyll has made a massive comeback and it is one of the best static website generators out there. The talk would focus on some key topics regarding the same. more
  • Submitted
  • 11 Dec 2012
Section: Tooling Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture

Benjamin Lupton

Why Open-Source

To educate and inspire people on the open-source mindset. more
  • 1 comment
  • Submitted
  • 11 Dec 2012
Section: Patterns Technical level: Beginner Session type: Discussion

Benjamin Lupton

Why the next big thing sucks

We’re coders, not hipsters. We’re here to change the world, not be swept up by change. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 11 Dec 2012
Section: Process Technical level: Beginner Session type: Lecture

Naga Chokkanathan

User Experience @ Mobile Apps

Understanding on Why UX is more important in Mobile Space, when compared to traditional design / development more
  • 1 comment
  • Submitted
  • 11 Dec 2012
Section: Process Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture



Streamlined web development Outline Empower your website frontends with layouts, meta-data, pre-processors (markdown, jade, coffeescript, etc.), partials, skeletons, file watching, querying, and an amazing plugin system. Use it either standalone, as a build script, or even as a module in a bigger system. Either way, DocPad will streamline your web development process allowing you to craft full-fe… more
  • Submitted
  • 11 Dec 2012
Section: Tooling Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Workshop
Prem Nawaz Khan

Prem Nawaz Khan

Inclusive Design challenges with UI Widgets

Takeaways: Learn how difficult it is to use UI widgets more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 12 Dec 2012
Section: Patterns Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture

Sunil Pai

Why can't we be friends?

The great designer-developer treaty negotiations of 2013. more
  • Submitted
  • 13 Dec 2012
Section: Process Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Discussion

Mariusz Cieśla

Beyond Lorem Ipsum: Why your UX team needs a copywriter

If you’re a designer or part of the product design team, you probably want to know how to build your team to maximize user experience improvements. Copywriting and content strategy is still undervalued source of great user experience. This talk shows why you need to hire a good copywriter if you want great user experience. more
  • Submitted
  • 13 Dec 2012
Section: Process Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture

Varvara Stepanova

Maintainable frontend development with BEM

I am not sure for a section. I have chosen “Patterns”, but maybe "Tooling also suits. BEM is very famous in Russia and the neighboring countries. But absolutely new for others. We have just started to share our technologies with English speaking developers. The topic is very promising. On one hand it is new for people of India. On the other hand the solution is already checked, many big companies… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 13 Dec 2012
Section: Patterns Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture

Rajesh Shah

Beyond 'Responsive Design' - 'Contextual Design'

To go beyond responsive design into contextual design - taking context from different dimensions, including user info and user use. more
  • 1 comment
  • Submitted
  • 15 Dec 2012
Section: Patterns Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Discussion

Avinasha Shastry

User (Developer) Experience design of your web API

A discussion on improving the developer experience of consuming an API by making it as easy as possible to consume more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 17 Dec 2012
Section: Patterns Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Discussion
Brajeshwar Oinam

Brajeshwar Oinam

How to become a respected, highly paid awesome Freelancer or Consultant

To inculcate a sense of “I can do” attitude to developers and designers and learn to command respect from client and be a well paid awesome freelancer or consultant. more
  • Submitted
  • 20 Dec 2012
Section: Process Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture

Satyajeet Shaligram

Ext JS - A Comprehensive Design framework for the web

Web and Mobile application interfaces have been going through a massive overhaul over the past couple of years. Web developers around the world have been relentlessly launching one great platform after another – Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery UI/jQtouch, Lungo, Ext JS to name a few. more
  • Submitted
  • 22 Dec 2012
Section: Tooling Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture

Dhaval Trivedi

Front-end development in 2013

So you survived the apocalypse! What next? Let’s see what’s latest, what’s a must and how to stay sharp in your front-end development skills. ‘Web page’ oriented front-end development is way past us and front-end development for ‘Web Applications’ requires a much better baseline, and a cutting edge stack. more
  • Submitted
  • 22 Dec 2012
Section: Tooling Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture

Benjamin Lupton Proposing

Q&A Panels

Would be cool to get multiple Q&A panels happening, one for each topic. more
  • Submitted
  • 24 Dec 2012
Section: Process Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Panel


Productize your application - the right way!

This is intended to those little closely-knit UX teams that form an enterprise, startup or even a little design studio, which are driven with a single objective - ‘build products that makes a difference’. I intend to cover those key practices that each product UX team should follow to make sure the application that they build are completely productized - ie ready to be sold! more
  • Submitted
  • 27 Dec 2012
Section: Process Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture

Tulsi Dharmarajan

High on Design

As creators of products we are torn between focussing resources on core product functionality vs. user interface enhancements. In this discussion we will learn how the two are not isolated and explore various processes and tools that make these decisions easier. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 29 Dec 2012
Section: Process Technical level: Beginner Session type: Lecture

Arpan Chinta

Getting Serious about Responsive web design

We need to rethink the way we design web sites. Screen sizes (mobile, tablet, desktop, TV) , user context (at home, on the road…), input methods (mouse, keyboard, touch screens), all have an impact in the way users interact with websites and we need to take that into account when we are designing the sites. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 02 Jan 2013
Section: Process Technical level: Advanced Session type: Lecture

Ashok Banerjee

A/B testing Platform

In this talk I will motivate the need for an experimentation platform. I shall discuss the various modules of an experimentation platform and share how to go about designing or building such a platform. I shall also work on the basic mathematics to develop the intuition (not just share the final formula) of when a result is statistically significant. more
  • Submitted
  • 02 Jan 2013
Section: Process Technical level: Beginner Session type: Lecture

omprakash visvanathan

Designing great UIs - A practitioner's approach

The aim of the lecture is to explain how to design great looking web applications and websites and how to make sense of the vast array of technologies/tools available to pick the right tool. Also details how different tools employ Ajax/Javascript to achieve good interaction. How user interface design differs between J2EE web applications and PHP/Ajax websites. more
  • Submitted
  • 04 Jan 2013
Section: Process Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture

Navjot Pawera

Questioning the "why"

To remind us that questioning our goals is probably the most important piece in creating a useful, and usable product. more
  • 1 comment
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 06 Jan 2013
Section: Process Technical level: Beginner Session type: Lecture

Shwetank Dixit

How to defend the Web

We Web Developers focus most of the time on the ‘Developers’ part and sometimes forget the ‘Web’ Part. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 07 Jan 2013
Section: Process Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture

Shyamala Prayaga

Mobile Accessibility - Challenges and Best Practices

One of the main goals of this session is to create a cross-disciplinary platform to bring together all individuals and practitioners interested in designing or improving the accessibility of mobile interactive systems, environments and contents. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 07 Jan 2013
Section: Process Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture


Get down to business - Your client is wrong

Understanding a business, its vision and goals are the most important aspects of executing great design and projects. I will talk about how, in a repeatable manner, you can engineer great outcomes for the projects you work on. more
  • 1 comment
  • Submitted
  • 09 Jan 2013
Section: Process Technical level: Beginner Session type: Lecture
Souvik Das Gupta

Souvik Das Gupta


To encourage designers to proactively reduce exposure of unnecessary details in their designs. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 11 Jan 2013
Section: Process Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture
Prateek Rungta

Prateek Rungta

Design by Philosophy

To show how designers can evolve by basing their design decisions on the most basic forms of ideas — philosophies. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 14 Jan 2013
Section: Process Technical level: Beginner Session type: Lecture

Vincent Hardy

The Quest for the Graphical Web

Show and inspire the audience with the existing and coming web graphical features with an interactive presentation. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 15 Jan 2013
Section: Patterns Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture
Varunkumar Nagarajan

Varunkumar Nagarajan

Web components and the future of web development

The objective of this session is to learn how to build re-usable web components using the techniques which are currently supported by various browsers, knowing their limitations and understanding what we can expect in the future. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 19 Jan 2013
Section: Process Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture

Saurabh Gupta

7 Misconceptions about User Experience

To bust exiting myths and misconceptions about User Experience and present the audience with a clearer understanding of what it takes to design good user experiences that drive conversion and help achieve business goals. more
  • 1 comment
  • Submitted
  • 22 Jan 2013
Section: Process Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture

Anu Sharma

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler

To have a discussion on what makes simplicity compelling more
  • Submitted
  • 23 Jan 2013
Section: Patterns Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Discussion

Anand Samuel Edwin

Building the next generation Apps for modern devices

Modern devices and HTML5 provides new capabilities that allow product designers/developers new ways to enhance the user experience and workflows of a product. more
  • Submitted
  • 25 Jan 2013
Section: Patterns Technical level: Beginner Session type: Lecture

Prathik S

Microdata - SEO and UI

HTML5′s microdata offers a way of extend HTML by adding custom vocabularies to your pages.Actually, despite its lack of publicity and HTML5′s still-incomplete status, microdata is already being used by Google, which has started adding information gleaned from microdata markup to its search result snippets. more
  • 1 comment
  • Submitted
  • 25 Jan 2013
Section: Process Technical level: Beginner Session type: Lecture

Sagar Ganatra

HTML5 and CSS3 for building rich applications

The objective of this session is to introduce the audience to various HTML5 APIs and enhancements in CSS3. These features will help them design and build rich applications for the web. more
  • Submitted
  • 28 Jan 2013
Section: Patterns Technical level: Beginner Session type: Tutorial

Akash Mahajan

HOW TO tell if you're designing an insecure site

Q&A Attend this How To session and you will gain the fundamental understanding about these and more. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 28 Jan 2013
Section: Patterns Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture

Rajasekharan Vengalil

Don't break the web

Get familiar with best practices for building great cross browser user experiences on the web and how to responsibly use web standards. more
  • Submitted
  • 29 Jan 2013
Section: Patterns Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture

Arun Ganesh

Designing the Wiki way - Experiences from the center of the open web

I had got a unique opportunity to work for the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) Language Engineering team as a UI/UX designer for crucial localization components of the mediawiki software. I would like to share my experiences on the design process we followed in the face of the unique community and organizational challenges in an open source setup. more
  • 1 comment
  • Submitted
  • 29 Jan 2013
Section: Process Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture

Harish Ranganathan

Building Real-time Web Apps with SignalR

This session is to introduce on real time web apps and building highly responsive web ui interfaces using Signal R, an open source framework. more
  • Submitted
  • 29 Jan 2013
Section: Patterns Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Demo

Rajasekharan Vengalil

Asynchrony on the web

Gain perspective on the underlying asynchronous nature of the web and insight into best practices for building high performance, well designed asynchronous web apps. more
  • Submitted
  • 30 Jan 2013
Section: Patterns Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture

Zeno Crivelli


Share our story with the audience who, in the process, will learn cool stuff about HTML5 Video and other modern Web technologies. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 31 Jan 2013
Section: Patterns Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture

Jonathan D’Mello

Questioning the medium

To challenge the current assumptions and dictums of software design. I will question the reason people use software and their ultimate goals. more
  • Submitted
  • 31 Jan 2013
Section: Process Technical level: Beginner Session type: Lecture

Hosted by

Meta Refresh is an umbrella forum for conversations about different aspects of design and product including: UX and interaction design CMS, content management, publishing and content marketing Information architecture more