Meta Refresh 2013

The design and engineering of user interface on the web

Benjamin Lupton

@balupton Proposing

Q&A Panels

Submitted Dec 24, 2012

Would be cool to get multiple Q&A panels happening, one for each topic.

Use the comments to suggest topics, and the people best suited for those topics, as well as recommend questions for them.


Topic: Static Site Generators


  • Aniket Pant (Talk: Why Static Site Generators are so awesome?)
  • Benjamin Lupton (Author: DocPad)
  • Lakshan Perera (Author: Punch)


  • Which static site generator?
  • What are the differences? Including differences between Yeoman, Brunch, Grunt, etc.
  • ???

Topic: Design


  • Rajesh Shah (Talk: Beyond ‘Responsive Design’ - ‘Contextual Design’)
  • Avinasha Shastry (Talk: User Experience design of your web API)
  • Sunil Pai (Talk: Why can’t we be friends?)
  • Mariusz Cieśla (Talk: Beyond Lorem Ipsum: Why your UX team needs a copywriter)
  • Prem Nawaz Khan (Talk: Inclusive Design challenges with UI Widgets)
  • Naga Chokkanathan (Talk: User Experience @ Mobile Apps)


  • Web components, will they help?
  • Windows 8 Applications, the future?
  • ???

Topic: Tooling


  • Varvara Stepanova (Talk: BEM. Methodology, tools and libraries for building frontend)
  • Satyajeet Shaligram (Talk: Ext JS - A Comprehensive Design framework for the web)
  • Dhaval Trivedi (Talk: Front-end development in 2013)
  • Sudeep Agarwal (Talk: Simplifying HTML, CSS and JS with haml, less and coffeescript)
  • Benjamin Lupton (Talk: Why the next big thing sucks)


  • What would you use for mobile dev? (libraries, tools)
  • What would you use for responsive dev? (css frameworks, methodology, etc)
  • What tools do you use every day to build web projects?
  • Hints and tips
  • ???

Speaker bio



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