Meta Refresh 2013

The design and engineering of user interface on the web

Dhaval Trivedi


Front-end development in 2013

Submitted Dec 22, 2012

So you survived the apocalypse! What next?

Let’s see what’s latest, what’s a must and how to stay sharp in your front-end development skills. ‘Web page’ oriented front-end development is way past us and front-end development for ‘Web Applications’ requires a much better baseline, and a cutting edge stack.

So, let there be light!


Inspired by @rmurphey’s A baseline for Front-end Devs and @addyosmani/@paulirish’s, we’re going to focus on latest ‘must have’ skills and cutting edge stack. This includes but not limited to -

  • Beyond jQueries - JavaScript!
  • Scalable JS Application Architecture (which, for us mere mortals, is the biggest pain!) - Modularity, YUI
  • Advanced Browser Dev Tools
  • Advanced Command Line (dotfiles, aliases, sexy bash shell, Vim, server side editing, etc.) (Windows people don’t disappoint! Chocolatey, Console2, etc.)
  • Scalable, Maintainable, Testable JavaScript.
  • Bower/Grunt/Yeoman (YYYEEEAAAHHHHHH!)



What are questions?

Speaker bio

Dhaval is a JavaScript fanatic. And he hacks at Yahoo! on mobile/JS stuff.


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