Meta Refresh 2013

The design and engineering of user interface on the web

Varvara Stepanova


Maintainable frontend development with BEM

Submitted Dec 13, 2012

I am not sure for a section. I have chosen “Patterns”, but maybe "Tooling also suits.
BEM is very famous in Russia and the neighboring countries. But absolutely new for others. We have just started to share our technologies with English speaking developers.
The topic is very promising. On one hand it is new for people of India. On the other hand the solution is already checked, many big companies in Russia use it inside. Giants Yandex, Mail.Ru, Rambler and many smaller companies as well.
You can see video of presentation here (40 min). And, of course, it can be shorten or changed if your require this.


BEM is a methodology, a way of thinking when developing web interfaces. Besides, BEM is a toolkit to develop faster and better. And also BEM is a range of reusable code libraries. All of them are hosted on GitHub ( and are completely Open Source.
Created by Yandex, a local search giant, BEM came to be a standard of developing frontend in Russia and the neighboring countries.
This presentation is going to share with you our cutting edge technologies and methods to make web projects fast-to-develop, easy-to-maintain in the long run, write reusable code and build scalable teams.


I need to be able to show my presentation using my own computer (Macbook).

Speaker bio

I am a front-end developer working for Yandex since 2008. Now being a team-leader of development an UI framework (CSS/HTML/JavaScript + templates) for building Yandex-style sites, I’m also pushing some internal front-end technical solutions into Open Source.



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