Meta Refresh 2013

The design and engineering of user interface on the web

Anand Samuel Edwin


Building the next generation Apps for modern devices

Submitted Jan 25, 2013

Modern devices and HTML5 provides new capabilities that allow product designers/developers new ways to enhance the user experience and workflows of a product.

This is an important topic for s/w development in general, that takes care of usability and user workflow in the context of new devices. The talk will cover some common UI/UX change required for an App as it transforms to Modern devices. Demo of the “Multi-personality” capability of a prototype of Wireframing/Prototyping App developed in HTML will be shown.


With the launch of iPad, a new generation of applications centred around finger touch input emerged. It redefined the way we interact with machines for creating things like sketches or editing things like photos. With new innovations coming in from Microsoft with Metro (called “Modern UI”) and further innovations expected around using Pen and other input devices, our applications need to not only just utilize these new innovations to improve usability better but also come up with new ideas of how to take use of the modern hardware like Tablets, Tablet/Ultrabook convertibles, Ultrathin etc and provide better usability and new workflows to customers which were not possible before.

This presentation is about the general capabilities of new devices and how we can take a tablet App to a Desktop environment handling more user workflows and providing more usability with the new capabilities of the device. This presentation covers what are the challenges to achieve this using HTML as the development platform for next generation Apps.

As an example, this talk will use a prototype of a Wireframing / Prototyping App as an App that takes this route towards a Modern App from the traditional Tablet or Desktop App.

Speaker bio

Anand Samuel Edwin is a Senior Engineering Manager at Adobe focussed on Adobe Proto, a new Touch App on iOS and Android. Prior to that he was with the Adobe Dreamweaver and Adobe Contribute teams and brings in more than 7 years of expertise in Web Design and Web Content Authoring tools. His passion and research includes user interaction and touch based workflows for web design tools.

Prior to Adobe, he was with a start-up developing CORBA/SOAP distributed object middleware for embedded systems, and has rich experience in working with leading RTOS and compiler/debugger tools for embedded systems.


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