Meta Refresh 2013

The design and engineering of user interface on the web

Rajasekharan Vengalil


Don't break the web

Submitted Jan 29, 2013

Get familiar with best practices for building great cross browser user experiences on the web and how to responsibly use web standards.


The web has come a long way. From the wild west days of proprietary technologies, inconsistent implementations and “write once, debug everywhere (and then write more)” we’ve come to a point where, well, we perhaps debug a tad less. Where do we go from here? What lessons have we learnt and what pitfalls must we avoid? How does the standards process work? How do we use these standards in a responsible fashion? What are the best practices for building web apps that work cross browser and are accessible to a broad audience? Join this talk to see what we must perhaps be cautious about so that we don’t end up with a broken web (well, any more broken that it is at any rate).

Speaker bio

Raj has been a part of the IT Industry for more than a decade and works as a Technical Evangelist at Microsoft. He has worked on a wide range of Microsoft products & technologies ranging from VC++, MFC and Win32 programming to the latest developments on the web front, JavaScript and .NET. His current focus is on advances in web development, HTML5 and building rich internet applications. When he’s not tinkering around with a computer he can be found reading, playing tennis, listening to music or playing FPS games.


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