Meta Refresh 2013

The design and engineering of user interface on the web



Get down to business - Your client is wrong

Submitted Jan 9, 2013

Understanding a business, its vision and goals are the most important
aspects of executing great design and projects. I will talk about how, in a repeatable manner, you can engineer great outcomes for the projects you work on.


Great design, great products and great technology do not evolve out of understanding a tech spec document, a project brief or the ability of a client to speak technology. They evolve from understanding the roots of a problem.

Running an agency, we are often able to set it apart from others purely based on our ability to talk human with clients. Understand what keeps them up at night; not what sort of traffic they are expecting.

Importantly, if your client does not keep up with technology - they are probably misinformed or have “heard” about what they need. Your first conversation with them can define the whole relationship - service or product, internal or external.

Understand the business. Tools come and go, ways to do things can be right or wrong, screen sizes wary. Talk their language and design or execute in your own. Let your client own the vision, and you can own the execution.

The ability to ask the right questions that get to the root of the problem can make the difference between creating average outcomes versus amazing outcomes.

And you can repeat these outcomes, not one at a time but hundreds
simultaneously. I will talk about how you get there with some real case
studies that could have gone incredibly pear shaped had we not
understood the problem.

Speaker bio

Ruchir created Langoor out of his living room in the middle of 2009. Having been a freelancer in the web design and development space since he was 15, he has worked on more than 450 projects in the field. These projects have ranged from working with startups and not-for-profits to governments and large companies. He craves every opportunity to have a wide and valuable impact. That is reflected in everything he does at Langoor and he has been the driving force behind Langoor’s vision and growth.

Ruchir is also the Founding Chair of the Australia India Youth Dialogue and the Founder of the Australia India Business Council Young Professionals Chapter. Ruchir in a Non-Executive Director of the Foundation for Young Australians, Vice President of International Advertising Association Australia Young Professionals and a former
member of the Australian Web Industry Association National Committee, Australian Interactive Media Industry Association (NSW) Committee and the Australia India Business Council NSW Management Committee.

Ruchir sits on the Board of International House at the University of
Sydney and is a former President of the University of Sydney Union.


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