JSFoo Pune 2019

JSFoo Pune 2019

JSFoo is a JavaScript conference hosted by HasGeek.

Accepting submissions

Not accepting submissions

JSFoo Pune 2019 is a single track event with: Full talks: 40 mins duration Crisp talk: 20 mins duration Birds Of Feather (BOF) sessions of 45-60 mins duration We are accepting talks on the following topics: expand

JSFoo Pune 2019 is a single track event with:

  1. Full talks: 40 mins duration
  2. Crisp talk: 20 mins duration
  3. Birds Of Feather (BOF) sessions of 45-60 mins duration

We are accepting talks on the following topics:

  1. Architecture approaches (and case studies) for engineering web apps.
  2. Architecting for performance – case studies on how you got faster response times
  3. Best practices: debugging and profiling on the web, testing, measuring performance.
  4. Progressive Web Apps (PWA).
  5. Handling large volumes of data in the browser.
  6. Modern web technology: NativeScript, Vue

Proposals will be filtered and shortlisted by a community of past speakers and those who have been associated with JSFoo since 2011.

** Make sure to add links to videos/slide decks when submitting proposals. We will not review proposals without detailed outlines or slide decks and preview videos.**

The first filter for every proposal is whether the technology or solution you are referring to is open source or not. If you are referring to a proprietary technology, consider picking up a sponsored session.

The criteria for selecting proposals, in the order of importance, are:

  1. Key insight or takeaway: what can you share with participants that will help them in their work and in thinking about the problem?
  2. Structure of the talk and flow of content: a detailed outline helps us understand the focus of the talk, and the clarity of your thought process.
  3. Ability to communicate succinctly, and how you engage with the audience. You must submit link to a two-minute preview video explaining what your talk is about, and what is the key takeaway for the audience.

No one submits the perfect proposal in the first instance. We therefore encourage you to:

  1. Submit your proposal early so that we have more time to iterate if the proposal has potential.
  2. Write to us on: if you want to discuss an idea for your proposal, and need help / advice on how to structure it.

Our editorial team also helps potential speakers in refining their talk ideas, and rehearsing at least twice - before the main conference - to sharpen the insights presented in the talk.

Important dates:

Last date for submissions: Closed

JSFoo Pune: 10 January 2019, at MCCIA Trade Tower, Senapati Bapat Rd, Pune.

Hands-on workshops: 11 January 2019, location to be announced.

Full schedule announcement: 15 November 2018


For tickets and sponsorships, contact or call +91-7676332020.

Sudipta Sen

Reactive Angular with NgRx - Building enterprise level Angular app with NgRx

Our web applications are all about states full of data and how we manage them. Once your Angular app grows larger it becomes hard to deal with application states, just with the services. This is where NgRx comes into the picture. A reducer based state management library that makes the lives of Angular developers super easy. In this talk, I’ll be talking about how we faced problem with multi direc… more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 04 Aug 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Ori Harel

Using SVG in React Native

Vector graphics is in fact the best way to provide great visualization and interaction combined. It exist on all platforms in some way or form, so it’s just natural to use it in React Native. In this talk, I’ll show you how I integrated the use of SVG with the opinionated component and state system of React, but in the same time keeping things highly performant when interacting with the UI thread… more
  • Submitted
  • 25 Jun 2018
Technical level: Intermediate

Rohit Rai

Demystifying component architecture in Angular

Web applications today are getting more and more complex with hundreds of components or more. There are a lot of opinionated views on the architecture of our overall application but most of the times we overlook design and architecture of our components. There are three different ways we can design our components - container components, dumb component and smart components. In this talk I’ll be ta… more
  • 1 comment
  • Awaiting details
  • 07 Aug 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Abhik Mitra

Moving a huge AngularJS App to React, progressively at Microsoft Scale

What do you do when have a huge Javascript app running in Angular and you want to move into React ? Rewriting the app in a big bang manner is not an option when you have hundreds of developers across 3 continents comitting code that results in a Non Gzip bundle size of almost 20 MB non-vendor Javascript! more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 29 Jun 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Ankita Goyal

React : Rethinking the best practices!

Main takeaways of the talk is to rethink the practices used in designing the application. I would shed light on React Architecture and the best practices one can use to design a better performant app in JS. There would be certain short demos of the features one should implement within the application. more
  • Under evaluation
  • 14 Jun 2018
Technical level: Beginner

Paridhi Sharma

Why we chose Apollo GraphQl over Redux and Mobx??

We migrated Microsoft Teams App from Angular to React recently. The challenge was to choose the state management technique for the new react App. While the community seems fairly divided between Mobx and Redux, we @ Microsoft chose to stick with Apollo. more
  • Under evaluation
  • 30 Jun 2018
Technical level: Intermediate
Siddharth Kshetrapal

Siddharth Kshetrapal

Refactoring React: from good to great

This is a talk about code quality for people already working with React. Learn how to identify code smells in your React app and how to improve it. more
  • Rejected
  • 29 Aug 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Advanced

Navya Agarwal

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A glimpse of GraphQL: Frontend developers’ life is easy now!

In this talk we’ll walk through our journey to GraphQL at Adobe, and highlight a few of our successes and failures along the way. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 31 Aug 2018
Section: Crisp talk Technical level: Beginner

Atit Patel

A React Native developer's journey of building PWA

Are you a React Native developer and wants to get your hands on web-apps or PWA? I can tell you about my experience on building a PWA using react-native-web. The challenges ranges from understanding differences between a browser-app and a mobile app to knowing webpacks. These subtle differences may help you from preventing the mistakes I did. more
  • Under evaluation
  • 06 Sep 2018
Section: Crisp talk Technical level: Intermediate

Nidhi Sadanand

Building Front End Applications at Scale

Building large scale applications requires careful thought about choice of framework and tools from a development to deployment perspective. One needs to look at how components will be reused, configurations that can be customized per environment , make descisions as to wether the app needs to be server rendered or client rendered or maybe a combination of both. This talk outlines the various goa… more
  • 1 comment
  • Waitlisted
  • 28 Aug 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Jyotsna Gupta

Cross Browser Add-ons and How to build one

Extensions (or Add-ons) can extend and modify the capability of a browser. Browser extensions help us to personalize the browser as per our requirement. We’ll be walking through some of the existing extensions in specific categories to outline the potential of extensions. Participants will be focused on building their own extension easily by having basic knowledge of JavaScript, which is now poss… more
  • 1 comment
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 20 Sep 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Ashish Joshi

Introduction to Reactive Programming with RxJS

Cover the basics of reactive programming and explaing what it means to think reactively. Explain why one would choose reactive programming, stating the pros and cons. Introduce RxJS. more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 22 Sep 2018
Section: Crisp talk Technical level: Beginner

Ashish Joshi

Optimizing Angular Components

Teach a couple of simple tricks to optimize the runtime performance of Angular components. Also go in slight details about how Angular runs change detection and determines when and how to update the DOM more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 22 Sep 2018
Section: Crisp talk Technical level: Intermediate

Abhishek koserwal

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Building secure applications with keycloak (OIDC/JWT)

Building an enterprise level single sign-on application with the help of keycloak (Open Source Identity and Access Management). And understanding the way to secure your application; frontend & backend API’s. Managing user federation with minimum configuration. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 22 Sep 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate
Pavithra Kodmad

Pavithra Kodmad

Speed as a feature - Performance cadence for frontend teams

If you are a web developer, you must have worked on a web app that was.. slow. It’s your job to fix it and you want to poke around the internals, see which function takes the longest amount of time and what you can optimise. So you load up your app on Chrome and open the performance profiler tab. You record a few interaction.BOOM! you are presented with a screen full of colorful visualizations! A… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 23 Sep 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Taylor Lovett

Building Alexa Skills with Node.js

Alexa is an intelligent personal assistant developed by Amazon used in devices such as the Echo as well as third party devices such as Sonos. AI IS taking over the world and Amazon is at the forefront. Developers can build apps or “Skills” for Alexa using Node.js. The Alexa Skill ecosystem is extremely new and immature. I will run you through writing, locally testing, and properly deploying a bas… more
  • Submitted
  • 12 Nov 2017
Technical level: Intermediate

Sonal Raj

Progressive Javascript: Why React when you can Vue?

We had just started to realize that Angular was subject to bloated sluggishness syndrome – when the content expanded, the page would drag and throttle – along came the React with Redux superhero. With the tides of scalability on the rise, React became popular among developers as it took care of the content model, the immutable javascript and the boilerplates for you. Meanwhile, as UIs become comp… more
  • Under evaluation
  • 29 Sep 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Abraar Syed

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Alert! Your Node JS application just crashed!

While error handling is not new to JavaScript or Node JS application development, it still seems that a lot of people aren’t quite sure how to handle errors in the most productive way. Actually, it’s an issue that affects most programmers. We like our code to work well, so we tend to run it in such a way that maximizes its chances of success. One of the side effects of this tendency is that bugs … more
  • Under evaluation
  • 29 Sep 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Arunkumar Krishnamoorthy

Full-stack-JavaScript based MicroServices for complete automation of Higher Education Institutions

A diverse portfolio of use cases catering different set of stakeholders with varied interests and goals combined with a spread in different categories of Higher Education Institutions - Engineering / Technical Institution, Arts and Science College, Institute of Management, Institute of Medical Science & Research. The talk is focused on how we realised this diverse need with the help of MicroServi… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 04 Oct 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Shreyansh Pandey

How Not to Do Authentication in Node.js

Google the term “authentication in node.js” and you will be greated with thousands of tutorials on how to create a database table with the fields and verify the hash; that’s it. The problem is that security and authentication is not that simple; it can be easy, but you need to work a little for that. In this talk, we will go over some bad methods of authentication and then we’ll look at the good … more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 30 Sep 2018
Technical level: Intermediate

Atishay Baid

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Performance Feat. Webpack

I believe that performance is a must for modern websites and web-based business, hence this talk will be focused on understanding performance, and how the latest version of webpack and its great plugin systems addresses a lot of concerns,we will cover the following techniques more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 30 Sep 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Suroor Wijdan

Create Cross-Platform Native Mobile Games with JavaScript

The talk would focus on how can we build cross-platform native mobile games with JavaScript that are at par with games built natively or by using various other game engines like Unity. We will briefly look into the available options in open source and dive deep into some key examples about the games that have made it big on App Store and Play Store and were built using JavaScript as the main lang… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 25 Sep 2018
Section: Crisp talk Technical level: Intermediate

Ratan Kulshreshtha

End-to-End testing made easy with Nightwatch.

Testing is a crucial part of the whole development process and at the same time its cumbersome and pain in some parts of the anatomy, as you have to deal with ever-changing requirements thus an automates test suit comes handy in such situations while you sit back and search for your next aahaa moments. NIghtwatch is a nodejs based tool that can help you in automating your end to end testing. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 23 Sep 2018
Section: Crisp talk Technical level: Beginner

Bhavik Shah

Why did we choose Vue.js?

Technologies rapidly change. Especially the ones for web. A new java script framework gets introduced every now and then. However, very few web frameworks have been able to captured attention for time span longer than few months. Angular, React and Vue.js are few of those. more
  • Rejected
  • 04 Oct 2018
Section: Crisp talk Technical level: Beginner

Hemant Rai

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The vuetiful journey from AngularJS to Vue - Migration of a SaaS product suite in phases

Migrating the front-end for an existing SaaS product is a challenge in itself but migrating all the front-ends of an enterprise SaaS suite is another beast altogether. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 04 Oct 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Mohit Bajoria

Managing State with Vuex in a Vue application

Imagine working on a large web app with hundreds of routes and components. Wouldn’t it be easier if we could store all the data we ever need inside the app, in one centralized storage location? more
  • Rejected
  • 04 Oct 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Basavaraj Sonnad

Building applications with no fear with NO frameworks

Now-a-days, with all the frameworks in place, its easy to build application. Going a step further - Routing, AJAX api calls, Component-architecture and even security is provided by all frameworks. So, its a complete package and we write our application on top of these framework/library dependencies. But have you ever tried to build same library which gives similar API(not exactly like though). Ma… more
  • Rejected
  • 07 Oct 2018
Section: Crisp talk Technical level: Intermediate


Chop that code! Shake that tree! - A data insight towards understanding how nuances affect performance.

Performance today has become a prime concern of apps as who doesn’t love a fast app. In today’s world which is full of distractions, there can be nothing more difficult than engaging the user with a slow app. If your app is slow, gradually user will get frustrated and leave it. As developers, we are aware mostly about major factors affecting an app’s performance, like too many scripts requests et… more
  • Under evaluation
  • 15 Oct 2018
Section: Crisp talk Technical level: Intermediate

Abhishek Gupta

dead code creeping beware!

Ever since the start of programming one of the aim has been to minimize the application size. One of the major hinderance to achieve this goal has always been dead code. As a developer it is very important to understand what a dead code is and how it affects your application. In this talk we’ll try to understand dead code, it’s adverse effects on an application and some practices and tools which … more
  • Rejected
  • 15 Oct 2018
Section: Crisp talk Technical level: Beginner

Nishant Arora

Reactivity Systems in Vue and React, What they are and How they work

How do Vue and React know which component to update when another one changes? DOM Manipulation is expensive, how do they make sure they’re doing it in the most performant way possible. more
  • Waitlisted
  • 23 Aug 2018
Technical level: Beginner

Dhruv Patel

The new avatar of CLI! - for a better developer experience

A good CLI (command line interface) can ease developer’s task. Nowadays different frameworks are coming up with a variety of features in their respective CLIs. Vue has recently launched their CLI v3 which has a plugin-based architecture that can allow developers to seamlessly add any plugin in their ongoing development. Moreover, it is also shipped with plugins for PWA (Progressive Web App), Type… more
  • Rejected
  • 15 Oct 2018
Section: Crisp talk Technical level: Beginner

Madhusudhana Dollu

JavaScript Symbol: more than a data type

Symbol is a new primitive type introduced in ES2015 specification, which has with many special qualities. They can generally be used as object properties to avoid name collisions. And a few symbols are defined by the standard itself each of which has its own special purpose. In this talk, we shall understand the Symbol type and the standard symbols of the language in detail. Also the use cases an… more
  • Under evaluation
  • 15 Oct 2018
Section: Crisp talk Technical level: Intermediate

CS Madhav

Building Isomorphic JavaScript Apps Faster with Next.js

Isomorphic apps are those which runs both on client and server. Next.js is the framework for developing server-side rendered react applications. In this talk we are going to discuss how Next.js makes our life simple when we are developing apps with React and Node. It also talks about how painful it is to develop a complete basic web application (with proper authentication and user sessions) with … more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 17 Oct 2018
Section: Crisp talk Technical level: Intermediate

Harshil Agrawal

Server-side or Client-side rendering, what is best for you?

Different applications need different kind of approach. Some need to have server-side rendering while some are just fine client-side rendering. It becomes difficult to decide which approach is better for your application based on the various pros and cons. The audience will get to know about the key differences of these approaches, and what is best suitable for their application. The various fram… more
  • Awaiting details
  • 19 Oct 2018
Section: Crisp talk Technical level: Intermediate

Mir Ali

HTML5 Video Player With Open Source Tech @ Hotstar

Hotstar is a video streaming platform which has put India on the map of tech companies. We have a diverse user base which accesses our web app from a host of browser & device combination. When it came to building our HTML5 player we chose to use open-source technologies of videojs, hls.js, and dashjs to build a secure, robust and highly performant video player. more
  • Under evaluation
  • 23 Oct 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Prathik S

What web can do - How far web has bridged the gap vs native

Web has come a long way vs native apps. Browser makers are adding plethora of APIs that are making the task of choosing web or native an obvious one. (PS:If you are a native or backend dev, Answer is web :) ) Talk will look at the progress web has made over the years. more
  • Awaiting details
  • 27 Oct 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Beginner

Samit Das

Emerging developments in UI Architecture

How UI is being changed in context of better experience Two significant architectiral change - SPA - Single Page Architecture, Client Cloud Architecture Will talk of my experience of working with customers more
  • Awaiting details
  • 02 Nov 2018
Section: Crisp talk Technical level: Intermediate

Vivek Nayyar

React Suspense, lazy and all about Hooks

Sophie Alpert and Dan Abramov introduced Hooks, which are a new proposal that adds the ability to access features such as state without writing a JavaScript class. Hooks promise to dramatically simplify the code and are currently available in a React 16.7 alpha release. more
  • Under evaluation
  • 04 Nov 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Deepak Pathania

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Building an interactive learning service

User onboarding is an important aspect of offering SAAS but as apps start to grow and add different new features, it can become a little complex for new users to navigate and discover different functionalities. more
  • 1 comment
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 04 Nov 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Parikshit Joon

Animations in React Native

This talk will focus on the Animations in React Native using a demo. Animations are tricky in React Native and there’s are lot of metrics that need to be kept in mind while doing animations that feel smooth. more
  • Under evaluation
  • 14 Nov 2018
Section: Crisp talk Technical level: Beginner

Sohan Maheshwar

Voice User Interfaces - How designing for the ear differs from designing for screens

This talk provides an overview of the history of design in technology, highlighting what we have learned over the years in developing for a screen. Designing for the ear is different from developing for the screen though. This talk establishes best practices for voice-first design using the Alexa Skills Kit contrasting them with GUI design principles. You will learn of the similarities and differ… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 20 Nov 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Prateeksha Singh

Charting in 2018

A look at the time we at Frappe needed modern charts and looked at Github analytics for design inspiration, and after scouring the field for alternatives like C3 and Chart.js, decided to make Frappe Charts, a zero dependency Vanilla JS/SVG charting library that made it to the 4th place for a day on HN, gathered over 11k stars on Github, and ultimately got featured in the Github Octoverse this yea… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 05 Dec 2018
Section: Crisp talk Technical level: Beginner

Vinci Rufus

SPAs are dead long live Microfrontends

The frontend world is obsessed with building Single Page Apps (SPAs). However SPAs are the monoliths of the frontend world and carry the same challenges and drawbacks backend teams faced with their monolithic applications. Microfrontends is an alternative approach to building apps using JS frameworks that are scalable, performant and easy to maintain. more
  • 1 comment
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 07 Dec 2018
Technical level: Intermediate

Lavakumar Kuppan

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Everything you need to know about client-side malicious code execution.

Malicious Code Execution is considered to be one of the most serious security issues across any technology. This has plagued client-side JavaScript in the form of Cross-site Scripting. Though this issue has been around since the early days of the web, its variations, prevention techniques and detection mechanisms have evolved over time. This talk will cover everything a modern developer absolutel… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 10 Dec 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Jayant Bhawal

How lightning deploys helped Shuttl

Frontend deploys previously have been a slow, and often manual process. Even then, testing different branches, rolling back releases with bugs, etc. have been pretty painful. more
  • Submitted
  • 09 Dec 2018
Technical level: Intermediate

Rakesh Pai is more interesting than you probably think!

You probably already know about JS’s, and you probably use it everyday. However, there’s a more fundamental, more beautiful thing happening with that you’ve surely noticed, but might not have thought deeply about. This live-coding talk will explore what we can learn from, to help us build better, more reliable, bug-free programs. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 11 Dec 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Anand Sudhanaboina

Building Micro Frontends

Microservices architecture helped us achieve speed, scale, and quality in the backend. With the current front-end trends, there are around 100+ JavaScript UI frameworks or even more. While we can leverage the innovations in the newer frameworks we are leaving behind and often miss the qualities of older frameworks which can be converged. With the new innovations in the Front End World, we can now… more
  • Under evaluation
  • 27 Dec 2018
Technical level: Intermediate

Hosted by

JSFoo is a forum for discussing UI engineering; fullstack development; web applications engineering, performance, security and design; accessibility; and latest developments in #JavaScript. Follow JSFoo on Twitter more