Jan 2019
7 Mon
8 Tue
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10 Thu 09:15 AM – 05:40 PM IST
11 Fri
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13 Sun
Samit Das
Submitted Nov 2, 2018
How UI is being changed in context of better experience
Two significant architectiral change - SPA - Single Page Architecture, Client Cloud Architecture
Will talk of my experience of working with customers
UI at the center of EXperience
SPA - Single Page Architecture, Client Cloud Architecture
Experience with some customers
About Samit
Samit is a Principal Architect with Enterprise Consulting in Wipro Limited. Samit specializes in Enterprise transformation using Digital platforms, solutions and has provided consulting and solutions to Fortune 100 customers. By passion Samit is a motivational speaker, trainer and mentor working closely with professional organizations and Toastmaster communities across India.
Keynote Speaker, Trainer, Mentor - Specializing in Enterprise transformation and technology disruption, organizational change, communication and leadership.
Public Speaker, Champion Toastmaster - Samit has been a competitive public speaker for the past 7 years. From 2012-2017, Samit had won multiple titles in local Toastmasters Club, Area and had participated in speech contests in Toastmaster Divisions. In 2017, Samit was 1st runners up in Area D3 Speech Evaluation contest and winner in Club Humorous Speech contest. As a motivational and keynote speaker he has spoken in over 20 Toastmaster clubs, communities and local conferences during the past 4 years.
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