Jan 2019
7 Mon
8 Tue
9 Wed
10 Thu 09:15 AM – 05:40 PM IST
11 Fri
12 Sat
13 Sun
Dhruv Patel
Submitted Oct 15, 2018
A good CLI (command line interface) can ease developer’s task. Nowadays different frameworks are coming up with a variety of features in their respective CLIs. Vue has recently launched their CLI v3 which has a plugin-based architecture that can allow developers to seamlessly add any plugin in their ongoing development. Moreover, it is also shipped with plugins for PWA (Progressive Web App), TypeScript etc. out of the box. Vue CLI also has figured out the way to work with “No Eject” funda too. Now, It is not only CLI but it is now UI too, where developers can do more than what they could do it with CLI.
The talk will cover below topics –
Introduction to CLI and UI
Overview of Plugin based architecture
Plugin presets which are configurable and shareable
Instant prototyping
No Eject
More than just CLI
Different build targets
Q & A
I’m working as JS developer at Pramati Technologies with overall experience of 4+ years. I have worked with different frameworks like Ember, Vue and React. In my free time, I’ll either be on road trip or planning next road trips. I’ll be blogging on JS & my memorable road trips.
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