JSFoo Pune 2019

JSFoo Pune 2019

JSFoo is a JavaScript conference hosted by HasGeek.

Taylor Lovett


Building Alexa Skills with Node.js

Submitted Nov 12, 2017

Alexa is an intelligent personal assistant developed by Amazon used in devices such as the Echo as well as third party devices such as Sonos. AI IS taking over the world and Amazon is at the forefront. Developers can build apps or “Skills” for Alexa using Node.js. The Alexa Skill ecosystem is extremely new and immature. I will run you through writing, locally testing, and properly deploying a basic Node.js Skill. I will also give you pointers and tips on design patterns that work well for Skills.


  • Background info on Alexa and AI
  • Run through basic Alexa skill
  • Explain design patterns
  • Show how to test locally
  • Show how to deploy
  • Questions


Some knowledge of Node.js.

Speaker bio

Taylor Lovett is the Director of Engineering at 10up, one of the biggest WordPress centric agencies in the world. Having been involved with WordPress since 2007, he is the creator of ElasticPress, contributed to WordPress core, authored popular plugins (downloaded over a million times), and spoken at many conferences across multiple continents. He is a lover of all things open-source. Other than developing web applications, Taylor is a lover of music. He enjoys listening to blues and jazz music as well as playing acoustic fingerstyle guitar.




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