
JSFoo 2011

It’s like kung fu with JavaScript and objects! All about building full size apps in JavaScript.

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Understanding JavaScript engines of various web browsers

The objective of the session is to understand how JavaScript engines of web browsers work. The idea is to help developers dwell deep, understand and write code which performs better. more
  • Submitted
  • 20 Jun 2011
Section: Default Technical level: Advanced Session type: Lecture


Single Page Apps with Backbone JS

Learn to structure your JS code using Backbone JS Framework. more
  • Submitted
  • 21 Jun 2011
Section: Default Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Tutorial

Thejesh GN

Visualizing data in Javascript

Learn to visualize data in JavaScript using various JS frameworks. more
  • Submitted
  • 21 Jun 2011
Section: Default Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Tutorial

Rajasekharan Vengalil

Advanced JavaScript Techniques

The primary objective of the session is to review aspects of the JavaScript language that tend to be somewhat rarely used but are immensely useful at the same time. more
  • Submitted
  • 28 Jun 2011
Section: Default Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Demo

Akash Mahajan

Javascript Gone Wild

To demonstrate that javascript can be used for a lot more than building interactive websites and creating cool like web pages. more
  • Submitted
  • 29 Jun 2011
Section: Default Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Demo

Lalit Patel

HTML5, Canvas and Javascript

How Javascript can be used to interact with the functionality introduced with HTML5, with primary focus on the <canvas> element. more
  • Submitted
  • 30 Jun 2011
Section: Default Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Tutorial

Sudar Muthu

A slightly advanced introduction to node.js

The objective of the session is to introduce node.js and server side JavaScript programming with slightly more advanced examples. more
  • Submitted
  • 02 Jul 2011
Section: Default Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Tutorial

Dhaval Trivedi

JS is the new Rajnikanth

A brush with new HTML5 (well, you know!) JavaScript APIs such as - more
  • Submitted
  • 04 Jul 2011
Section: Default Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture


Building real-time web applications ... (Introduction to Websockets / Socket.IO)

Introduction to Websockets, AjaxPushEngine, SocketStream & Socket.IO , more
  • Submitted
  • 05 Jul 2011
Section: Default Technical level: Beginner Session type: Demo

Ravi Pratap

Client-side Mustache.js based rendering in JS

We will demo Touchsite, the world’s first native-app like experience for tablet devices built entirely in HTML5. In this talk, we will reveal how we use this techniques in Touchsite. more
  • Submitted
  • 09 Jul 2011
Section: Default Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Demo

Gautham Pai Proposing

How JSLinux works

JSLinux is a PC emulator written in Javascript. In this session we discuss the functioning of JSLinux and the challenges in building an emulator in a browser more
  • Submitted
  • 11 Jul 2011
Section: Default Technical level: Advanced Session type: Discussion

Rakesh Pai

Introducing eff.js - an interesting way to write single page applications

Insight into a new opinionated client-side framework for single-page apps. Even if people don’t actually use the framework ever, it’ll highlight thoughts and motivations which caused us to discard everything else in the space and create our own. more
  • Submitted
  • 19 Jul 2011
Section: Default Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Demo

Aditya Proposing

Creating a RESTful web-service in minutes with Node.JS

To create a high-prformance RESTful API in minutes & to demonstrate the benefits of evented-io in high-traffic web-services. more
  • Submitted
  • 25 Jul 2011
Section: Default Technical level: Beginner Session type: Demo

Ganeshji Marwaha

Build a Real-Time collaboration application with Node.js, Express.js,, HTML5, CSS3 & Websockets

The primary objective of this session is to understand how some of the modern client-side and server-side Javascript technologies can work together in harmony to create a real-time collaboration application more
  • 1 comment
  • Submitted
  • 02 Aug 2011
Section: Default Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Demo

Shwetank Dixit

Bulding great mobile web apps: Some things you might want to know

Objective is for the audience to learn about the latest in various html5 and related technologies in order to make great experiences on mobile web applications. more
  • Submitted
  • 05 Aug 2011
Section: Default Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture
Shreyas Satish

Shreyas Satish

Cleaner JavaScript with CoffeeScript

To introduce CoffeeScript, which is a cleaner way to write JavaScript and to show how CoffeeScript could be a better choice to write JavaScript-heavy applications. more
  • Submitted
  • 08 Aug 2011
Section: Default Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Demo


Designing the IndexedDB API

Understand the workings of the IndexedDB API, its capabilities and wrappers required on top of it to make it a lot more useful for web applications. Trying to answer why IndexedDB is so verbose or does not have querying capabilities. Will features from Javascript 1.8 change its course? more
  • Submitted
  • 21 Aug 2011
Section: Default Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Discussion

Abhijit Gadgil

Building Interactive Stock Charts Using HTML Canvas

Understanding a potential use of HTML Canvas for developing interactive Stock Charts and How to do live charts using node.js and more
  • 1 comment
  • Submitted
  • 22 Aug 2011
Section: Default Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Demo

Rakesh Pai - Painless client-side JavaScript Error Tracking

Demo of Errorception - A high-performance, highly reliable and painless error tracking service for in-browser JavaScript errors. more
  • Submitted
  • 23 Aug 2011
Section: Default Technical level: Beginner Session type: Demo

Aravind R S

CouchDB and CouchApps

Understand what CouchDB can do and learn how to build a CouchApp. more
  • Submitted
  • 24 Aug 2011
Section: Default Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Tutorial

Rajasekharan Vengalil

A primer on ECMAScript 5

Understand what’s new in ECMAScript 5 and how the new ES5 goodness can be used in web apps (or server for that matter) today. more
  • Submitted
  • 25 Aug 2011
Section: Default Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Tutorial


Consuming Open Data with DataJS

At the end of the session be aware of DataJS, a new Javascript based API to consume and work with OData service. OData is also known as Open Data Protocol which is released under Open Specification Promise by Microsoft more
  • Submitted
  • 26 Aug 2011
Section: Default Technical level: Advanced Session type: Demo

Anand Chitipothu

Inside Javascript Objects

Understand the nuts and bolts of Javascript language and its prototype-based object system. more
  • Submitted
  • 27 Aug 2011
Section: Default Technical level: Beginner Session type: Tutorial

Bhasker Kode

the functional ways of Underscore.js & Introducing Underscore.json

Several recent projects have tried to apply functional paradigms in javascript. Underscore.js is one the most exciting & widely adopted such library on both NodeJS as well as the browser. more
  • Submitted
  • 05 Sep 2011
Section: Default Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Demo

Bhasker Kode

the open identity toolkit

pro’s and con’s of using the google identity toolkit, how to add your own identity provider, overview of the library’s structure & usage. more
  • Submitted
  • 05 Sep 2011
Section: Default Technical level: Beginner Session type: Demo

Gaurav Vaish

Effective Gaming techniques using HTML5 - single, multi-player and social

To learn and see effective techniques of building great HTML5 based solo, multiplayer / social games - how about Quake2 in browser? more
  • 1 comment
  • Submitted
  • 08 Sep 2011
Section: Default Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Tutorial

Arun Proposing

Javascript performance - tools, tips & tricks

Tips and tricks to make javascript ( and websites) work faster. Discuss tools to monitor and benchmark. more
  • 1 comment
  • Submitted
  • 08 Sep 2011
Section: Default Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Discussion


BDD in Javascript

Demonstrate behavior driven development (BDD) in Javascript using Jasmine. more
  • Submitted
  • 12 Sep 2011
Section: Default Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Demo

tb dinesh

Re-Write (no, re-narrate) the Web

This demo will demonstrate the “web-page re-narration” page editor and page rendition. The discussions are likely to be over its implementation issues, possibilities and HTML5 aspects. The demo will also illustrate, through discussions, how a javascript tool like this can emerge as a tool that can unify several concepts such as social networking and semantic web while becoming a facilita… more
  • Submitted
  • 13 Sep 2011
Section: Default Technical level: Beginner Session type: Demo

Devi Prasad

Building Scalable Cloud Services using Google Go Language

We will share our experience with Google Go language and its libraries in building a cloud service for mobile clients. Our Go HTTP service is currently operational in the field interacting with devices running Android and iOS using JSON requests and responses. Our technical presentation will discuss the design and implementation of our cloud service. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first… more
  • 1 comment
  • Submitted
  • 14 Sep 2011
Section: Default Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture

Sreekanth Vadagiri

Node.js Patterns and How we build ActiveNode

This session is intended as a part in exploring Patterns we found useful in Developing ActiveNode( application monitoring software we build during NodeKnockout), so that you end up with nicely tested Node code. more
  • Submitted
  • 15 Sep 2011
Section: Default Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture

Anirudh Sanjeev

Zero to App with jQuery Mobile

A tutorial that covers all the steps of building a simple jQuery mobile application. more
  • Submitted
  • 16 Sep 2011
Section: Default Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Tutorial

Dhananjay Singh

Sproutcore - an open-source Javascript framework to build blazing fast web apps

Explain basics of app development using Sproutcore. more
  • Submitted
  • 25 Sep 2011
Section: Default Technical level: Beginner Session type: Lecture

Vishnu Iyengar

Node-xmpp-bosh, a long polling server for http based chat clients -- design decisions and discoveries specific to Node.js

As applications are moving to the web paradigm more and more, building a web based chat application that works across browsers remains tricky. This talk describes the decisions and insights made during the process of building a bosh server on Node.js more
  • Submitted
  • 27 Sep 2011
Section: Default Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture

Rajasekharan Vengalil

Best practices for building async apps with JavaScript

Become a better JS programmer Outline Asynchrony is an increasingly important consideration while building web apps today. Being able to efficiently and easily write code that runs with continuations is critical to providing user experiences that are responsive and fast. This session reviews some best practices around writing JavaScript that runs asynchronously and more importantly, correctly! more
  • Submitted
  • 28 Sep 2011
Section: Default Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture


Building real-world apps using JavaScript

Become a better JS programmer Outline This session reviews some good programming practices to follow while building JavaScript intensive web applications today. In this talk, you’ll learn how to organize your code, how to make your code robust and maintainable, and how to bring in 3rd party libraries, like jQuery. If you’re a newbie to app development with JavaScript, or an old hand that wants to… more
  • Submitted
  • 28 Sep 2011
Section: Default Technical level: Intermediate Session type: Lecture

Hosted by

JSFoo is a forum for discussing UI engineering; fullstack development; web applications engineering, performance, security and design; accessibility; and latest developments in #JavaScript. Follow JSFoo on Twitter more