Jul 2019
1 Mon
2 Tue
3 Wed
4 Thu
5 Fri 09:00 AM – 05:15 PM IST
6 Sat
7 Sun
Accepting submissions till 22 Apr 2019, 11:59 PM
Not accepting submissions
JSFoo Coimbatore is a single track event with:
We are accepting talks on the following topics:
In general, we prefer:
Proposals will be filtered and shortlisted by a community of past speakers and those who have been associated with JSFoo since 2011.
Every proposal is filtered on the following basis:
No one submits the perfect proposal in the first instance. If you have questions, write to us on: jsfoo.editorial@hasgeek.com. We will be happy to advise.
Our editorial team works with potential speakers in refining their talk ideas, and rehearsing at least twice - before the main conference - to sharpen the insights presented in the talk. Read more here: https://medium.com/hasgeek/why-we-insist-on-rehearsing-talks-before-every-conference-ac3e5bfef24b
We pay an honorarium of Rs. 3,000 to each speaker and Rs. 5,000 to first-time workshop instructors at the end of their talk/workshop. Confirmed speakers and instructors also get a pass to the conference and networking dinner. We do not provide free passes for speakers’ colleagues and spouses.
JSFoo is funded through ticket purchases and sponsorships; travel grant budgets vary.
Travel grants are available for:
If you require a grant, mention it when you submit your proposal in the field where you add your location.
Last date for submission: 22 April 2019
JSFoo Coimbatore: 8 June 2019.
Hands-on workshops: 7 and 9 June 2019.
For tickets and sponsorships, contact info@hasgeek.com or call +91-7676332020. For queries about speaking, write to jsfoo.editorial@hasgeek.com
Accepting submissions till 22 Apr 2019, 11:59 PM
Sampath Kumar Micro-Frontends - Practical tools to manage complex React codebasesJavascript has gone through radical evolution over the past decade. The browser has grown from being a light-weight platform for building simple user interfaces to where it is today, while Javascript has grown to become ubiquitous. more
Technical level: Intermediate
Thibaud Courtoison “PrismaPizza”, your GraphQL backend delivered home in 30minFor some time now, we’ve been hearing all about GraphQL. Served as REST’s replacement, we look forward to tasting this language. more
Technical level: Intermediate
NISHI JAIN WebSDK : Switching b/w service providers on the fly.We are familiar with the service layer in web applications. We all maintain it. But how about developing a service layer that has multiple providers for a single service. The client can choose between different providers. Let’s say, X is a service provider that does n different tasks in an application, we want to replace X with Y, but Y is still in development. This process of replacement has to … more
Technical level: Intermediate
Bhuvana Meenakshi ![]() WebXR creating new trendsWebXR is a latest technology which combiines WebVR/AR and it is not boring like lines and lines of code to get a small VR experience. Just a few steps to do the magic. If one is interested to learn the tricks of the magician and get the secrets behing the screen revealed then there you are, must attend my talk to get the cats off the bag. Also, having been contributed for Mozilla since 5 years I … more
Technical level: Beginner
Pranay Prakash Why aren't you using Async Generators yet?JavaScript has a new underutilized addition: Async Generators, and they’re a great fit in the functional world and they enable a lot of critical patterns when programming to ensure a clean, scalable codebase. I’ll focus on what Async Generators are, how they work under the hood in browsers, Node.js (and even babel) and filled with examples of use cases in production including how async generators… more
Technical level: Intermediate
kalashri aundhkar GTM - (Google Tag Manager)Proposal and 5 good reasons why i am recommending exactly this. more
Technical level: Intermediate
Shreyansh Pandey Architect for Scale - My Learnings in Node.js (A case study)When faced with the inevitable question of choosing a framework, people often times go for the most popular and hardly do the research on why others may serve their purpose. Deployment is another issue; microservices? Monilithic? Docker? What about testing? And security? They are a lot of questions. With this conversation (rather than a “talk”), I will try to justify the good and the bad use-case… more
Technical level: Beginner
Gokul Kathirvel Writing modern apps with Ember OctaneA Talk about how Ember Octane, a new edition of Ember.js recently released will help frontend developers to spin modern web apps really easily and quickly. The talk will be focused on how the Octane edition utilizes the native platform features like ES Classes, decorators, etc., effectively. more
Technical level: Intermediate
Karthickeyan Narasimhan One Extension for all Browsers!WebExtensions API are the future of browser extension. With this API, Developers can write extensions that can work in almost all browsers. Knowledge of HTML, CSS and JS is enough to write an extension of your own. In this session, I will walk-through the anatomy of WebExtensions, how to create your first web extension, introducing various API’s like Context Menu, tabs, webRequest, Alarm & notifi… more
Technical level: Intermediate
Shivam Latawa State management in Angular6/7 with NgrxThis talk will explain why you need a state management solution for your application and how RxJs and Redux collectively help to solve your problem with NgRx. more
Technical level: Intermediate
Santosh Viswanatham ![]() WebXR for EveryoneVR/XR has been the most Exciting tech in building Realistic applications, games, communication tools, and entertainment experiences for the past 3 years. Everyone has been playing around VR for a while, How about being on the other side of the table and create an XR experience on their own? AFrame, a web-based VR framework from Mozilla made it ridiculously easy to create VR Experiences. This talk… more
Technical level: Intermediate
Vijaya Krishna Kudva Building Scalable High Performance StackToday we have great choices of technologies in web. this talk talks about art of deciding the right tech stack. i will be using myntra as an example and share what we used at myntra to build our pwa. more
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Lecture
Swarup Sengupta Frontend Performance Optimizations @ Booking.comServing more than a million pageviews per minute around the world means a million issues to take care as well. The problem becomes more convoluted when you consider the wide geography, various platforms, wide range of internet speeds and a culturally diverse user base. Also on top of that there are more than a thousand developers/designers who are trying everyday to put better and more features i… more
Technical level: Intermediate
Tejesh P State Machines for Frontend State ManagementThe major complexity of Frontend App Development arises when managing state of DOM, Internal variables, UI controls. Have you wondered if JS code can be architected to manage state without resorting to high learning curve state management solutions like Redux, MobX etc when not needed. Independent of what framework is used, the concepts of State Machines from Automata theory can be applied to you… more
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Lecture
Mohamed Yaseen Vue.Js: IntroductionVue is a progressive framework for building user interfaces.Vue is a library that focuses heavily on the ViewModel---the two-way data bindings that tie what we see and interact with on the screen with the application’s data model. In this way (and as stated on the Vue.js website), the library is “not a full-blown framework - it is designed to be a view layer that is simple and flexible”. more
Technical level: Beginner
Biswajit Pattanayak Write automation tests in your favourite language javascriptWhat is the problem statement? Tests, especially automated tests, are vital to software delivery as they assure stability of the product while the delivery is sprinting through the iterations. However a flaky test in the feedback suite can introduce the ‘broken-window’ syndrome. This is a common observation with the traditional e2e tests written using the most popular tool - selenium. Because of … more
Technical level: Intermediate
Kaleeaswari S Jest for ReactWhy do we even need to test our code? How do we assure each and every line works as expected? How do we know if the code can work end-to-end? How do we know if the code can handle all possible use cases? Modifying or extending the existing code, does it break the existing code? How do we measure the code performance? The answer to all these questions is writing test for the code. more
Technical level: Intermediate
Punit Sethi Improving React App Performance : A Case StudyThis talk shares our experience of performance optimizing our React App. The objective of the presentation is to talk how we measured the performance gain and detail the React & Webpack capabilities we leveraged to improve frontend performance. more
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Lecture
Sudhanshu Yadav ![]() Breaking the Monolithic Front-end (A HackerRank's case study)This talk shares our experience of breaking down the monolithic front-end to more manageable and smaller apps and modules. more
Technical level: Intermediate
Riyaz Walikar Captain Marvellous JavaScript - A look at how hackers use JSThe modern web would be grossly incomplete without JavaScript. While the dev world is using JS to build more user friendly, experience rich, responsive and fast web applications, hackers have been using JavaScript on a parallel trail using the same programming principles as the devs to break implmentations, attack users and servers alike. more
Technical level: Beginner
Ramakrishnan Kandasamy Is your Serverless Application Secure?Serverless is one of the rapidly growing technology in this cloud world. This gives a lot of advantages for the developers & adapters for while managing our applications & code. This also gives a lot of abstractions including in security space. This makes the developers think that their application is secure from all the threats & vulnerabilities. more
Technical level: Intermediate
Abilash Rajasekaran Secure web application - Hands on workshopIn this workshop we will be using the Damn Vulnerable NodeJS Application(DVNA) to demonstrate the OWASP top ten vulnerabilities. Initially participants will try to exploit, then understand and fix the vulnerability. We will use Kali linux to demostrate how to scan and find some of the vulnerabilities. If time permits we will try to explain, how to build secure containerized application and settin… more
Technical level: Intermediate
Sreenadh S Developing End-to-End IoT Applications Using JavascriptJavascript has become more popular now and its being used on all platforms and devices. In this talk, We will answer How Javascript can be used effectively for devloping end to end IoT Applications, not just for prototype? more
Technical level: Intermediate
ramesh ramalingam React - The idiomatic way - WorkshopReact is one of the widely used frameworks in the front-end world. But when it comes to the way it is used, everyone uses React in their one comfortable way and missing the real essence of React & its Components. more
Technical level: Intermediate
Diwanshi Pandey Get started with Web AssemblyWebAssembly is a brand new web technology with massive potential. It will have a significant impact on how web applications are developed in the future. Come and enjoy the talk if you are interested to know how WASM works with Rust and other system level programming languages like C, C++. more
Technical level: Intermediate
Omkar Sheral Making life easy with React View ControllerAdding Controller to the party of Components, Containers, Actions, Reducers... more
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Lecture
Nayanika Dey Latest Buzzword in Industry - 'Progressive Web Apps'The talk would mainly focus on the ‘whats’, ‘whys’ and ‘hows’ of progressive web apps. It would also cover the various caching mechanism used to make any application progressive. It would include a bit of dive into service worker along with its demo. It will also talk about the various challenges in pwa. more
Technical level: Beginner
Leveraging Web Application Vulnerabilities for Resourceful Intelligence GatheringThis talk aims to introduce the audience how web application vulnerabilities can be leveraged for self-sufficient information and intelligence gathering. more
Section: Full talk (40 mins)
Technical level: Beginner
Session type: Demo
Technical level: Intermediate
Session type: Lecture