Fragments 2019

Fragments 2019

State of mobile engineering, state of platforms, hardware and user research.



Accepting submissions

Not accepting submissions

##Who should propose a talk: Fragments is a conference for practitioners, by practitioners. If you are: Leading/working (in) mobile engineering teams Designing apps Conceptualizing specs/building features for products on mobile expand

##Who should propose a talk:

Fragments is a conference for practitioners, by practitioners. If you are:

  1. Leading/working (in) mobile engineering teams
  2. Designing apps
  3. Conceptualizing specs/building features for products on mobile
  4. Working on cutting edge technology that makes engineering for mobile seamless

##Topics for submission:

  1. Deep dive technical talks on Flutter.
  2. AR Core: practical approaches and the business use cases.
  3. Reducing app size to below 10MB and how to cater for lower-end phones.
  4. PWA caching strategies.
  5. ML Kit (ML Kit | Google Developers).
  6. On device ML.
  7. Server-side ML.
  8. Progressive ML, where the fallback is on-device ML when the device goes offline.
  9. Functional programming for mobile.
  10. Coroutines in Kotlin.
  11. Mobile specific user research.
  12. Case studies from teams which have switched away from cross platform approaches.
  13. Use cases for which Native apps work versus use cases where it doesn’t make sense to build Native apps.
  14. Deep dive talks on performance.
  15. Optimising for lower-end hardware.
  16. Future of chatbots for conversations on mobile.
  17. Automating design to code.

##Selection process:

We are interested in case studies and talks which expose participants to new approaches for problem-solving. We typically don’t accept:

  1. How-to talks
  2. Talks on topics which have been covered in previous editions of the conference
  3. Beginner level or introductory talks

Proposals will be shortlisted and reviewed by an editorial team consisting of practitioners from the community. Make sure your abstract contains the following information:

  1. Key insights you will present, or takeaways for the audience.
  2. Overall flow of the content.

You must submit links to videos of talks you have delivered in the past, or record and upload a two-min self-recorded video explaining what your talk is about, and why is it relevant for this event.

You must also submit links to the following along with your proposal:

  1. A detailed outline, or
  2. Mindmap, explaining the structure of the talk, or
  3. Draft slides.

##Honorarium for selected speakers; travel grants:

Selected speakers and workshop instructors will receive an honorarium of Rs. 3,000 for speaking at the conference. Confirmed speakers and instructors also get a pass to the conference. We do not provide free passes for speakers’ colleagues and spouses.

We only offer travel grants to:

  1. Creators of original projects/work that have wide adoption.
  2. Women and persons of non-binary gender who are selected to speak at the conference.

Fragments is funded through ticket sales and sponsorships. Travel grants vary accordingly.

##Important dates:

Fragments conference: 30, 2019

##Contact details:
For more information about speaking, sponsorships, tickets, or any other information contact or call 7676332020.

Hemant Joshi

Customising the RecyclerView

This is a session on customising the recyclerview and introducing complex layouts which can be achieved using recycler view. It will also include recycler view and how to code it using architecture components more
  • Rejected
  • 04 Dec 2017
Technical level: Intermediate

Souvik Basu

Challenges of creating an Android app that Always-listens-to-user

We contributed to an open source app to catch keywords from user interaction and raise notifications. In this session we will discuss the challenged we faced and how we resolved those more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 25 Jan 2018
Technical level: Advanced

Sourabh Gupta (Tech - BLR)

How to Optimize App Size to Below 10 MB

Apk Size is the first impression which user gets when he/she installed the app for the First Time. Talk will be about the practices we have followed in last 2 years to keep a check on our app size and able to maintain it consistently below 10 MB ( Single Digit). more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 22 Feb 2018
Technical level: Advanced

Anirudh Ramanan

Performant and Reflection-Less JSON Parsing using STAG

How to improve the performance of JSON parsing in Android, and why STAG ? more
  • Rejected
  • 14 Mar 2018
Technical level: Advanced

Harshit Dwivedi

Firebase ML Kit : Machine Learning made easy

At I/O 2018, Google released the Firebase ML Kit which creates various exciting opportunities for Android Developers aiming to build smart apps without having to worry about the nitty-gritties of Machine Learning. more
  • Confirmed
  • 24 May 2018
Section: Workshop Technical level: Beginner

Ashok Kumar

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Writing nitty gritty Wear OS applications

The Wear 2.0 and Wear OS is a prominent release with many exciting features to work with. In this session i will show how interesting it is to develop applications for Wear devices and i will make the audience to think of building thier wear companion applications for their exsisting android applications. more
  • Rejected
  • 24 May 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Tushar Dhole (Gulhane)

A Drive To Kotlin Coroutines

In this talk we will understand what actually a coroutine is. The internal working of coroutine. I will also talk about coroutine and thread coparision. more
  • Rejected
  • 19 Jul 2018
Technical level: Intermediate

Anup Cowkur

Asphalt - GO-JEK's design language system

Design language systems help unify design and maintain consistency across multiple products and become quite useful to teams that have reached a certain scale. This talk is intended for designers and developers who want to learn about what design systems are and the lessons we learnt at GO-JEK while trying to build our own. more
  • Rejected
  • 09 Oct 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Beginner

paramvir singh

Evolution of the Mobile ecosystem

I will be talking about the evolution and growth of the mobile development ecosystem focused on Android. The Android development started in 2009 and being fortunate enough to be early adopter of Android I have witnessed the changes and growth of Android development practices, tools and frameworks. In the session, I will talk about the early days and present days comprisons in terms of practices, … more
  • Rejected
  • 30 Oct 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Kanav Arora

Solving for multiple events in mobile Applications

As mobile applications scale, there are third party assets which might want to track client behaviour. These requirements usually come from product managers/marketeers who are business heavy in their specifications but are implemented by developers who have a technology bias supported by existing engineering stack and infrastructure choices. To bridge this gap is a difficult and complex problem. … more
  • Rejected
  • 19 Nov 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Katherine Green Proposing

What’s New in Android Straight From Google

Android App Bundle, Jetpack, Kotlin, Slices, and App Actions - oh my! This session will dive into all things Android development. Join a Google expert to hear the top 5 most important things in the developer ecosystem right now and how you can best prepare yourself and your team for the future. more
  • Rejected
  • 12 Dec 2018
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Andrew Murphy

Human Centered Leadership - Emotional Intelligence for the Technical Mind

There’s a huge problem in our industry, I call it “inertia-driven leadership”. more
  • Rejected
  • 06 Jan 2019
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Andrew Murphy

Communicating anything to anyone. How to communicate effectively and efficiently

Everyone thinks they are a good at communication, but... how many times have you been at an event talking to someone you really didn’t want to talk to? Been sold to by someone who didn’t get that you weren’t interested? more
  • Rejected
  • 06 Jan 2019
Section: Workshop Technical level: Intermediate

Andrew Murphy

The power of saying "I don't know"

It’s something we all struggle with, admitting we don’t know something. But I’m here to show you the power of saying “I don’t know” to people. more
  • Rejected
  • 06 Jan 2019
Section: Crisp talk Technical level: Intermediate

Kumar Rangarajan

Building Next Generational Voice Augmented eXperiences for mobile apps

Voice based interactions are rapidly gaining mainstream acceptance. And the current state of the art is to build skills or actions behind popular voice assistants like Alexa, Google Assistant. But apps are still the most popular channel for brands to connect to their customers. What if we could bring the convenience of Voice and marry them with the power of visual experiences that Apps provide? T… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 05 Feb 2019
Section: Full talk Technical level: Beginner

Shubham Aniket Pachori

Designing High Growth Products

Designing products which grow exponentially in user base is a lost art. We design and develop apps which hit a slack in growth after a while, because they are not designed keeping two fundamental concepts in mind - user don’t buy your product they hire your product and the product we develop should stick with the user. This talk aims at giving a detailed framework for understanding your user’s ne… more
  • Rejected
  • 15 Feb 2019
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Abinash Mohapatra (Engineering - Platform Engineering)

Image uploads for mobile web

Uploading images to user reviews came up as yet another task. But once I delved into the challenges and areas of improvement, I found it to be quite challenging. EXIF, resampling, encoding to other formats all on the client !!! And doing all of this while keeping the main thread free, thats the challenge I’m solving. Bonus: some WebAssembly magic too !! more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 01 Feb 2019
Technical level: Advanced

Ratul Sarna

MVI architecture on Android without RxJava

Unidirectional data flow patterns such as MVI are catching up steam in the Android community as they give provide a cleaner way to develop and debug frontend applications. But working with such a pattern requires a reasonable level of proficiency with reactive streams like RxJava. My talk would help build a similar pattern without using RxJava and instead using only Android Architecture Component… more
  • Rejected
  • 19 Feb 2019
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Priyanka Sabhagani

Which one is for me? React native or flutter or native?

With cross platform development gaining popularity, it might be difficult for you to choose if you should go with React Native or Flutter. At BookMyShow, we’re using React Native in production and exploring Flutter capabilities. In this talk, I would like to share my experience, pros and cons for React native vs Flutter with the help of statistical information on performance. I will also give a d… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 18 Feb 2019
Technical level: Intermediate


Architectures with Kotlin Multiplatform

In the current wave of cross platform solutions, Kotlin’s multiplatform is shaping up to be a unique proponent of code reuse. Unlike write once run everywhere, Multiplatform offers a unique space of reusability and formalization of code across platforms and also removes dependency on custom VMs or runtime. Modern apps are build on top of abstractions and architectures which make sure code-bases r… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 26 Feb 2019
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Ragunath Jawahar

Adopting web front-end architectures for native mobile apps

Key takeaways, Audience will be able to use a framework to evaluate different front-end architectures. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 26 Feb 2019
Section: Birds of Feather (BOF) session Technical level: Advanced

Ragunath Jawahar

Building predictable and high performance workflows for mobile app development

Key takeaways, Understand how architecture and workflows affect team throughputs in terms of timeline and quality. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 26 Feb 2019
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Vinay S Shenoy (@vinaysshenoy)

Building flexible and testable applications

Key takeaways: Recognise seams in their respective platforms. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 27 Feb 2019
Section: Full talk Technical level: Intermediate

Chetan Sachdeva

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Challenges with Flutter and how to combat them

There has been a lot of talks around why Flutter is hot, revolutionary and how people can have one code for all their apps, agreed. However, people don’t generally talk about challenges faced when writing a production ready Flutter app. For example, there can be times when you need to understand the alternative platform when writing platform channels. Picking up the right architecture for your ap… more
  • Rejected
  • 03 Mar 2019
Section: Crisp talk Technical level: Intermediate

Chetan Sachdeva

Is your Droid a polyglot?

When building at scale, one needs to focus on the next billion. Writing for native markets can be challenging. In this talk, I’ll expound on how to make your apps ready for different ethnicities, languages, cultures, developed/developing markets etc. I will emphasise on the gotchas and how tos when writing an app which embraces diversity. more
  • Rejected
  • 03 Mar 2019
Section: Crisp talk Technical level: Intermediate

Priyanka Sabhagani

Why you should evaluate Firebase for your application?

This talk will give you a brief about different features Firebase provides, with some demo on features like: Authencation, In-app messaging, Remote config. It will topics on How can you use Firebase for marketing? Analytics? more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 22 Feb 2019
Technical level: Beginner

Imran Mohammed

Responsive UI with Constraint and Motion Layout

ConstraintLayout is new way to build responsive Android UI. ConstraintLayout(CL) has been in beta development for over 3 years, stable version released just over a year ago. ConstraintLayout allows you to create large and complex layouts with a flat view hierarchy. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 04 Mar 2019
Section: Full talk Technical level: Advanced

Shivaraj Patil

Improve App Visibility/Downloads in PlayStore

Improve App Visibility/Downloads in PlayStore In this session I will be sharing my experice about how I used google play console tools effectively and improved my app downloads from 50 downloads/day to 1000+ downloads/day. Key takeaways from this session are you can run experiments effectively, globalise your app & more light on what all are the important factors that matters to improve your app’… more
  • 1 comment
  • Rejected
  • 11 Mar 2019
Section: Crisp talk Technical level: Intermediate

Ajin Asokan

Flutter - Zero to Production in 3 months - Building India's Biggest Trading Platform.

Zerodha is India’s biggest retail stock broker, known more as a fintech company than a broking company. Our flagship web and mobile trading apps, Kite, generate 3+ million orders a day, the largest in the industry, contributing to over 10% of all retail volumes across Indian stock exchanges. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 18 Mar 2019
Technical level: Advanced
Hybrid access (members only)

Hosted by

How do you make a great mobile experience? Explore with Fragments. Follow Fragments on Twitter more