Fragments 2019

Fragments 2019

State of mobile engineering, state of platforms, hardware and user research.



Andrew Murphy


Communicating anything to anyone. How to communicate effectively and efficiently

Submitted Jan 6, 2019

Everyone thinks they are a good at communication, but... how many times have you been at an event talking to someone you really didn’t want to talk to? Been sold to by someone who didn’t get that you weren’t interested?

These are examples of bad communication and they all have a few things in common, they weren’t efficient and they weren’t effective.

They didn’t go into the communication with the right mindset and the right preparation

Also, sorry to say it, but your own communications probably suck too. But after this workshop you’ll have a leg up on your competition: you’ll know your communication sucks... and you know how to fix it.


Bad communication, and why it happens
What’s the right mindset to have
What’s the right preparation to do
Examples of efficient and effective communication
I will take you through my number 1 and number 2 rules for efficient and effective communication.

Speaker bio

I combine my 13 years of professional software engineering experience with a passion for leadership and communication skills. My main focus is on how we can be better technical leaders and developers by focusing on learning the skills most of us ignore - communication and leadership skills.

Originally from the UK but now based in Australia, I have consulted, performed workshops and developed software for clients across the UK, Australia, New Zealand and the United States.

Technology in all its forms is part of my makeup and so I code, speak, write, teach, make, game and listen to all things geek


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